Wi-Fi Trades Billys new player thread

i would give a movie darkrai ut and a shiny ranger manaphy for these
evd garchomp
evd shiny salamence
evd metagross
and evd shiny gengar
seriously:p(just a unfunny pun I wanted to do) Lets see what I have. How bout a bagon with a good nature. or and adament larvitar?
hey i have some pokemon here, check em out and let me know if youd be willing to trade any shinies for them. none are hacked
lvl 70 giritina (Shiny)
lvl 100 rayquaza (two of them)
heat ran lvl 70.
all 3 regis (untouched)
regigigas (untouched)
mesprit lvl 50.
uxie lvl 50.
kyogre lvl 84 with life orb.
rhyperior lvl 53.
and a lvl 83 rayquaza
alrighty. that seems to be the only one of my pokemon people really want lol. offer for it? im mainly looking for legends and shinies