Best set of HGSS-on?


Aspiring Trainer
So I've stopped playing pokemon about at the age of 13 and now that I'm 17, I feel a little bit curious and with a sparkle of will to play pokemon again.

Could you tell me which of the last LEGEND sets frontwards is the best? And why?

I've also heard that now it is only allowed to play HGSS onwards (Not sure how this works worldwide, you guys could also tell me how it works in the place you play!).
Now I need to know where to invest!

My guess is that it should be the Heart gold soul silver first set? (Prime cards and overall powerful rares)

Chances: Heart gold Soul silver / HS Unleashed / Undaunted / Triumphant / Call of legends / Black & white / Emerging powers?

Thanks for your attention,

It depends on how much you are willing to spend on packs/singles/boxes, over all if I were to pick 5 sets to buy around 5 packs each from (not that I have that kind of budget, I'm just using this as an example) they'd be Heartgold soulsilver, Unleashed, Triumphant, Black and White and Emerging Powers, those sets should get you a decent amount of good cards. HGSS for staples, UL for Shaymin and a few other good cards, TR for Primes, Seeker and Twins, BW for Reuniclus, a few other staples and EP for Catcher, Sheer Cold Beartic, Ability Gothitelle and some of the other cards. (You may want to pick UD over BW)

As for the formats all over the world, that I don't know but I do know USA and Japan are HGSS-on. Also you only play by the format for tournaments, at league you can play with any card from any set.

EDIT: My 493rd post! =D
If you're looking to get back into the game, go for staples: you'll find a lot in HGSS and Unleashed. Some great Primes are in Triumphant, so buying a couple packs of that wouldn't hurt.
Thanks for the opinions so far.

I see... so in leagues you can play from ex ruby and sapphire onwards?

Sorry for the noobness... but what is a staple? o_ o

By the way, I went to a EP pre-release but only got 1 poke catcher :'(
In league, you can play Base Set-on. A staple is a card that is generally considered to be needed in every deck and/or is a card that a deck needs. If you don't have Catchers you always use Pokemon Reversal or Pokemon Circulator untill you get more.
Oh, ok, thanks, I got it.

But I think that the store in my city only permits EX Ruby and sapphire on-wards.

And I also think that in another nearby city, it is only permited HG-SS onwards.

Why does this happen? Shouldn't it be a rule announced by POP regulating this?
But isn't it a little bit overpowered to allow base-on? I mean, we used to play like that some years ago, and it was really bad for the begginers.

I remember a guy using gold berries, mr. mimes (those who could only take 10 or 20 damage) and those 20 HP healing gardevoirs with their pokepowers, along with other combos.

It was horrible to play as a begginer ._ .
^ I don't think that's as bad as Vileplume UD, Aggron ex and Fossil Areodactyl. (it's trainer lock, attack lock and evolution lock all at the same time)
Leagues aren't sanctioned, that's why you can play whatever you want. Most players will play the current format to prepare and tweak their deck for a tournament, but some people still play older cards just to screw around. If some guy is playing only older cards with broken combos find someone else to play, there should be someone.