Best Card Sleeves

I use Ultra Pro sleeves with plain colors and they're perfectly fine. The POP ones recently kill the corners though when I shuffle.

dmaster out.
The corners of the card or just the sleeve, also Dmaster if it's the cards how much are the Ultra Pro ones usually?
Favorite POP Sleeve would have to MD Sleeves/Darkrai.
Oh, corners of the sleeve. Lol, the cards are always protected, but the sleeves need more protection. x_x

$10 for 50 sleeves IIRC. Which means you'd have to buy two for a deck...They're still good quality though, and I'm sure there are more expensive ones...

dmaster out.
I can't remember exactly, but I know it wasn't two bucks. ;[

dmaster out.
GHJamesGH said:
I'd rather them not have pictures of Pokemon on them.

z-man said:
Dragon shield is my favorite brand of sleeves. They are more expensive, but I bought 2 sets of them (enough for 3 decks) 2 years ago and I've not had to replace them. Not only that, but none of them are damaged.
Dragonshields are nice and all for awhile. They don't fray at the edges like some sleeves do, but they do gather little particles of dirt and dust on them which turn into what appear to be miniature smears of... black stuff. It's really nasty, and makes the cards sticky and kinda hard to shuffle.

I personally find that the Rotom sleeves hold up the best. Medaf says the Japanese sleeves are pretty high quality too, but I've never seen/used them.
Mrs. Aforcer said:
GHJamesGH said:
I'd rather them not have pictures of Pokemon on them.

z-man said:
Dragon shield is my favorite brand of sleeves. They are more expensive, but I bought 2 sets of them (enough for 3 decks) 2 years ago and I've not had to replace them. Not only that, but none of them are damaged.
Dragonshields are nice and all for awhile. They don't fray at the edges like some sleeves do, but they do gather little particles of dirt and dust on them which turn into what appear to be miniature smears of... black stuff. It's really nasty, and makes the cards sticky and kinda hard to shuffle.

I personally find that the Rotom sleeves hold up the best. Medaf says the Japanese sleeves are pretty high quality too, but I've never seen/used them.

I don't want sleeves with Pokemon on them that aren't ones in the deck.
The Empoleon, torterra, and Infernape sleeves are cool. I've used the DP Lucario sleeves for 2 years and they're still useful and in good condition. The sleeves I use the most right now are dragon shields. Those are really good sleeves.
i use the japanese giratina sleeves. they're not PR sleeves because there was a shaymin one aswell.
i mostly use psychic pokemon and the insides of the sleeves are pink so they always look awesome on my cards.
If your looking for durable, Dragon Shields are the way to go. I had Gold ones that lasted me from I think 2005 to about this winter. They were ratty but they lasted a long time.
Dragon Shields. I've heard from people, and I know 1 person who's used his since Fall BR's this year, hasn't changed his sleeves once. They never rip or anything, unless you PURPOSEFULLY try to. :p
What I use:
Dragon Sheild-has lasted me 10years & still going strong.
Player's Choice
Jp Pokémon Center one's (Origin-Tina & Landmin)
Pokémon Pre-Release ones
Penny Sleeve's-mainly for YGO side decks...or double sleeveing.
Dragon Shields are my favorite out of the box, however Ultra Pro sleeves(Not the Japanese Ultra-Pro, the ENGLISH) last years. We have the first two sets we bought when we started playing, and I've been play testing in them all season long. They are durable, and do not attract as much dirt as the Dragon Shield or other smoothed sleeves.
fortegoddx said:
what are the pre-release ones?

Ones that you get when you go to a Pre-release.
There are blue Lucario ones, black Electivire ones, black Weavile ones, black Darkrai ones, teal Leafeon/Glaceon ones, orange Regigigas ones, red Dusknoir ones, gray Giratina ones, and blue ones with all the Rotoms on them. (Phew)

I really like Dragon Shields, and I use them in Tournaments, but I use plain Ultra-pro most of the time, as they are easier to shuffle.
ultrapro look alot better then dragon shield but they split alot.
i prefer dragon shield there more expensive but you have to try to split them to even damage them at all.