best trainer card you choose

We've had this convo... and almost everyone agreed it was the Tranciever, but considering that Scipio/Senor Gardevior/Lou Cypher can play well with it, the official best trainer card cannot be decided.
Rare Candy, Holon Mentor, Holon Transciever, Cursed Stone, Windstorm, PETM, Steven's Advice, I could go one, but I won't.
Rare Candy and Holon Transceiver.

Rare Candy for being the most broken card ever made.
Transceiver for being the card that almost single-handedly (with Mentor) made the decks in this format 100% more consistent.

Arcanine otu.
heheh, my favorite one at the moment is holon mentor-and maybe rare candy, since it taste so dang good....mmmmmm.....tastey.... No I am not writing more so that my level goes up. Why would you think such a thing? No, I'm not going off topic right now so that I may have more content in my posts! STOP THINKING IT!!! STOP NOW!!!! JUST STOP!!!!!
I will go out on a limb and say rare candy over transciver. Decks like metanite and flygon CAN actually run without the holon engine. But if you take away rare candy from those decks and others, they will be outspeeded and over-ran by stage 1 and basic decks. Candy makes decks able to run 4-2-4 lines instead of 4-4-4. Those extra cards and turns wasted evolving cost decks alot more speed then t1 getting your basics out...
Candy is the best pure trainer. Period.

Mentor would be among the best supporters, if not THE best. Tho some decks can run alternatives such as Lanette's or Fan Club, Mentor is the more wide-spread one.

As for Stadium, I say Power Tree on one side, tho I'm taking a liking to Holon Circle as well.

Tools...while Cessation Crystal is influential, I wouldn't call it the best. For that, I'd opt for Strength Charm, just to get to that tidbit of extra damage you need.
It's Holon Transceiver. Considering it makes setting up all that much more possible, I'd say that's more important than "building up fast".