Best Deck this season

I am haha it seems everyone is gonna ahve those techs though haha prettu mcuh everydeck is the same besides energies and pokemon lines haha like same supporters, Trainers, Techs haha i mean there is no best deck its best whoever can use this layout haha
Currently, yes there is no great deck that's screaming to be used in DP-LA (besides Kingdra). I think people underestimate the use of techs and trainers. If you do not realize that you have to be careful in making a deck, then your list could go bad.
yeah pretty much same set up each deck haha
I cant wait until the day when GE is banend no more claydol or Rare candy haha
Its like they are the new DRE and SCRAMBLES haha
EastbayTrainer said:
I think im gonna make a deck of all techs cause of this haha

1 1 amph
1 1 dusk
1 1 claydol
1 1 Uxie
1 1 Gard
HAHA think itll work?

With RE coming back i think it might actually work.
HAAH seriously ILL run
5 elec
6 psy
3 rck
4 RE
4 Multi
2 1 2 Apmh
2 1 2 Dusk
2 2 clay
1 1 Uxie
2 1 2 1 Gard haha
ill call it Technical Difficulties
Best deck ever:

Skuntank DP, Toxicroak MT, Weezing MT (I think)


Kidding. There is NO best deck out this season. The "best" deck is just whatever you can run and run it well. Kingdra is just easy to play, that doesn't make it the best deck. Rare candy, and 1 energy. Hooray.
does anyone else see DE as a shadow of DRE coming into play. . . just a guess. . . if it does come out hella GG again haha
and KIngdra sucks I made a proxy deck standard set up of pokemon
4-3-4 Kingdra
1-0-1 Duskinoir
2-2 Claydol
1-0-1 bastiodon
2 Regice,
I beat it with my deck its not that good if you know how to survive for one turn haha
and why is everyone all hyped up about CG decks its not gonna be out for so long i mean IFDS isnt even out yet dang people come one give it some time.

Overall it jusy depends on the player haha
EastbayTrainer said:
yeah pretty much same set up each deck haha
I cant wait until the day when GE is banend no more claydol or Rare candy haha
Its like they are the new DRE and SCRAMBLES haha

Rare candy has been reprinted a few times so i believe it will be reprinted again, and as for Claydol. Uxie has already taken his place in some decks.
It would be very Interesting to see Claydol and Rare candy be banned I want to see how good people really can be without staple tech cards, I mean probably Eeveelutions would be very popular, Honchcrow, Pretty much all teh old set decks with stage ones would be popular
stage 2 will survive. you have ts-1 and time space tear when it comes out. you could even use the good phione if you needed. but i think rare candy will be reprinted
it is coming out in galactic conquest. so it will be out by the time everyone is having their nationals next year. stage 2 will survive and cards like this will pretty much be in all decks that run stage 2