DPPt/HGSS Bidoofs Goodies (Magmizerz)

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RE: Bidoofs Goodies

I have a Porygon I could trade for a Chikorita. Check out my thread to see if there's anything else you need.
RE: Bidoofs Goodies

Can you get me a shiny hacked Manaphy??

Can you also get me these pokemon hacked but not shiny...Tangela evo,Magmotar,Yannma's evo and
Piloswines evo??

Of course i would give you alot more pokemon. So if you can get them for me what do you want??
RE: Bidoofs Goodies

Sorry for not getting back to you my computer broke down......So i can trade tommorw!!
I'll give you a baby chimchar for a magmarizer.If you have that,you can have a feebas that knows rain dance and hypnosis.Or both.accept?
I need magmorizer, mew, ho-oh, and deoxys, shiney treeko, shiney spiritomb.
Have electrizer, porygon, Rigigigas, others. check my thread please!

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