Best Anime Fail quotes

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meowth14 said:
In yesterdays episode, Ash said something like this during the battle: "When you have lemons, you make lemonade and that's what we do!"
I didn't understand that at all. :p

Derived from the expression "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Or something like that. Sounds really failish the way Ash said it though.
FireMeowth said:
"Both of Ash's Pokémon are Water types and they're totally weak against Fire types!" - Brock
EDIT: Oh, and Ash's Pokémon were Totodile and PHANPY.

Oh man, really? XD

If you know what episode that is from, please tell me. : D
dragonspy900 said:
Brock: "I didn't know vikings still existed".
Ash: "They mostly live in Minnesota".

Someone was thinking about football when they wrote that. And of course, Ash always seems to say something stupid.
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