I know that it's a pretty cheap set but this isn't a sale offer either. I think that it's worth a little more than $2.00 in trade value. Maybe like $2.50-$3.00. Also, what else did you want because I still want both Magnezone Primes if possible.Hotwings said:I dnt think I can put in a reshiram cause call of legend isnt a good set at all besides just 3 good cards so I could maybe throw in something small
Project696 said:Well I'm pretty out of touch on the pricing for lv.X's since rotation. So I guess what/how many would ya want/need for
2x Beartic (Sheer Cold)
1x Kingdra Primes
3x Magnezone Prime
FlamingDriscoll09 said:How much do you value the Worlds shirt at?
glaceon said:CML for
3x Gothitelle (Magic Room)
Brendan said:You must not know your prices. That first offer was a rip anyway and you are asking me to throw in more...?
Afro-G said:I know that it's a pretty cheap set but this isn't a sale offer either. I think that it's worth a little more than $2.00 in trade value. Maybe like $2.50-$3.00. Also, what else did you want because I still want both Magnezone Primes if possible.
Project696 said:Skipped?
richkid50000 said:have any ideas on an offer for the beartic and shaymin sleeves.
jduclayan said:CML for pokmon collectors?
Hotwings said:Well im interested in the following
Xxxx- all of your packed lv.x's
Any bulk for trade
RareCandyAwesomeness said:Please cml for x2 Catcher, and if you have it x1 Max Potion. I do not have any bulk for trade though.
Project696 said:Well from my quoted post from before I'm out of touch on level x prices. So what sounds good for..
Well I'm pretty out of touch on the pricing for lv.X's since rotation. So I guess what/how many would ya want/need for
2x Beartic (Sheer Cold)
1x Kingdra Primes
3x Magnezone Prime
Mostly want the kingdra and Zones. out of that
Brendan said:Pachi is double the price of reshiram fa...
HaunterX6 said:Hi there. I'm interested in 4x Reshiram FAs. I have a used (good condition) ultraball playmat. Can you cml, and let me know if you see anything you like? Thanks.
HaunterX6 said:Alright. Well, would you do the 4x Reshiram FAs ($10 each, $40 total) for my 2x mew primes ($23 each, $46 total)?
HaunterX6 said:I have some, but I'm not sure how much. I'd have to spend some time sorting through it and seeing how many rares/holos I have. But it's about 1-2 promo tins filled. How much of it would you be interested in, and what would you wanna do for it?
HaunterX6 said:Eh, I'd have to get back to you on that. But it's not a whole lot, like I said, about a promo tin and a half worth. Maybe somewhere around 40-50 rares and holos, the rest common and uncommon, mostly of DP and platinum sets, with some older stuff too. But I don't really feel like sifting through it all at the moment, and was kinda trying to accumulate a lot more of it before I made a bulk trade (since it costs so much to ship big boxes of cards).
So, in the meantime, if you decide you do want the mews, lmk or counter offer or something. I'd be willing to add a tiny bit to sweeten. Just let me know if you're interested.![]()