Best Deck this season

yeah, Like UGh the lv X cards are stupid and like the format is gonna change say by to speed hello omg wtf how did you do that is that legal?
how did you do that is that legal?

As if rare candy wasn't bad enough, AMU is seriously going to speed up after GC...
Assuming that it doesn't go away after Stormfront comes in.
AMu will be dead all stormfront Format then when GC comes out it will come back just like Empoleon did, Empoleon died when sw came out and lived again when GE came out
How is AMU going to be dead after Stormfront?

Lol, if you say Machamp. Please do no even respond lol. Machamp is decent, but there is not way that that ONE card is going to stop AMU especially since they can trade OHKO's with Machamp and can easily get set back up.
Machamps wins the amu matchup. The amount of fast grass pokemon beat amu. Dusknoir....nuff said. lol. AMU may see some play but don't expect to have success with it.
But how many Machamp decks are going to be out with Dusknoir and AMU and the endless amount of Psychic decks that are going to be out there?

I am not saying AMU is as good as half these kids are trying to hype up the deck *coughStigmacough* lol. But I really dont see Machamp is going to stop AMU, maybe slow it down, but not stop it.

But yes I agree:
Torterra > AMU
Dusknoir > AMU
AMU > Machamp

Thats just my view.
Eh, psychics aren't the play right now. Its definately grass and fire, with a mixture of pretty much every type there is. I actually expect fighting decks to continue to get stronger as the season progress...espically rhypeior....what a stupidly broken card.
Man you guys are talking about AMU like it only has room for basic pokemon. There are already different variations to AMU like AMU/Gardy which got third place at my BR. Then again that deck got wrecked by Kingdra/Aerodactyl.
Yea, Grass and Fire are on the rise, especially since these crazy good Grass Pokemon coming out in SF. But once the Feb set comes out with Shaymin...there are going to be sooo much grass out there lol.

Anyway, I do not really see how Psychic arent the play, maybe not right now, but at least soon it will be. But I do not really see much more fighting decks coming up, even if Rhyperior is a broken tank card.
Rhyperior is cool and all, but really how consistent can a deck get when it has anywhere from 18-27 energy. I really wish Fighting decks where competitive. The only deck i can see running at the moment is with Lucario, and thats just because hes a really good sniper and his lv.x is sort of unfair the turn it comes out and knocks something out. Well then again there is Gliscor.
RYhperior will get big when the CG delcatty comes out so just wait.
And AMU doesnt just get out played because of Machamp a lot of things out speed it fast hitters and
a bunch of counter combos
Pokepower dependant deck like AMU will become so risky after GC coming out. Decks like AMU will be trashed easily with 30 spread damage by manetric GC with measly 30 energy, Ampharos GC just make it worse.

After SF, AMU should use 4 unown G for many matchup with gengar and machamp.
greenbeetless said:
Rhyperior is cool and all, but really how consistent can a deck get when it has anywhere from 18-27 energy. I really wish Fighting decks where competitive. The only deck I can see running at the moment is with Lucario, and thats just because hes a really good sniper and his lv.x is sort of unfair the turn it comes out and knocks something out. Well then again there is Gliscor.
Between delcatty and dialigia, I don't see rhyperior not drawing a prize every time it attacks....and since it takes 6 energy to attack...:/ Just need a reasonable way to shuffle those energy back into the deck (as his 2nd attack is very slow and meh).
elway said:
Pokepower dependant deck like AMU will become so risky after GC coming out. Decks like AMU will be trashed easily with 30 spread damage by manetric GC with measly 30 energy, Ampharos GC just make it worse.

After SF, AMU should use 4 unown G for many matchup with gengar and machamp.

Disagree with the AMU vs Amphy/Maneletric.

Mesperit LV.X can stall back with Healing Look and stalling for AMU is actually better, since you let them easily swarm about.
Amphymannlectric is OWNED by cards that have not pkmnpowers...Honestly. Any how I can't really say what the best deck will be or is now. There are and will be so many uber decks that one cannot be pointed out as the best, but if you asked me and my deck, we say to watch out for Raichu LV X!
T-Tar Master said:
Amphymannlectric is OWNED by cards that have not pkmnpowers...Honestly. Any how I can't really say what the best deck will be or is now. There are and will be so many uber decks that one cannot be pointed out as the best, but if you asked me and my deck, we say to watch out for Raichu LV X!

And exactly how many decks don't rely on Claydol, Delcatty, Bronzong, or any other Poke-Power? Amphylock with Maneletric is devastating and much faster than you think. The only bad matchup I see is AMU.
What?! No. That's not right.

It you wanted locking, did you always use 2-1-2? Of course not. Amphy's no different, and you'll have to tech it in place of Dusknoir as 1-0-1...

Which one is better though?
i think im gonna make a deck of all techs cause of this haha

1 1 amph
1 1 dusk
1 1 claydol
1 1 Uxie
1 1 Gard
HAHA think itll work?