Best Techs

What tech is better?

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What do you think the best techs are in the TCG right now?
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I think Claydol is the best in the Northeastern Ohio.

Gardevoir SW.
Ive teched it in decks as 1-0-1 and it definately helps setup because of telepass :D
pachi ge is a tech cause it helps get basics out!
anyways please post more
i personally like claydol because if you have a bad hand it replenishes it for you
Phione and Pachi are not techs.

I play too many different techs that I don't care much, but I like Queen {d}.
Pachi and Phiones aren't techs. :/(As everyone else has rightfully pointed out) They are starters. I like Claydol, Bronzong(MD and MT), Dusknoir, Dugtrio CG, and Nidoqueen {d}.
I don't see why you didn't put Dusknoir and Gardevoir up there. Claydol hands down is the best on the poll though.
In not particular order:
Claydol GE (Draw Power)
Pachirisu GE (Great Starter)
Sceptile GE (Doubles Grass Energies for Grass Pokes)
Phione MD (Evolution Wish, evolves pokes)
Togekiss GE (gets basic energies)
Swampert GE (moves water/fighting energies from bench to active)
Lapras GE (Great Starter)
Palkia Lv. X GE (Switches almost KO'ed pokes)
Minun SW (Draw Power)
Plusle SW (Gets back Basic Energies)
Garchomp Lv. X MD (Not much of a tech, but still can do great techy goodness)
Espeon MD (give eeveelutions +20 HP!)
Mawile GE (Let's you look/use prizes)
Umbreon MD (gives eeveelutions free retreat and no weakness!)
Furret SW (lets you search for 2 cards!)
TCC Co-Founder said:
In not particular order:
Claydol GE (Draw Power)
Pachirisu GE (Great Starter)
Sceptile GE (Doubles Grass Energies for Grass Pokes)
Phione MD (Evolution Wish, evolves pokes)
Togekiss GE (gets basic energies)
Swampert GE (moves water/fighting energies from bench to active)
Lapras GE (Great Starter)
Palkia Lv. X GE (Switches almost KO'ed pokes)
Minun SW (Draw Power)
Plusle SW (Gets back Basic Energies)
Garchomp Lv. X MD (Not much of a tech, but still can do great techy goodness)
Espeon MD (give eeveelutions +20 HP!)
Mawile GE (Let's you look/use prizes)
Umbreon MD (gives eeveelutions free retreat and no weakness!)
Furret SW (lets you search for 2 cards!)
Well those aren't really techs rather support or starters. Techs are something to counter your meta-game. Claydol is a tech in some ways to keep Absols away
it depends what your problem is. banntete will prefer a gyarados to a claydol, as it counters mag.
claydol, dusknoir, kazam, blastoise and queen d are great techs. some block and some set up. also, pachy is supposed to be used in 4, not a tech. G&G dont play 1 gallade, they play 3 incase one gets prized or you simply cant find it.
I thought a tech was a card placed into a deck for doing something for an especific situation, such as duskmoir in plox, flareon in some eeveelutions decks, Pachi (but used for its smash short pokebody), Crawdaunt ex, latilock, etc. They normally are used like 1 or 2 copies of that card.
Claydol, its part of the deck engine, so are the starters mentioned, so i dont think they are techs.
But i if you want to nname them techs, then claydol would be my favorite.