RE: Bippa's Pokemon Crystal Nuzlocke - Episode 12 ~ Johto is DONE!
ORLY?! You want me to comment on your thread? Sure
Bippa201 said:
Woah what, another Nuzlocke? There's like over 9000 10 of them. But oh well, I wanted something fun to do.
Nope...there are about 40 of many...
Something Important for Everyone
* Bippa201 has never done a Nuzlocke before.
I remember my first Nuzlocke...I was horribly slaughtered.
So yeah, expect mass hilarity because I'll be raging so much.
You actually haven't so far...I'm impressed
Rules and Stuff
- Catch First Pokemon I encounter. Nothing more, nothing less. Doesn't apply until Poke Balls are received though.
- If something dies, it goes to Heaven.
- Everything gets a nickname. In this case, the theme is PokeBeach members.

- Battle Mode on Set
- If I black out, I restart. Mostly as an act of sympathy towards myself.
- No PokeCenters...they are for the weak
- No healing at all...healing is so and hour ago
- Catutie will be the greatest asset to my team...I'm 100% positive.
I added some rules if you don't mind
Episode One: Bippa: What was the first Star Wars called? catutie: no clue
Gasp, the professor wants to know what my sex is?

I select Boy, because its shorter. Then I get a long explanation on who Professor Oak is, and what a Pokemon is.
Well a pokemon is when a mommy and daddy love each other very much...
* Bippa201 mashes "A" though this long talk.
I wish the talk was optional...
I name myself Bippa, because that's secretly my real name. (PLOT TWIST). Then I get shrunk down into the top room of my house, free to do whatever the heck I want to do. But the TV doesn't really work, so I go downstairs. My wonderful mother gives me a phone, complete with her name as one of my contacts. I've known her for 30 seconds, and I can already tell that she's over protective. She mentions a Professor, so I head next door which to my surprise, is the professor's lab. He wants me to run and do an errand for him, so I guess I'll do it.
I lived next to a professors lab once...I now have radiation poisoning ;_;. It's a good thing you got out of there...forget about your mom...
As for my starter, I pick Chikorita, because its the only one that I like (Cyndaquil and Totodile are overrated). After a short quest through Route 29, where Chikorita gained a level, and where many Sentret corpses now live, I arrive in Cherrygrove City. I talk to the old guy, who gives me a map. He should grow up two generations and give me the running shoes instead.

Pointless visit it pointless, so lets head to Route 30.
And who had to clean up all those Sentret bodies? Yes...the local Growlithe's ate them all...thank goodness for Growlithe.
During Route 30, while I mercilessly defeated many Pidgeys, a lucky one managed to critical me with Tackle, and puts me at 4 HP (I never healed, and I was at about 14 or so before the attack). I defeat it, and then run like heck up to Mr. Pokemon's House, where I get healed. And I meat Oak, who has his own Game Show TV show, and he encourages me to watch it. Maybe I will.
No wonder Safari is so powerful in your Nuzlocke...Mr. Pokemon gave him steroids...
After leaving the house, I get a message from Elm. He's been robbed. Woah, this is serious. Someone stole all his money, and I'm supposed to go on a quest so that he can feel rich again. Or something like that. Turns out all that was stolen was a Pokemon; one of the two I didn't take. But I guess I better go see what happened, before mother tells me to come back.
Ya I was about to rob him but then I remembered I left the stove on...that robbery was TOTALLY not me....
Due to the encounter rate being nice for once, I only get into one battle on my way back to Cherrygrove, which is very nice. Then, on my way back home, I find this red haired kid who has a Pokemon. Hmm, if its not a Sentret, Ratatta, Hoppip, Hoothoot or Pidgey, I might be suspicious. Turns out he's got a Cyndaquil, to which my response is "OHMYGOSH!!! I FOUND THE ROBBER!!! Cyndaquil dies in four Razor Leaves, and I get some money. With that, I head back home.
Told was the red head...
/me hides the bag of jewels in his hand.
With the advent of ledges, I make it home without a single encounter rate (The Sentrets were all scared after the last visit

