Best Cards in Majestic Dawn!


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What are the best cards in Majestic Dawn? Which ones will be used in decks?

Garchomp LV.X is one of the best cards in the set.

The Eeveelutions, Empoleon and Phione. Let's hear it for variety in this format! It's been a long, long season, but FINALLY, there is something OTHER than GG and Magmortar!

Eeveelutions, fossils, empoleon, and the four lv.x
i think this expansion is as good as secret wonders!
phinoe, leafeon X, glaceon X, infernape, empoleon, and thats it! i get a box thursday!
Chatot, Omastar, Mom's Kindness (J/K), Hippowdon, Infernape, and the legendary birds.
Aww, come on, who doesn't like Porygon Lvl X? :p I thought it was sort of nifty, not having any attacks of its own. The poke-powers were amazing!

Also, pretty much what everyone else said- Fossilutions are simply fantastic, eeveelutions are also great, as well as the Lvl X's. Oh yeah, and Garchomp Lvl X was a ripper!

The Emploeon is gonna set a new standard for sniping decks as well, so that's also good.

I don't know why everyone disliked this set in the first place! :p
Phione, Call Energy, Empoleon, and the Fossils are the best cards in Majestic Dawn. Close runner-ups include Bronzong, Moltres, Zapdos, the Eevees, and the lv.xs.
well I found Leafeon Lv.X very good its like a new blissey,Torterra is also very good if you play it right. I made a deck out of these two pokemon and its very good.
the eeveelutions is the main reason why i did not join the prerelease.i think the legend awakened is probably the best set in coming.
Upon further review I would have to put Zapdos in the top five cards of Majestic Dawn along with Garchomp LV.X, Phione, Call Energy, and Leafeon LV.X.
I would probably say that the holo rare Phione, along with all the amazing Eevee support are probably the best cards in MD. Though I'm rather partial to the new Empoleon as well.