Becoming a Pokemon Professor


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys

We are a couple of guys who would love to start our own league.
I have been searching like crazy and as far as I can tell I have to become a professor.

Trouble is that I can't seem to find too much info regarding this, on the official site. It says that I have to log in to submit my request and take the test... When I click the link I just end up on my profile, can't seem to find any "submit button" nor "take-the-test button".

What I'm I doing wrong?

I would also like to know if I have to have knowledge about the VG? I do not play this at a competitive level, I only play these games casually.

Final question. On the official site it states that I/we have to; "Staff at least 6 events per year in certification-appropriate role" to retain my potential role as a professor. I'm not sure how to interpret this?

Thanks in advance. :)

All the best

This page on the official site should give you all the information you need. You have to be 18+ to register, and to register you need to create a Trainer Club account. Once you've made the account, you'd need to find the Professional Play section (or whatever it is now called) and take the exam. If you pass, you will become a professor, but if you fail, you'll have to wait a few months before you can take the exam again. Make sure to be well read on Pokemon TCG rulings for both tournaments and card combinations, and good luck!
Thank you so much for your reply bbninjas. :)

Unfortunatly, I have been on that exact page several times now(followed your link). I have the regular tcgo account, is that it? Or do I have to create another account?
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards
Here's how to find the Professor Exam.
  1. Log in to your Trainer Club Account on
  2. Click on your Trainer Club Avatar Image.
  3. Go to Trainer Settings (
  4. If you don't see a "Professors" Tab but see a "My Play! Pokemon" tab, click on the Play! Pokemon tab. If you see the Professor's tab, then click on it and you can find information there.
  5. You will need a Play! ID. If you haven't created one, you can create one in your My Play! Pokemon tab, or one of the tabs similar to it. Once you've made that, the Professors tab should pop up.
I can't help with where to find the links, but once you log into your account you should find something in the left sidebar that brings you to a page about the Professor Program. They've changed the test quite a bit since I first took it, but I believe there are some very basic VGC questions along with some open-ended style questions about why you want to be a Professor, etc. It can take a very long time for some people to be approved, especially now that TPCi is slammed with Pokemon GO.

The six events they're looking for are things like local tournaments and maybe League Challenges for new Professors, nothing big or too stressful. I actually had my Professor status lapse because I applied without having a place to judge initially, but am now involved regularly at an awesome local card store. If you start a League you'd have no trouble meeting the requirement to stay active :)
Thank you so much.

I really appreciate it. :)

I will take the test very soon. Just need to study a bit before I do. :)