Best Deck this season

Just because everyone plays a deck doesn’t mean it’s the best (Kingdra). Kingdra against any good Eeveelutions or Torterra list will get wrecked. AMU doesn’t really have bad match-ups, but isn’t BDIF either. The same goes for Leafeon, Torterra and Frolass (To some extent).

As for my pick of BDIF this format (DP-LA). I’d go for Eeveelutions, I’m biased towards it. But I think Empoleon, Torterra, Froslass and AMU all deserve the spot as well
Well if we look at it like which deck has the least bad match-ups, who's best now? I think Torterra is astounding, and Mag and Infernape just aren't played anymore, so probably that imo. Oh, and I know they obviously are played, but not enough to make running Torterra an ill choice.
i'm going to have to say a GOOD empoleon (only the good ones) or torterra are the BDIF's right now as they can both kill kingdra and hurt AMU.
Who has the best match up between Torterra, AMU, and Empoleon?
My take on it is:
1) Empoleon (Just because of dual splash. Splash wins games)
2) Torterra ( Torterra Lv.x always finds a way to get back into the game with Forest Murmurs.)
3) AMU (Sure this decks fast, but it doesn't seem to be able to stand up against Empoleon's spread and Torterra's massive ability to catch up)
You're correct with the AMU point. The downside for the speed is its lack of holding a few hits.
Not really, AMU have snowpoint temple and that make their hp 100-130 average and if they can outspeed many deck. Unfornately dawn stadium isn't good enough compared to snowpoint temple and no windstorm in this format.
OKay every single popular deck right now has a counter kinda.
Kingdra, has weaknes to torterra ( no turn two kill ) and electivire
AMU, Wailord E haha gl running though
elway said:
Not really, AMU have snowpoint temple and that make their hp 100-130 average and if they can outspeed many deck.

I lol'd.

How does Snowpoint Temple give the AMU Lv X's 100-130 HP? It gives them 110 HP, and how could it vary? o.0

elway said:
Empoleon not played that often anymore because AMU and kingdra variant outspeed him.

ARE YOU KIDDING?! How on earth does AMU actually outspeed anything? It gets a KO every two turns, big deal. Empoleon has a better than 50-50 match-up against AMU, I'm pretty sure.
My bad, it's actually 100-120 hp,it's vary between basic and lv.x version.
Why I think AMU outspeed empoleon? Maybe because of ease AMU set up. All of them are just basic and lv.x ,roseanne and premiere ball get them out fast and they have many option with their attacks and pokepower without heavy need of other pokemon tech like claydol.
Even now many people use azelf and uxie in their decks.
Though we will see machamp and gengar later, their pokepower and basic attribute can be serious hindrance then.
Snowpoint gives MT ones 80 HP, LA ones get 90, and LA Lv. X get 110. There is no inbetween....

But Empoleon vs. AMU is more on the AMU side since they easily outspeed you out, if you do not have the T2 RC Empoleon. But if Empoleon can get going with DS it can easily OHKO any card in the deck with its second attack with a full bench and/or PP/Bucks or after a few DS then use its second attack.

Anyway, I do not think there is going to be 1 single best/dominate deck like last year. I think the format is going to be very open for most of the season.
Even T2 empoleon with rare candy outspeed by Kingdra with just one energy.
3 energy kinda hard to keep on and it will soften your bench pokemon hp too if you get tail flip.

My mistake about snowpoint temple,I thought it give 30 hp.
No one played deoxys and castform? It looks like cute deck.
What about Fossil´s and Bellawesome. A t2 Kabutops can really win a game, especially when combined with Ampharos
Fossils no, T2 Kabutops is OK, its heavy attack and not so good damage keeps it in binders

Bellawsome, I havent seen this deck in action yet, so no comment of that as of yet.
Hmm I think that there will be archtypes but everyone will run a rouge version of the archtypes so it will be diffrent.and YEah star cards will actually see metagame play besides omastar and empoleon haha
Just after looking at GC, I feel dizzy...

Something tells me this format is far from settling.
YEah i just looked at Galatics set.
OMG WTH so cheap most cards so broken maybe they are trying to change the format from how fast to are to how cheap
you can be haha
(Randy-Arnold) said:
Because , I know the cycle and I can tell by looking at IFDS.
Also , I give GG as a example.

Still convinced that you know the cycle, Lion King?

I really have no comment (ok, so I do) about GC. It's unimaginable to see such things. If you told me three years ago such cards would exist, I would've told that you were crazy.