Best Deck this season


It seems to be Kingdra because of all the synergy he gets with himself. That T2 OHKO isn't friendly, but it seems that Lefeon and Torterra decks have been consecutively showing up to shut down kingdra. Also empzong seems to be still strong this format with the teched in froslass, but is that the best deck? Is Magmortar out this season also?

I personally believe that kingdra is one of the most consecutive decks out there. It can also be teched with so much stuff like Aerodactyl, Blissey, and Alakazam.

Nonetheless the beast can be stopped with Luxray, Electrivire, and other decks made to counter the meta at the moment.

So what deck do you think is the best this season?
Too early to say. With StormFront coming out soon,
I'd say they will be atleast 30 varieties of decks out there.

Dusky/Gengar FTW.
Being perfectly honest...

I'd say Torterra/Scep is the best deck right now.

Despite the power Kingdra had over BRs, I think Torterra is just waiting in the shadows, waiting to dominate over Kingdra. And with the new SF Torterra, setup just got a heck of alot easier!
There is no "Best Deck".
It all depends on your skill level , cards you have and what your meta is.
The Best Deck would be a deck that you can play well and that would destroy your meta.
Yes there is.

Last season, it was established that Empoleon was the best deck. Even Jason agreed to that.
That was last season.
People need to understand this season won't be like the last , No deck will take over like GG did.
(Randy-Arnold) said:
That was last season.
People need to understand this season won't be like the last , No deck will take over like GG did.

I have a feeling that a new GG maybe revived. Not neccesarily Gardy-Gallade but something that will dominate the entire format like GG did.
(Randy-Arnold) said:
That was last season.
People need to understand this season won't be like the last , No deck will take over like GG did.

Wha? Lolno. I didn't say GG was the best. And besides, you haven't even seen the format; how are you so sure?
Because , I know the cycle and I can tell by looking at IFDS.
Also , I give GG as a example.
(Randy-Arnold) said:
Because , I know the cycle and I can tell by looking at IFDS.
Also , I give GG as a example.


IFDS isn't the only new pack. Who knows, the set after GC, could give the next dominant deck. It's just too early to predict.
At this moment i would say a well built AMU can win almost ever game (also there must be a skilled player playing it but DUH on that)
Being political and saying there isn't a best deck out there wasn't the question. The question was what do you think is the best deck for this season?

It would seem at the moment that Kingdra is the best deck this season due to the pure number of wins in battle roads, but time will tell. I personally think Gengar is going to be an interesting deck when SF comes out.
(Randy-Arnold) said:
Because , I know the cycle and I can tell by looking at IFDS.
Also , I give GG as a example.

And there's at least three more sets after that before worlds?! Please...

Greenbeetless, just becuase Kingdra is winning doesn't mean that it's the best deck. Honesty, the Torterra vs Kingdra matchup is 60-40, assuming both lists are excellent. Torrterra is a quick tank and can OHKO any Kingdra after a Vigorious Dash. And Forest Murmurs doesn't help Kingdra.
Empoleon lost popularity and is one of the least hyped decks and nobody plays it...

But it's one of the best.
But it's still lost most of its steam. The loss of special energies like DRE and Scramble really slowed it down.
zyflair said:
But it's still lost most of its steam. The loss of special energies like DRE and Scramble really slowed it down.

DRE and Scramble slowed down ever deck. Decks were too reliant on it thus slowing it down severely in today's meta.
DRE and Sramble didn't slow down Torterra, did it?

Now, Kingdra and AMU don't need it too.
Empoleon not played that often anymore because AMU and kingdra variant outspeed him.
I guess when SF out,T2 deck will be played more often because of more trainers especially great ball and pokedrawer.
And slow set up decks will have really hard time with T2 donk decks like scizor,machamp, and gengar.
Basically, you have to be fast in this format currently.

Even GG was fast at worlds, despite the high energy costs.