Best EX?

Best EX?

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Aspiring Trainer
I want your opinion on who the best EX is from Next Destinies to Dragon Blade/Blast. (Take into account the cards and decks in which they are used, situations they could be in [use 10th dimension thinking, not one sided "my way is godly" thinking] and how it fairs in the sets to come.

My Top Five List:
1. Darkrai EX: This card, basically single-handedly brought back Dark Pokemon. Giving any Pokemon that has Dark Energy attached free retreat. It has an amazing attack that, take three turns to manually charge, but with Zoroark donking in Dark Toolbox, you have the time, or Darkness Patch him together. And yes, you do want to attack with this Demon, at 90 damage and 30 to one bench, 2HKOing any EX, and if they have an Eviolite attached, Darkrai EX has Darkness Claw. Mewtwo EX? HA! Darkrai EX dominates Mewtwo EX, you need way too many energy to even 2HKO Darkrai EX, (Eight in Mewtwo, Nine if Darkrai EX has Eviolite.) Granite, Terrakion and Groudon EX's OHKO Darkrai with ease, but Darkrai EX has faster charge, and even one turn quicker, could take out your Fighting EX's. My vote is Darkrai EX for #1.

2. Terrakion EX: Finaly, Energy Acceleration for Fighting Pokemon. Terrakion EX is amazing. I see A LOT of Terrakion/Stage Two Fighting Pokemon decks once this is released. I also see Terrakion EX and Donphan Prime, Terrakion EX/Terrakion, Terrakion EX/Landorus, and Terrakion EX/GroudonEX, ahh the possibilities. Terrakion EX stampede's are going to be the next Top Deck because the two Top Decks now are Dark Toolbox and Electric Toolbox, which are both weak to Fighting. The lack of Grass Decks are going to save this Beast from being scarcely played.

3. Groudon EX: I know many of you will question this, but let me explain. Groudon/Landorus. This deck is Evil in this format. And while I know you may think this deck is slow, Exp. Share speeds it up a tad. It's just a spread and dead strategy. Groudon can now do 100 damage every turn, if the active has two damage counters, which should be easy if you start with Landorus, or even attack twice with Groudon.
In the format we are in, where the top two decks are weak to fighting, Groudon is able to have A LOT of fun donking left and right. Luckily, his weakness to Water Pokemon isn't a problem, seeing as how there isn't a Tier one Water deck.

4. Zekrom EX: Let's be honest, He made Zekeels the current format's BDIF. And while Darkrai EX takes over BDIF after DE, Zekeels is still SBDIF. High HP, and with Eels to back him up, great build time, a lot can be said about this amazing card, and all of it is good, EXCEPT Terrakion EX and Groudon EX, they kinda make Zekrom look like a wimp (that's why they're above him.^)

5 pt.1. Rayquaza EX: Eels, Emboar, Typhlosion Prime, you chse the energy accelarator, either way, you can easily do 120+ per turn. Splash it in with Zekrom EX, or Raikou EX, and you can smack your opponent around for a lot quickly and easily. And good luck finding a weakness to counter him, he's weak to about, 10 cards, all but one of which are played.:p

5 pt.2 Raikou EX: Great card IMO, easily played, and very disruptive and powerful. Eels can charge it up quick and Sky-Arrow Bridge cycles between charging Raikou EX's up.

Honorable Mentions
Mewtwo EX: Dark Explorers, fall of Mewtwo EX, Dark Toolbox is resistant and 1-2HKO's it easily. In DB/B, Registeel, if it sees play is resistant and can survive forever against Mewtwo EX, it has trouble against EX's as it is, not that much a pain after DE.
Mew EX: Overpowered Mew Prime, but weak to Mewtwo EX, and OHKO'd by most attackers.
Tornadus EX: Saves CMT from being dropped out of play, but not from Tier 1 drop.
Regigigas EX: Not sure why it doesn't see more play, but I think he has potential.
EliGagerNorris said:
Wait... what happened to that first thread? I made a pretty big post that I would not like to redo...

I managed to accidentally delete it while making a small edit. I was trying to Edit on my Ipod, it selected everything and deleted it when I pressed Save Changes, stupid check box. I am sorry about it deleting your first post, it was my bad.

1. Rayquaza EX. Able to stream super high powered attacks with Eelectrik and Skyarrow Bridge. Pretty deadly.

2. Darkrai EX. Great ability, good attack, great trainer support, great secondary attacker through Zoroark DE... this card has it all. I personally like Rayquaza more but both will most likely be tier one decks in the future.

3. Mewtwo EX. Very easily splashable, can work with any type of energy acceleration, really good damage for just a DCE (obviously depending on your opponent).

4. Raikou EX. Can snipe and kill support Pokemon, streamable through Eelectrik, Max Potion, and Skyarrow Bridge. Also great against Mewtwo EX.

5. Tornadus EX. Easily splashable, good damage for decent energy cost, and most importantly gives Zekeels and such a better chance against fighting decks.

Honorable mentions:

Regigigas EX. Good revenger, splashable. Unfortunately it has a big energy cost and is weak to fighting.

Terrakion EX. Gives fighting type energy acceleration.Unfortunately it takes 3 energy to start accelerating.

Zekrom EX. Great damage, but in my opinion Zekrom and Thundurus already grant what Zekrom EX supplies, and they don't give two prizes.

Probably the worst couple would be:

Mew EX. Interesting ability, but much too low HP to be worth the versatility.

Registeel EX. High energy cost and pretty low damage.

