Best deck choice for cities


Gengar will banish you to the Lost Zone.
What is the best deck for cities?

I mean here is what I expect us to see:

-Raichu X variants
-What else?

I expect machamp to BE DEADLY! But what can beat it?

Your thoughts about the decks for cities...
I'm thinking of going Scizor, just because it's Fast. Or a Gengar variant.

If I get the right cards in time, I'll go with Machamp.

But my gut is telling me to go with Tyranitar.

Hard choices, hard choices. So many decks to choose from.
But almost everything is PWN3D by machamp...AMU, T-Tar, Raichu, almost everything!
By what? And vespiquen cherrim is not that bad...


I just got a pretty good idea! Since kingdra is slowly dying, Rhyperior X may be a good choice at Cities, with 170 HP and the capability to do 250 damage with no energy is pretty awesome. Then, with the discarded use his second attack for 60 and keep your deck alive!
Rhyperior X sux... Stage 2 X as main attacker = no-no unless its magnezone because magnezone has gotten so much support.

Machamp isn't great either. Try torterra. That thing will simply be a beast. It has a good machup against almost everything in format. T-tar won't be that great. People can play without using powers if they know you won't take advantage of them any time soon.

Gengar seems to be worth playing.
Yeah...Rhyperior is actually great if you know how to play it right...hey Spirit of Mew can get it out T2 and so can I...80 T2 and 170 HP is not so bad!

Torterra is pretty good, but it is not really that fast...
Well, there really is no best deck, it depends on how well you can play a deck.
Torterra is probably going to be the best deck to play. It doesn't have a bad match up, and even against weakness it stands a chance. With pokehealers this deck just gets better also. Sure it might look slow, but when it sets up it's really hard to derail a deck that can do constant 100 damage every turn.
True...All right, I can play torterrable, my own style and hopefully it will do well.

These are the decks I want to play:

Raichu X + Electivire
-Tyranistar (w/weavile)
-Leafeon LV X + Sceppy,

~POSSIBLY Vespiquen + Cherrim~

Torterrable sounds like the most fun, Tyranistar is mean and spreads, Duskzong also spreads, Raichu X is strategic, Leafeon/Sceppy abuses energy, Torterrible is tough, and Vespiquen/Cherrim is funny, healing 60 damage per turn...
I been play testing Raichu and if you do 4-3-1 (Pikachu,Raichu SF,Raichu Lv.x) the deck has a better chance of winning. If you focus on the energy ball rather then Raichu Lv.x voltage shooting then the deck goes off by turn 2 (if you get a Raichu,Electivire, and a Felicity). If you focus on Raichu Lv.x voltage shooting then it takes 3 turns to charge him up to shoot, so rather then using SF Raichu the MT one is the better choice. Playing a 3-2-2 line works rather well, but it's mostly playing catch up, which isn't bad considering you attack 2 times when you Lv up.
Umm... Machamp is beatable...

I'm playing all-around T-Tar, as I get to see OHKOs
Gliscor looks good this format considering blissey, T-tar, and Raichu are all weak to him; but I'm sure that someones going to play water (Empoleon, Froszong, and Kingdra). If Gliscor gets a lock or can start tag playing then he has a good chance of winning.
greenbeetless said:
I been play testing Raichu and if you do 4-3-1 (Pikachu,Raichu SF,Raichu Lv.x) the deck has a better chance of winning. If you focus on the energy ball rather then Raichu Lv.x voltage shooting then the deck goes off by turn 2 (if you get a Raichu,Electivire, and a Felicity). If you focus on Raichu Lv.x voltage shooting then it takes 3 turns to charge him up to shoot, so rather then using SF Raichu the MT one is the better choice. Playing a 3-2-2 line works rather well, but it's mostly playing catch up, which isn't bad considering you attack 2 times when you Lv up.

I also run Raichu/Electivire and for the most part it is consistent and a good deck
By what? Machamp can be beaten by anything.

And how are you going to say Torterra isn't fast? All Torterras I've seen can get Torterra out T2 with Sceptile and start hitting for 100 already with no draw backs.
Torterra is fast if it goes off, but once in a while he doesn't go off and the road for set up is slow, but normally even if he has a bad time setting up he always comes back with Forest Murmur.
I'll be playing a Dusknoir snipe variant. I don't know whether it's good or not (yet) but it doesn't seem to have many bad matchups. Good weakness, only T-tar in this format is a threat but T-tar needs a hell of a lot of support, most of which I will snipe down easily. Dusknoir DP helps to keep the bench small while Dusknoir #1 SF helps to drop big damage on the big hitters. Very nice and easy-to-use deck imo. Might be a tad slow since #1 needs to use his own Power a few turns in a row...but that also gives the deck setup.
And yeah, Torterra also doesn't have many bad matchups now with added speed from the SF Torterra. Neither does Gengar. Or Kingdra. Heck, even with Raichu around, Kingdra is still a good deck.
I have decided to play my Magnechu deck. And I think Dusknoir decks might be the most popular.
Dusknoir is popular, but it's not necessarily the best deck for cities. Just try to play against your meta and you should be fine, but make sure it can still beat its weakness.