Wi-Fi Trades Billys new player thread

Umm, check again. IT"S SPEED IS 408. Max is 417. YEAH, thats HACKED. I don't think you even know IV's. *Sigh* Sorry for getting mad and all, but seriously.
No it isn't. Give it to Kevin Garrett and he will show that is isn't. Prove it's IV's are ally 31. How can it be if its speed isn't even on the max? EXPLAIN>
Serebii1997 said:
Umm, check again. IT"S SPEED IS 408. Max is 417. YEAH, thats HACKED. I don't think you even know IV's. *Sigh* Sorry for getting mad and all, but seriously.
You just said it has 408 speed and max is 407. Hacked
Check Smogon. http://www.smogon.com/dp/pokemon/ninjask Check the 3rd column. Max is 419. Seriously, you don't know IV's, or you're pretty bad if you think 408 is the max.
Billy, it's impossible to have 31s with that Ninjask. If it has 408, like you both agreed on, and 252 EVs in Speed. That means its Speed IV is only 20.
Oh, Sorry, anyways like I said in my pm Serebii you can have any free pokemon from my player thread.
Thank you, do you understand now? Explain to me what IV's are if you say you know them so well. What website do you use? Metalkid? Serebii? Look, it's not the fact that It's hacked, it's the fact you claimed Ninjask was hacked. As WPM and other members know, I'm a perfectionist, trying not to be wrong, and I'm passionate about being wrong. I really sound stubborn, but I want you to prove it. Then I'll leave you be.
Both. Iv's:

As you may know Iv stands for Individual value. Every Pokemon has iv's for all 6 stats. The iv is a number from 0-31 from 0 being Horible and 31 being the best possible iv.
And to check ivs you iv battle someone. Its just a normal battle but you put in there stats at lv 100.You can only check the pokemons iv's if the pokemon is lv100 so on wifi you do a normal auto lv100.
Okay, glad you understand now. As for the Pokémon, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes some times, just glad you understand. Sorry to be a bother.
i want the garchomp(perfect attack and perfect hp)...
i can give you a ralts with 30-31 sp.atk ivs and some legenderies.....