Best/most fun deck in format...


10 sided fish of star FTW!
As I'm sure this question has been posed many times before this one but not only do I ask you what you think is the best deck, I ask you the "WHY" as well because what good would a thread be with a whole bunch of people chiming in saying "I like Dialga G." please explain why you think its the best or most fun!

Things to consider:

What type (speed,swarm,lock....)
What do you like best about it?
Why is it fun?
Also feel free to explain anything about the deck that you wish so people can gain more knowledge about the cards and decks currently in circulation...


I love my Starmie speed deck because it includes Starmie one of my favorite cards due to its very cool playing style. The deck is probably not the best in the format but is sure fun to play. I get to play something that not everyone has thus cutting down on the always annoying mirror matches...
I like Dusknior beacuse it is spread but ithas attacks that can still hit hard. It has alot of options but it will take some time to come up with a very strong list.
Shockflow (Vaporeon RR/Jolteon RR)
Type: Speed/Swarm/Snipe
Like: Fast, does good damage and spread, and can snipe very well.
Fun: I dunno, it's just fun to play a deck that takes a bit of thinking and cunning to play well.
More Info: See sig
I love playing Purugly G. Play 2 or those, 4 PlusPower, and 54 Energy of your choice. Whichever Energy you choose, pretend as if you're playing a famous deck of that type (ie. Grass = Shaymin, Fighting = Machamp etc.)! It's fun to discard half their deck after a few ten mulligans. Sure, it always looses, but it's just plain hilarious!
Yeah, it's fun against noobs! Sure, they may dominate you later, but it's the fun that counts!
PEZ (Porygon-Z GE)
Type: Speed, Huge damage, Rainbow, possible swarm.
Like: In general, I like rainbow and lock decks. This is a rainbow deck. Also able to search out any 2 cards in your deck each turn with lvX + Claydol, so you can chain your Porygons.
Fun: Awesome to be able to OHKO anything in the format by T2, if you're lucky. Consistently sets up by T4, and sweeps from there.
Other info: Flippy attack; 0-240 damage. Your average damage is 120 a turn. (40 per coin flip for 3 flips; doubled by Lake Boundary and opponent's Weakness).
Energy searching each turn to feed the type-change power is often a problem, but can be solved by focusing on Porygon-Z lvX+Claydol or running Bronzong SF or Gardevoir SW.
It is an often-ignored card, but it can completely wreck mass healers like Leafeon by OHKOing.
A Dialga G lvX tech is necessary to block power locks, because your attack strength depends on the use of 2-3 powers per turn.

RR will greatly benefit the deck with Lucario GL. But in comes Shiftry as well, which makes all your hits always 0, unless you have DGlvX. I.e. always run it.
I like flippy decks. For fun, I'll just play a deck that relies completely on coinflips to make the game exciting... something like Infernape (SF) w/ Rayquaza (get back energies)/energy Link, and 4 PokeBalls, just because the coin flips make the game super exciting, because you'll never know what's going to happen. ;)
AMU. Awesome variety and insane punishing ability.
Not to mention the 200 dmg for [P][P].
Too bad it costs so dang much...
Best deck in format: Diagla G
You start off with a Trainer lock and build your way up to an amazing attacker that is dealing 80 damage a turn, while reducing damage and manipulating the field with countless techs for any situation.

Most fun deck in format: Vespigigas
You set up incredibly fast with Lv.Max and a healthy and fast Unown R engine, after that you just sacrifice Gigas to itself and start to deal extra damage with Vespiquen. Both of the Shaymin X are options for the deck, as well as a couple of Rainbow Energy to help attack with a late game Gigas X. The Combee from SF lets you get back Unown R which makes this an odd deck with a crazy engine.
Best - GeChamp
Fun - Toolbox, Mightytank, Toxitank, any SP

dmaster out.
Holy Crap the Purugly G deck would be awesome.... i say someone builds the deck and then travels to an event where no one knows you or your deck and just throw down! :D hahaha

Great comments and decks guys and gals... all very diverse which is neat!
that prurugly deck isnt even possible.
the strategy is faulted because mulligans are optional so they draw enough cards to ensure you win then when you finally get your lone purugly the win in 2-5 turns.just was making me mad everyone was like it so funny lololol it would be hilarious. no not funny just extremely annoying like all the pointless coments.
anyway BDIF:dialga g locks and has the insane g support
fun deck:kingdra dp-sf format(cities). fun to donk and swarm