Entei EX. Honestly doesn't provide much, the only deck that can use it is Reshiphlosion, and Reshiram BW pretty much outclasses it.
Zekrom EX didnt made Zekrom/eels the BDIF.
8 Energy needed for Mewtwo to even 2HKO Darkrai ex? Mewtwo needs to do 90, which means 6 Energy or 5 with pluspower. Assuming that darkrai ex already has 3 energy on it, it wont be that hard. Dark toolbox needs alot of resources which arent searchable without twins to get its energy accel going.
My Top 5:

1. Mewtwo
I know people are gonna say "DARK THIS, DARK THAT!" but, I think this because it is the most usable. It has many friends, and makes Zekeels the boss it is. Also CMT. This will be in the format until it's rotated or banned. While it does lose play with Dark Explores. It will still be the most played EX. Also it doesn't need much support to do high damage.

2. Rayquaza
OMG so dram powerful. dicsards 3. kills 180 HP EX. Take two prizes. Usage with Electrik and Skyarrow.

Darkrai is just so usable. I think this might make it to Zekeels so Zekrom EX can have a free retreat cost and refresh itself. This might lose play at the next rotation if Special Darkness Energy isn't reprinted (Chances are that this will NOT be reprinted but there is hope). It's attack isn't that bad either. A big Snipe is what we need.

4. Raikou
Not much to say just snipes for 100, good with eels (well it can only be played with eels). Rotates with Rayquaza between hits, 180 to active 100 to benched.

5. Tornadus
This will kill any opposing Fighting types with ease, a good tech for zekeels, but then Zekeels can use, well most EXs

Honerable Mentions:
(not in any order)

Bad ones:

Most of the EXs will change the format as they are released (Mewtwo, Darkrai and Rayquaza inparticular). Most of them will be played at some point in the format. None are completley unplayable but some won't see the light of Tier 1
1. Rayquaza: Can Do knock out anything in the format, with or without eviolite, by discarding 4 Energy.
2. Darkrai: Can counter Mewtwo. My dream Come true. I made a dark deck, andd know there is something else to put into it.
3. Mewtwo: Everyone know's why
4. Raikou: It can snipe anywhere, and works perfectly with eels
5: Tornadus: can donk alot.
6. Reshiram: It is awsome, and It is good. If only we had better Fire Acceleration From The hand...
7: Zekrom: It's in one of the BDIFs
Notable: Terrakion, Groudon, Regigigas, Registeel, Shaymin, Ho-oh, Mew.
Bad: Giritina, Kyogre, and any others.
1. Rayquaza: Boss.
Nuff said...

nah JK:
2. Darkrai: As everyone else has said, great trainer support, and overall just good.
3. Tornadus: Great donk potential.
4. Regigigas: IMO, this is a very underrated card. Should see a lot more play than it does...
5. Mewtwo: Obvious reason is obvious.
1. Mewtwo-- Goes in any deck
2. Raquaza-- Kills everything very, VERY fast.
3. Everything beyond this point requires a deck based around it, so almost everything is equal. Everything here is also countered by things other than themselves.
My top 5:

1. Rayquaza EX- When played with Eels, it can just dominate the format by OHKOing everything that steps in its path. Also, it can be played with Max Potion because very few cards can KO it.
2. Mew EX- Will keep Durant alive because it can walk through Heatmor.
3. Mewtwo EX- Just plain good. X Ball can OHKO a ton and it can end a game in a few turns.
4. Terrakion EX- You can beast through Zekeels while keeping tons of Energy in play
5. Raikou EX- Snipe 100 is great and it can give Zekeels a fighting chance against Garbodor.
iisnumber12 said:
My top 5:

1. Rayquaza EX- When played with Eels, it can just dominate the format by OHKOing everything that steps in its path. Also, it can be played with Max Potion because very few cards can KO it.
2. Mew EX- Will keep Durant alive because it can walk through Heatmor.
3. Mewtwo EX- Just plain good. X Ball can OHKO a ton and it can end a game in a few turns.
4. Terrakion EX- You can beast through Zekeels while keeping tons of Energy in play
5. Raikou EX- Snipe 100 is great and it can give Zekeels a fighting chance against Garbodor.

Rotaiton should arrive before Mew, Durant will be dead then.
iisnumber12 said:

Collector, Dual Ball, and Rotom are all going to be rotated. Without Rotom Durant can basically lose every time a Durant is prized and with only Level Ball it'll be rare to get more than 2 Durant t1.
Dark Void said:
Collector, Dual Ball, and Rotom are all going to be rotated. Without Rotom Durant can basically lose every time a Durant is prized and with only Level Ball it'll be rare to get more than 2 Durant t1.

Wait, CoL is rotating out? What was the point of all those reprints?
Eon said:
Wait, CoL is rotating out? What was the point of all those reprints?

Why wouldn't it be? Japan doesn't even have CoL. The point of those reprints was to make you waste money collecting 70+ cards you already have. Back on topic, I'm expecting Rayquaza EX to take the format by storm, and be by far the best EX. Terrakion EX is gonna be pretty good too, Mewtwo is okay, none of the others compare.
Dark Void said:
Collector, Dual Ball, and Rotom are all going to be rotated. Without Rotom Durant can basically lose every time a Durant is prized and with only Level Ball it'll be rare to get more than 2 Durant t1.

^that. Also PONT might leave, Lost Remover too. Durant looses it's trolling stuff.
Not really. It would become better because the best draw supporter would be Juniper. Also, you can use Mew EX to survive OHKOs.
Take a look at the format right now. Does 120 hp seem like it avoids very many OHKOs? On the contrary, it makes you lose 2 prizes in 1 turn. N is going to be a 4 of in every deck also and it can really hurt Durant if the opponent saves their Ns until they have a big hand and few prizes.