Kingdra VS. Magmortar

I'm playing a Magmortar Togekiss deck and my opponent is playing Kingdra -- uh oh!

He starts with a lone horsea and "wins" the coin toss.

I have an amazing first turn... get up to Magmortar, use Togekiss' Serene Grace and... DONK!

Magmortar/Togekiss doesn't usually like Kingdra... but that day, it was OK!

(Sorry Keith!)
my best donk deck was in my city championship. playing my Troterible deck and 3rd match up. My opponent opens up with a bagon and i open with a turtwig. he smash kicks me and i draw a Torterra SF. i have grotle in my hand and BTS. throw done BTS and evolve into Grotle. attach and use Syinthisis to get another energy. he can't do nothing and passes. i then evolve into torterra and use Crash Impact for the game.
My best donk was when I playing against my sister Luxchomp with my Glaceon deck. She started out with a Lucario GL with no bench. I started out with Unown G as my active and no bench either. She won the coin toss, draws and attaches an energy to Lucario. I figure she would set up first and destroy my deck. I go and draw. I realized after drawing I could donk her. I had in my hand a Uxie, an expert belt, a water energy and the card I just drew, warp point. I played Uxie and warp point. I then attached the expert belt and the water energy for the donk. She was quite surprised.
Reigonal Finals 2009 Game 2 Toxitank (Me) VS Legoes

My lone Skuntank G his lone Azelf LA.

He goes first doesn't do anything. Energy and E-Gain on Skuntank G for 40. Opponent can't donything. Smokescreen ftw.
Played 2nd at Nats 2009 at my league. He goes first with Baltoy, and I have a Baltoy too. I set up 2 Beedrill and flip for the SSU. Put the Baltoy on my Bench, and then use Mass Attack for 60 for the donk.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Got back late from lunch. Sat down got a prize penatly for being late. Going second draw my hand of Trapinich+Candy+Flygon+Upper+Belt and some other stuff. Go second and sand wall his Horsea =].

friend purposely got a prize penalty so he could get T2 plox at a battle road
Ok I've got a new one (sorry andrew but you took to long). Ok my friend is playing a cursegar deck with his ampharous deck. Cursegar goes first, has a lone crobat G, passes. My friend has a lone mareep HGSS, no supporters...but has a DCE+E-belt for the win XD
he had his carvanha out with everything to make a perfect game in his hand. i went second, sent out shiny bagon, flipped 2 heads, he cried.
Hahahha Ryan... XD

Ok i was playing at leauge i had a lone Crobat G start.. I attach and pass... My opponents turn... Mareep DCE, Expert belt KO... I was like WTF!!!!
T2 at HG/SS Prerelease. Staryu vs. Phanpy start. I attach, pass (fearing 10 HP). He does the same. T2: Attach, evovle (Starmie was in my opening hand), do some other crap, then Cosmic Cyclone for 40x2. He cried. I felt bad.:p
Ok a couple of weeks ago at leage I was playing a random deck. Turn one i have a lone luxray GL. I pass. He goes, he has a lone basic, he uses pokemon collector, gets 3 crobat G, flash bite,flash bite,flash bite. Then he plays 3 Poke turn, flash bite,flash bite,flash bite. Then SSU, heads, flash bite, another SSU, tails, ANOTHER SSU (the last card in his hand), heads, flash bite, game. I, what where the odds of that XD.
Mine was a Round 5 Donk in last years Great Lakes Regs. I was 3-1 and got paired up against a 4-0 (Brandon R) Hes playing Dialga/Palkia and I'm playing straight Dialga. He goes first, starts with a lone Mesprit attached and passes. I start with a lone Skunktank. I attach energy and a gain to 'tank, Roseannes for 2 Bats, drop them, turn one, drop it again. Then Smokescreen for 40 after weakness FTW.
I was playing a raticate deck, my opponent opens up with a Garchomp C, all i got is Ratata, PA, he goes first attaches an energy, i top deck an E-belt, attach it, an energy, and flip heads for a 100 damage with weakness and a donk. My opponents face was priceless at that moment. :)
Uxie + Expert Belt to a Hoppip :D

An old one I had was using Machop's LowKick against a Unseen Forces Eevee (40HP)
I know this isn't a "Donk" but it is a very fun play of cards i had a fully powered up infernape lv X and 8 fires in the discard turn 3. my opponent's only Pokemon is a Caterpie HGSS... 30hp X2 fire weakness... need i say more? talk about overkill. :)
I had a Baltoy in the active slot, he goes first, also with Baltoy, attaches energy, gives me the turn.
2 Poke Drawers, Sableye and Warp Point, has a special dark in my hand, game.
Me and my opponent both have a uxie start. I go. attach a call a get a baltoy and an unown G, they go, attach a psychic, hit me for 40. I go, attach a psy energy to uxie, warp point, luciens assignment the energy to unown and hidden power for the win. :)
I was playing on Redshark using Legos against Flyphan. I got lucky and drew and Uxie, Uxie Lv. X, DCE, and Cyrus's Conspiracy. He only had a HGSS Phanpy. I went second. He couldn't to anything first turn. I, however, attached a DCE, Leveled the Uxie up, Cyrus's Conspiracy for Cyrus's Conspiracy, Water Energy, and (I was originally going to pick Palkia G to set up, but then I thought that I could win the game there) SP Radar. Then I used SP Radar for a Crobat G. You can guess what happened next. Crobat G, 70-10=60. Then Zen Blade Donk FTW!!!11