Bippa's Avatar Shop - Fastest Place in the Mart

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Aww... Okay. That's sad. My first shop, lol, and it's already going down. D:

Rotom-Cut, I will still make and send you your avatar. As for others, Bippa wishes to end his shop so I guess that's what's going to happen. A pleasure doing buisness with you all. :]

- Luigi
I had no idea it was your first shop Luigi. :[ Now I feel really bad.

However, since Luigi seems like he wants to continue this shop, I'll let him.

I am officially passing ownership of Bippa's Avatar Shop to LuckyLuigi7.
I guess LL7 if you don't mind I am learning how to make avatars so yeah and if you want we could also make this a sprite shop too. Well here is some info about me.

Username: rotom-Cut
Age: 10
Shop Position: I can do sprites in avatars and I am learning to make other avatars plus i am going to learn to make banners soon.

Ok well I hope I can help.
Order Form
Username: Pk B
What Pokemon: Blaziken FB Lv.X and Luxray GL Lv.X
Background Color: Dark blue color
Artist: IDC
Will you give credit: if you wnt my to.
Guys, I'm going to begin a new shop for banners and avatars. So I'll have B-Ray lock the thread and I should have my shop open by tomorrow. Thanks for the ownership Bippa but I'm going to start a new one and I'll have it so I can edit the thread but I appreciate the offer. Guys, once my new thread is up, post there so I can finish youre existing requests. :]

- Luigi
Okay, folks, locking this on request of the owner.

Good Luck LL7 with your new shop!


-Black Rayquaza
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