Best Play for States!

Yeah, sad to say Dialgachomp does seem like a good play right now. Nothin' against Dialgachomp, I've used it before, it's just meh. Also, I have a kinda bad matchup against it, so....
I also think that Gyarados would be pree good.

Oh, Gigas players.
Luxchomp and Gigas will be two of the biggest plays. Gigas doesn't have to Sacrifice at all against Lostgar, and has a pretty Favorable matchup everywhere else. Plus, 2-2 Gigas cripples an early Hurl into Darkness, unless your opening is that bad. Luxchomp is just Luxchomp, so I don't need to explain that.
@GHJamesGH: I do agree that Machamp has some bad matchups, but I don't think that Gyarados is going to be a big threat at states, and if Machamp get's setup fast enough it can most likely just run right through Lostgar. Vilegar will probably give Machamp a hard time though, which I do expect to do well at states.
I've seen an incredibly good Riachu LvX deck that schooled everyone in my league last week. I also don't get why people don't think lostgar variants can't be top tier. I've seen people doing REALLY well with it this year. :p
I will be taking Magnezone/Machamp with me the first week. It's pretty good. Counters the entire meta and could swing big.
If I don't do good with it I will probably try one of DialgaChomp/Sablelock/LostGar the second week.
Here's what happens in Lostgar vs. Gigas:

If they get Gengar out before you can get Gigas, then just Drag Off Mime T2, and Giga Blaster/Giga Hammer the rest of the game. It's not a guaranteed win, but it's not an autoloss either.

If you get Gigas set up first and have the T2 sac, you pretty much win.

Again WHY isn't T-tar on that list.
Do you honestly think T-Tar is going to be the BEST play for States? For one it is not even really that good to begin with.
How about Scizor? I know it's not that great, but right now it's the only thing I can run. I think of it as Tier 2-2.5.
Pokeman: Dude, it one shots lostgar and pretty much everything else in the format with a special dark and megaton tail. And it has 160 HP. Nuff said.

It's only popular weakness is Promocroak, which can also be one shotted.
You guys should stop requesting stuff to be on the list. We're talking about what the play for states is not what decks you are going to run into at states. For example, Scizor, I don't think it's a bad deck, but I certainly don't think it's the play. Half of the list on the first post is not the play IMO.
(I wasn't requesting, I was just asking how it would do...:/)

Anyway, the meta in my area does not have a lot of Dialgachomp. I know a lot of people run G-dos, so it may not do that great. Luxchomp will be obvious, as will AGX, Gengar Prime, BFBX, and Vilelpume UD.
You guys should stop requesting stuff to be on the list. We're talking about what the play for states is not what decks you are going to run into at states. For example, Scizor, I don't think it's a bad deck, but I certainly don't think it's the play. Half of the list on the first post is not the play IMO.
I agree; I don't think Kingdra, Donphan, Sablelock, Mewperior, OR Steelix belong on that list. When compared with the rest of the decks in the format, they're actually pretty bad.

I guess you can argue that I asked for Regigigas to be on that list, but I do have good reason for doing so; it is capable of doing well even in a top-cut environment.
Even though there aren't that many established rogue decks, I think you should put rogue up on the list, just because there's bound to be at least 1 person playing rogue, if not more.
You are severely under rating sablelock.
It needs a Blaziken and/or Garchomp in it to do something. Otherwise it's pretty much garbage that relies on luck.
(This is from what I've seen about Sablelock and its variants in action.)
But all Sablock run Garchomp...That's like saying Luxchomp should run Luxray to make it work. That's kind of obvious.
^Most tier 1 decks aren't too hard to play. Gyarados is really the only deck I know that I'd never play just because it seems repetitive and boring to me.