Well those aren't really techs rather support or starters. Techs are something to counter your meta-game. Claydol is a tech in some ways to keep Absols awayTCC Co-Founder said:In not particular order:
Claydol GE (Draw Power)
Pachirisu GE (Great Starter)
Sceptile GE (Doubles Grass Energies for Grass Pokes)
Phione MD (Evolution Wish, evolves pokes)
Togekiss GE (gets basic energies)
Swampert GE (moves water/fighting energies from bench to active)
Lapras GE (Great Starter)
Palkia Lv. X GE (Switches almost KO'ed pokes)
Minun SW (Draw Power)
Plusle SW (Gets back Basic Energies)
Garchomp Lv. X MD (Not much of a tech, but still can do great techy goodness)
Espeon MD (give eeveelutions +20 HP!)
Mawile GE (Let's you look/use prizes)
Umbreon MD (gives eeveelutions free retreat and no weakness!)
Furret SW (lets you search for 2 cards!)