Best Prime in HGSS Unleashed!

Best Prime of HGSS2?

  • Crobat

    Votes: 22 16.3%
  • Kingdra

    Votes: 44 32.6%
  • Lanturn

    Votes: 15 11.1%
  • Steelix

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • Tyranitar

    Votes: 35 25.9%
  • Ursaring

    Votes: 15 11.1%

  • Total voters
Tyranitar. People are saying it's slow, but IMO it should be focusing on its first attack. 20 spread for 1 energy is incredible, and Manectric + Bench Shield stops the drawback. And while you're attacking with one Tyrantiar, you can charge up the others on your bench to maybe use its other attacks. It only needs 2/3 energy with DCE. It's not that slow.
Ursaring prime, 120 damage for 2 DCE without a belt! Im gonna run ursaring with donphan when HSU hits Canada.
I think that T tar is good, its a shame that Weavile doesn't change ALL your pokemon to dark, I voted Kingdra, I think that it has some power to it, along with speed, E-Belt 90 T1 I'll take it
Kingdra all the way. Esentially a Crobat G every turn, which is stackable, and 60 for 1!
Tech in Kingdra LA for Fire types and your opponent can't do much.
Tyranitar all the way. 20 to all for one energy makes it the most cost efficient spreader in the game, Power Claw hits through annoying stuff like Mr.Mime and allows for Donphan to be 2HKO'd, and Megaton Tail is great for just plowing through whatever your opponent throws at you. Tyranitar can also use Rage from Pupitar UL with a Memory Berry attached, and Larvitar's Mountain Eater attack can be used for some early game disruption if necessary. 160 HP gives it the same beastliness as Tyranitar ex, but with better attacks and without the double prize lost. Not to mention it can take advantage of Moonlight Stadium and special darks to hit harder and last longer.

Tyranitar also has a favorable matchup against Kingdra Prime, which at best can 3HKO it, while Power Claw 2 shots Kingdra and Megaton Tail rips it to shreds. All you need is enough energy to Megaton Tail and then you can easily KO 2 Kingdra, if they're able to get a third up just play a Shaymin UL to move the damaged T-tar's energies to an undamaged one on the bench and repeat the process. Some Tyranitar variants also run Spiritomb as a starter, which Kingdra's speed trainer line is not going to like, while Kingdra is slowed down, it becomes easy to get the 3 energy necessary to Megaton Tail, and by then, Kingdra's finished.
Let me go into detail here. Crobat has amazing potential with his poison abilities, but he needs a tech to keep the defending pokemon in play, so the poison can do something.
Lanturn has a great move, but reminds me of Electivre FB. Granted, there are differences, and Lanturn is better. Dive is also great with Feraligatr Prime.
Moving on, Ursaring has big potential, but lacks something, I don't know what though. Maybe it's the artwork. It's just weird.
Kingdra rules, because well, he's the king. Spray splash is like a constant flash bite, and Dragon steam is awesome.
Steelix is, well, pretty bad. I mean, 5 energy for 100 damage? That could have been way better. Perfect Metal is nice, but It doesn't make up for the rest of the card. Plus, the artwork scares me. His chin is the size of a school bus.
And, of course, saving the best for last, is Tyranitar. All 3 moves have great potential, with Darkness howl being a beast move. He works great with Manectric, and has great survivability. He is a little slow getting started, but with all of his awesomeness, he makes up for it. Not to mention memory berry and mountain eater. That's just great. I could totally see Tyranitar eating a mountain. Actually, that's kind of what it's artwork looks like. Tyranitar is just ready to dig in!:D

So, Tyranitar gets my vote.
OK....pros and cons...pros and......cons:
Crobat-Cheap 4X Poison attack, when Unown G leaves, Crobat will be all over the place. Wrecks Donphan Prime, and is a decent Sniper. Bad weakness is probably the worst thing.
Kingdra-Got my vote, Stackable damage counters wherever is great short of Nidoqueen RR, but that 10 Damage could just be enough to KO something with 60 Damage in 1 Water Energy. Also bad weakness.
Lanturn-Donphan Wrecks this, provided it gets the first hit, which it will 95% of the time, if not more. The attack is powerful, and "dual type" can hit for weakness on most of the competitive decks, short of Gengar. Heavier Retreat.
Steelix-Definately has the best top and bottom stats, with special metals and an excellent pokebody, 140HP will go a long way on a stage 1. Fire will probably get a bit more play when Ninetales is the next Claydol, Infernape and Blaziken will be around. Handy Psychic Resistance. Does retreat cost really matter? Even if it was 2, you probably wouldn't want to retreat this monster anyway.
Tyranitar-Bad Weakness, good resistance, Hefty retreat. Great Spreader, would work fine with Donphan Prime's Pokebody, I can see a batch of these decks around..D Prime/Ttar, throw in Luxray GL and you got a team (and Spiritomb...who could even attack! Le gasp!)
Ursaring-The best thing about Ursaring is DCE Compatible, but with 110HP, it gets wrecked by Donphan, even Kingdra can 2KO it before it pulls off an attack. Big retreat, no resistance, expensive (= no T1 rare candy tricks :(....)

