Best Starter in G&G?

I play furret, and let me tell you, it is SO consistant, you almost ALWAYS get a T2 or T3 Gallade :D
Is it consistent enought to get a T2 Furret? U know, RedShark's Shuffling Engine isnt Good.
i dont get it..

Grope is the Draw power and you can only use 1 Supporter per turn.. What other Draw power can you note down?
POV is the draw power, Grope can either grab a Furret, or somthing that grabs a Furret, you play 4 Furret and 4 Celio's Network, there is a VERY high chance you will get a T2 Furret
Ok, Let me get this straight.

So, you Grope one card and hope it's a Furret and then you play Celios and POV to get the furrets out? So that will mean T2 Furret?

Read the rulebook :).
Yes, i had too many lines that i made decks according to various Lines, and found out that this works best:

2-1-3 Gallade
2-1-2-2 Gardy X
3 Stantler
2 Absol
1 Sableye

Sableye Stops blissey, Absol disrupts if i dont get a good start. Stantler is best setup.

I tried furret. I got pwned. I got a T1 Sentret. Nothing, it's just useless, i tried it so many times. It just didnt work. Too slow, cant depend on it, if it was a basic, i guess i'd be playing it. But, no.
Well, I've tried all 3 and I found furret to be the best, it might have just been your trainer line
Stantler is better, followed by 4-2 Furret.
Absol just never worked for me.

Stantler gets you a supporter.
Furret gets you a supporter PLUS something else.
Stantler is basic.
Furret is Stage 1, but Sentret is awesome. If your list is good, you should be able to get t2-t3 Furret. (My Furret is always out t2-3 if I start with Sentret.)
If you play Stantler, you can most likely fit in a 1-1 tech line.
And KaMewie.... never play Absol AND Stantler... just play 4 Absol or 4 Stantler...
And why would you need Sableye when Gallade can OHKO Blisseys..
Just a random tech. It's been working. That's why.

I'll experiment more in depth with the starters. But, for now, that line is working best for me.
I play:
3/3/3/2/1 Gardevoir Lv. X/Gallde
4/4 Furret
1/1 Mismagius

Mismagius is a tech against Blisseys and Magmortars
Pokeric: I really like that Mismagius tech. But I'm not to sure bout the FOUR Furrets. I'd say 2 Max, as late game, they will be dead draws... oh plus add another ralts.