Best Deck In Format?

^Japan also has what, 6 sets on us? Seriously, you can't count anything in Japan as a deck. Pow/admin makes magmortar redonkulous.
dragon9 said:
Lol, Grass decks have always failed. No offence. Magmortars flames will be put out by Empoleon. But I believe G+G and Plox will live on. UK Nationals is a tough one to call. We have like 10 Great Players here in Seniors division, we'll see what wins here.
And yet with all the water pressure coming out, magmortar will be dead. And then grass decks will come out to beat emp. Grass decks have always and will always beat GG/Plox. I think I lost only once in 10+ games with my old torterra list against plox. Sceptile and leafeon also kill Plox. Emp kills Plox badly. Even tech dugtrio (wasted tech btw) won't do much. Garchomp, with a good list, has about a 65-35 matchup against Plox. Just need to get out consecutive Garchomps (good lists can do this easily) and you overwhelm them.