All in all, I'd say:
1. Kingdra (Pokemon Power = Crobat G.)
2. Crobat (Cheap 4X poison is great)
3. Steelix (Fully load this one on the bench, and he'll haul through)
4. Tyranitar (Stage 2 with a good, but possibly hurtful spinning tail)
5. Lanturn (Wrecked too easily, and a little slow assuming you don't have Feraligatr Prime on T2)
6. Ursaring (Too expensive attacks vs Donphan)
i gotta go w/ursaring.

give him two dce and hes typically a tank doing 120 a turn.
ursaring is by no way a tank.
he gets ohko by many things, and has a high retreat cost
my vote goes to Ursaring, just because well i like him but thats my fav prime i think Kingdra is the best but my vote still goes to Ursaring^^
Flygon Jedi Master said:
Tyranitar all the way. 20 to all for one energy makes it the most cost efficient spreader in the game, Power Claw hits through annoying stuff like Mr.Mime and allows for Donphan to be 2HKO'd, and Megaton Tail is great for just plowing through whatever your opponent throws at you. Tyranitar can also use Rage from Pupitar UL with a Memory Berry attached, and Larvitar's Mountain Eater attack can be used for some early game disruption if necessary. 160 HP gives it the same beastliness as Tyranitar ex, but with better attacks and without the double prize lost. Not to mention it can take advantage of Moonlight Stadium and special darks to hit harder and last longer.

Tyranitar also has a favorable matchup against Kingdra Prime, which at best can 3HKO it, while Power Claw 2 shots Kingdra and Megaton Tail rips it to shreds. All you need is enough energy to Megaton Tail and then you can easily KO 2 Kingdra, if they're able to get a third up just play a Shaymin UL to move the damaged T-tar's energies to an undamaged one on the bench and repeat the process. Some Tyranitar variants also run Spiritomb as a starter, which Kingdra's speed trainer line is not going to like, while Kingdra is slowed down, it becomes easy to get the 3 energy necessary to Megaton Tail, and by then, Kingdra's finished.

Must be a Really bad Kingdra deck. Kingdra can EASILY deal 80 damage in 1 turn, and usually more. If you have 2 Kingdra Primes in play, then you can Spray Splash twice and then Dragon Steam or whatever for 60 more. And if T-Tar has belt, well, Kingdra can belt too.

P.S. If you haven't noticed, my vote is for Kingdra
Kingdra by far. It and T-Tar are the only ones i think can make it to tier one. Crobat and lanturn are after that in my mind.
Kingdra is a bit unfair imo, he's good though, but gets Stolen by Luxray GL X. Same for Crobat, but Crobat can BREAK opponents with high retreat cost for 1 energy, so I like him better. And F resistance + 0 retreat is good.
StealthAngel667 said:
Kingdra is a bit unfair imo, he's good though, but gets Stolen by Luxray GL X. Same for Crobat, but Crobat can BREAK opponents with high retreat cost for 1 energy, so I like him better. And F resistance + 0 retreat is good.
That's why Kingdra's not unfair. He consistently kicks the crud out of Kingdra. Good point with the Crobat, but you'll need to throw the four PokeTurn in there as well...
Well, he kinda forces all other decks to focus more on Luxray GL X as a tech.
The same thing happened before: Gengar SF and Machamp SF forcing Unown G upon the other decks. I find this kind of metagame manipulation unfair, it's too much power for 1 card if it can force all other decks in a certain position.
To be perfectly honest, I think all of the Primes in this set are pretty bad. If I had to choose a winner, it would probably be Steelix though. It isn't just that I'm partial to Steelix - I have other reasons. Like Lanturn and Ursaring, he is very easy to get out, being a Stage 1. He has a whopping 140 HP, which is the third-highest of any Stage 1 to date (surpassed only by Blissey ex and the Wailords) - or at least I think I have those figures right. His Fire weakness makes him only afraid of Blaziken FB's Jet Shoot (which is a one-hit KO). Steelix is a bit slow to set up, granted, but he gets to take advantage of Special Metal energies, he can get rid of Stadiums like Flygon (including his own, so the opponent can't abuse them) short, he is much like Donphan, except with a Special Condition immunity, and he is also not quite as fast. They're both tanks, just used in different ways.

All of the others have a weakness to some sort of strategy or popular deck, with the possible exception of Crobat. (Who is countered by Steelix. ex dee.) Have you noticed how many of the Primes in this set are weak to Fighting? Three of them. They're just screaming for Donphan to come along and rock their worlds. Crobat can hold his own against Donphan, thankfully, and for that I'd say he's the second-best Prime in the set (among other things, such as free retreat and an insane Poison slap - shame about the Lightning weakness though). Granted, Lanturn can still hurt Donphan pretty badly, but there's nothing to stop the opponent sending up another Donphan (and they most likely will, given you only need one or two cards attached to the elephant).

Well, he kinda forces all other decks to focus more on Luxray GL X as a tech.
The same thing happened before: Gengar SF and Machamp SF forcing Unown G upon the other decks. I find this kind of metagame manipulation unfair, it's too much power for 1 card if it can force all other decks in a certain position.
You mean what Luxray and Donphan are doing right now - except they can't be countered as easily? The only thing that stops Bright Look is other SPs, and Donphan's only real fear is Gyarados, but that's most likely going to get rotated.
There aren't too many Fire Tech cards that can be a Kingdra Prime stopper, perhaps Rapidash E4 with Pickup Power, but other than that, Kingdra hits for 60+10 any turn. And with fire decks, assuming they have a +20 or x2 weakness to water, Kingdra hits 40+10 for one energy anyway.
IMO, it goes...

Kingdra > Tyranitar > Steelix > Lanturn > Ursaring > Crobat.

EDIT: Also, I don't understand the Crobat love AT ALL. I think it's good for funsies, but I don't understand how anyone can think it's even semi-competitive, when...

Unown G
Poke Turn
Warp Point
Super Scoop Up

Are all legal in this current format, and almost all of them are heavily played/at the very least viable.