Best deck for BRs?

So what's the best on?

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Ra2xse said:
during the unown V attacking your opponent can draw too many prizes

That's why they invented Unown U.

And yaaay, somebody else plays TurnCruel! :D

But the best deck for Battle Roads is obviously Flariados.
Zelos said:
There are too many viable decks this time around. It's impossible to tell who's going to win.

There are only two things I'm sure of:

1. AMU is seriously overrated.
2. There will be more Kingdra counters than Kingdra.

Exactomundo. Which means, I'll be running a counter, to a Kingdra counter. Pwahaha. I'm really leaning towards 1 of my decks, but not sure yet. I'll just see what the metagame is at my BR's before choosing a deck. If it is Kingdra/Empo, then I know what deck I'll be running. No saying what it is though lol, but if I win, I'll be writing that article. =]
More Kingdra counters than Kingdra? Seriously, have we lost our senses to fear? Kingdra already faces bad matchups against even some non-counter decks. And you're telling me people are running counters because of Kingdra?

Get real people.
LeafTile IMO is the best deck for BRs, with a good list seting up by turn 3 is a breeze. And a Turn later you're able to KO any poke, except Rhyperior and Wailord. KIngdra also is a decent choice, though the Leafeon Match-up is very bad. The only way I can imagine Kingdra doing good against Leafeon is with a 2-2 Mothim and that only makes the mach 55-45 in Leafeon's favor. With that being said a very good Luxray can hold its own against those decks, so that might be a good deck to play too.
If this list is all your BR consist of, I'd go with speed BeVile for sure.
But seriously, just play what you feel most comfortable playing. If you love shiny cards on your side of the field, play AMU (or MeatLoaf if you're cheap). If you don't like them on your opponent's side of the field, play Luxray. That narrowed it down quite a lot, huh?
Well, you have Kingdra. Something that counters Kingdra would be called a Kingdra counter. For example, Leafeon counters Kingdra almost completely, so it would be defined as a Kingdra counter (same as Luxray, I think).
Ya, Luxray and Eeveeluutions have good Kingdra Mach-ups, Also Scorpio can win Kingdra with good play... and 3 Mr.Mimes in list (gets both out, so Regige can't do anything...)
airconditioning said:
Well, you have Kingdra. Something that counters Kingdra would be called a Kingdra counter. For example, Leafeon counters Kingdra almost completely, so it would be defined as a Kingdra counter (same as Luxray, I think).

just because leafeon has -20 resistance doesnt mean it completely counters the deck
its just basically a good match up for leafeon to play kingdra
Umm, Bind Down reduces damage by another 20, making your seahorse only doing 20 and a 20 spread. Which is quite pathetic. Not too mention Leafeon can 2HKO with a PlusPower. If you have the Level X out, Kingdra will 6HKO Leafeon. And by that time, I've KO'd 2-4 of your Kingdras and powered up another one.

Anyway, I think Magnezone or Leafeon will win more BRs than the others, even though I'm rooting for spread decks, especially Yanmega variants. Spread decks, ftw!
trevorispro said:
just because leafeon has -20 resistance doesnt mean it completely counters the deck
its just basically a good match up for leafeon to play kingdra

Kingdra's damage output is pathetic enough as is. Doing 40 damage per turn for two discards is pretty sad- and don't forget about Leaf Guard, which brings Kingdra to a crawl.
I just got back from my BR's, and the AMU decks all were 2-4. Seriously overrated there. I used froslass and went 4-2. First game to a REALLY BAD start (lone Bronzor & snorunt with 5 of the 15 energy's in my deck), anyway, donked. And the second I lost to Kingdra, NOT because it was better. I had 1 prize left to his 3. But 4 of the cards in his hand happened to be pluspowers at the end of the game, and a serious oversight on my part cost me the game.
So, Kingdra seems overated to me as well.
(Hardest match for me was a Butterfree) XD stupid heal