Welcome to Big Brother 12: Beach (or BB12)! This summer, we’re hitting the beach to enjoy the sun and the sea. But don’t worry, there are still plenty of new twists, competitions, and other surprises along the way! In the past, we’ve had many seasons with a newbie or veteran preference, but this season is open to absolutely everyone! To apply for a chance to play in the game, fill out this application. If you’re new, I also suggest checking out the PokéBeach Big Brother Wiki, a page that has records of every season in the series so far. Before you do that, though, take a few minutes to read through all the information below to make sure you get how Big Brother works.
Alliances are of course permitted, and strongly encouraged. You may make as many alliances as you’d like to with other houseguests. This can be done through Discord group DMs. However, the hosts (Lorde and Celever) must be added to the conversation.
The game cannot be discussed with any evicted houseguests. As always, this is a rule I am taking very seriously. If you have a Discord alliance with any evicted houseguests, please remove them (or if you have been evicted, leave your alliance chats). Additionally, outside communication about the game with non-houseguests is not allowed.
In this game, screenshots may be necessary for some challenge submissions. When signing up, make sure your device is able to take a screenshot, otherwise you will have problems when you need one. When you submit a score, you must show proof the screenshot is yours. This can be done by having your PokéBeach account in another tab, or by putting your account name on a Notepad. Whatever works to prove the screenshot was taken by you.
The game cannot be discussed with any evicted houseguests. As always, this is a rule I am taking very seriously. If you have a Discord alliance with any evicted houseguests, please remove them (or if you have been evicted, leave your alliance chats). Additionally, outside communication about the game with non-houseguests is not allowed.
In this game, screenshots may be necessary for some challenge submissions. When signing up, make sure your device is able to take a screenshot, otherwise you will have problems when you need one. When you submit a score, you must show proof the screenshot is yours. This can be done by having your PokéBeach account in another tab, or by putting your account name on a Notepad. Whatever works to prove the screenshot was taken by you.
There will be little tolerance for inactivity in the game. In order to keep the game flowing naturally and on track, a warning system is in place for anyone unable to submit for competitions or vote at eviction. If you fail to submit your nominations or a POV competition, you will receive a double offense, and will given 12 more hours to make up the decision.
Warning #1: If you miss a competition or vote, you will be given a slight warning.
Warning #2: If you miss a second competition or vote, you will be given a more severe warning.
Warning #3: If you miss three or more competitions or votes, you risk being expelled and removed from the game at our discretion.
It is perfectly okay to send in conditional submissions (ex: “In case I’m not online again, my vote is for Lorde, but don’t lock that in”). I will be able to take those and count them if you’re unavailable by the deadline. If you’re unable to submit for a competition, or don’t want to, just let the hosts know and you won’t be warned. We will try not to warn you when we can justify it, so please, if you’re busy just let us know and you’ll probably be fine.
Warning #1: If you miss a competition or vote, you will be given a slight warning.
Warning #2: If you miss a second competition or vote, you will be given a more severe warning.
Warning #3: If you miss three or more competitions or votes, you risk being expelled and removed from the game at our discretion.
It is perfectly okay to send in conditional submissions (ex: “In case I’m not online again, my vote is for Lorde, but don’t lock that in”). I will be able to take those and count them if you’re unavailable by the deadline. If you’re unable to submit for a competition, or don’t want to, just let the hosts know and you won’t be warned. We will try not to warn you when we can justify it, so please, if you’re busy just let us know and you’ll probably be fine.
If you're familiar with the works of the game, you'll notice that nothing has changed, and that the standard weekly format is the same. If not, please read through this carefully and ensure that you understand this sequence:
Head of Household (HOH):
This is the first competition and event of a week, a competition that everyone except the previous HOH competes in. The winner of this competition becomes the Head of Household for the week, giving them immunity and control over the nominees.
Nomination Ceremony:
After the HOH has been crowned, they will then make their nominees. The 2 players that the HOH picks are now up for eviction, and are at risk of being eliminated from the game.
Power of Veto (POV):
After the nominees have been selected, the Power of Veto will begin. The only houseguests participating in this competition will be the HOH, the nominees, and 3 other randomly selected houseguests. The winner will be able to save 1 of the HOH's nominees, and if 1 of them is saved the HOH must nominate someone to replace them (though this cannot be the winner of the POV, immunity is gained in addition to the power).
After all of the above events have happened, the players will all vote on who will leave the Big Brother house. The player with the most votes will be evicted, and out of the game.
Head of Household (HOH):
This is the first competition and event of a week, a competition that everyone except the previous HOH competes in. The winner of this competition becomes the Head of Household for the week, giving them immunity and control over the nominees.
Nomination Ceremony:
After the HOH has been crowned, they will then make their nominees. The 2 players that the HOH picks are now up for eviction, and are at risk of being eliminated from the game.
Power of Veto (POV):
After the nominees have been selected, the Power of Veto will begin. The only houseguests participating in this competition will be the HOH, the nominees, and 3 other randomly selected houseguests. The winner will be able to save 1 of the HOH's nominees, and if 1 of them is saved the HOH must nominate someone to replace them (though this cannot be the winner of the POV, immunity is gained in addition to the power).
After all of the above events have happened, the players will all vote on who will leave the Big Brother house. The player with the most votes will be evicted, and out of the game.
The Jury:
After a certain amount of time, it will be announced that the houseguests remaining have reached the jury phase of the game. This means that everyone left in the house will either be in the Final 2, or a part of the jury. The jury members will cast their vote for 1 of the 2 finalists to win the game.
At the end of the game, there will only be 2 houseguests left. During the finale, these 2 will face the jury, and plead their cases to win to them. The jury will be able to ask them questions, to make things clear about their gameplay. The finalist who receives the most votes from the jury will be crowned the winner of Big Brother 12!
After a certain amount of time, it will be announced that the houseguests remaining have reached the jury phase of the game. This means that everyone left in the house will either be in the Final 2, or a part of the jury. The jury members will cast their vote for 1 of the 2 finalists to win the game.
At the end of the game, there will only be 2 houseguests left. During the finale, these 2 will face the jury, and plead their cases to win to them. The jury will be able to ask them questions, to make things clear about their gameplay. The finalist who receives the most votes from the jury will be crowned the winner of Big Brother 12!
The password is PBB is back baby!
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