) There's a Police Officer in the lab, and unlike in HGSS, he doesn't accuse me of being a theif. He asks me what his name is, to which I remain speechless.
Ya that was me too...I bribed him not to be suspicious of you...all part of my master plan.
Why am I speechless? Because I want the viewers to come up with a name for the rival so that I can tell who's reading this.
You don't want to know the story of why you are much ketchup is involved.
Episode 2: Bippa: Hey Afro. Give me a title idea for Episode 2 Afro: yeah?
So turns out the name space for the Rival is only seven spaces long. So the he is now named "NSteve". After that we get some PokeBalls, so we can finally go catch some cool stuff! But first, we go say goodbye to Mom. She wants to save our money. Normally, I'd say yes, because money is important. But because the earth explodes if I die, there's no point. So yeah, sorry mom.
And I would have robbed her of all your money that you saved...good choice my friend.
On Route 29, I'm glad to see that the "I'ma gonna teach you how to catch your Pogeymans tutorial can be skipped". I outright refuse this kid's request to teach me, and I move on. Let's see what Route 29 brings us. It brings us a Pidgey. I kinda wanted a Ratatta or a Sentret though, but I guess I can't win them all. And Pidgey can make great cannon fodder too. I catch Pidgey, and name it SMP Three, because numbers don't exist yet. Guess what I find in the next encounter after Pidgey, Rattata >.<. Oh well, I'll get one at Sprout Tower. So lets head up to Route 46.
Sentret is cool...
That is all
On Route 46, the Encounter Rate wastes no time in giving me a Pokemon; this time a Spearow. Please don't die Spearow, I want you on my team. I tackle it, and it LIVES! It is caught in the next turn, and I call it catutie, complete with lowercase letters and all. It'll have fun grinding on Ledybas, Caterpies, Weedles and Spinaraks on Route 30. No more encounters on the way back to Cherrygrove City.
WAIT WHAT THE....>_> I have now turned into a Spearow...guess I will just type with my beak >_>
We hit the Pokemon Center, and swifty exit Cherrygrove as fast as we came in. But not before stocking up on Potions, and a few PokeBalls. Route 30's Pokemon is a Caterpie, and I call it Gliscor, as per Tyraniking's request. After that short intermission, commence Spearow grinding. :3
Gonna make Spearow burgers with all that ground Spearow meat?! STAY AWAY FROM ME.
Grinding session lasts maybe 10 minutes; it mostly stops due to my own boredom. So we go defeat a few trainers, kill more bugs, and make to Route 31. I'm hoping it gives me a Bellsprout as my Pokemon, so I can do the Onix trade for the Falkner battle. Otherwise, I'll need to rely on getting a Geodude in Dark Cave. But it gives me a Ledyba; why so many Flying types? I call it PDC, because PDC's awesome at VG, while Ledyba and family are awful at it. Irony, don't you think.
Already bored of me...fine.
So, my prayers for a Geodude are answered at Dark Cave, where I receive one. I have to name it Afro, because...
I can't fully evolve Afro into Golem, but Geodude works so well up until Morty that its fine. Oh, and Geodude's a female (don't tell Afro though), which means Whitney will be much easier. So I guess I gotta raise Geodude a bit
Imagine...a Golem with an afro :3
I love how Hoppips are found early in Crystal, and they can only Splash. They're basically screaming "KILL MEH NAO!!!!" The reason I'm leveling up Geodude now is because it does awful in Sprout Tower, which is where Spearow gets a lot of exp. We take a quick detour to Route 36, where I encounter a Growlithe. Now I'm really hoping it doesn't Roar. It likes me, and doesn't Roar (well rather, Roar fails), and I catch it. I nickname it Teapot (The Power of Three) because well...I can't come up with a reason why.
AAAAAWWWWW YEAH...I need some levels dood...I will never die
I think at this point I'm stalling for time, so I'm going to end Episode 2 here. Thanks for watching.
O_O This is the greatest video I have ever seen....
Episode 3: Afro: i can throw hard things now :3
We start the journey off in Sprout Tower, and its night, so there will be many Gastlys. But I'm looking for a Rattata still. Unfortunately, Gastly's 85% encounter rate happens first. I don't really want a Gastly, and I can't think of when it'll be useful, so its free exp for Growlithe. I do a little bit of grinding to get Growlithe at Level 9, so it learns Ember. Then we basically burn the tower down. Well, at least all the Bellsprouts inside it.
What happened to using me for Sprout Tower ;_; I wanted to mercilessly crush monks dreams by destroying there weird plant things...
With the tower gone, lets go see Jim, the Gym guide guy. I send Afro out against the Gym Trainers, and it levels up and learns Rock Throw. Can you say, hello easy first two gyms? Because I can. As for Falkner, Pidgey dies in one Rock Throw, and its Tackle does 2 damage. Pidgeotto, however, proves to be much more of a challenge.
I'm sure I could have taken that Pidgey...HURRY I WANNA BEAT THIS PIDGEOTTO SEND ME OUT THERE :3.
Mud Slap does a surprising amount of damage to Afro, and I need to weaken it. The best bet was to send in catutie (Spearow), and start Growling it. However, it gets a critical hit with gust, and catutie's wings are clipped as it falls. ;_; However, do to the Growls, Afro is able to quickly take down Pidgeotto, and the badge is mine.
I go to the Pokemon Center, deposit catutie, and get the Togepi egg. It'll have to hatch soon if it wants to be of use. So now, to Route 32!
Welp...heaven isn't that great....
Route 32's Pokemon is a Wooper. I'm not too sure what use it'll have, but it'll work for now. I catch it, but forget to name it. Gogogo, chance for audience involvement part. You're task; come up with a name for Wooper. The fishers on the boardwalk make for nice exp for safariblade (Chikorita), who hasn't seem any action since Episode 1. After defeating all the trainers, I head into Union Cave.
Wetnoodle....that is the name I would have gone with :3
In a strange twist of fate, Union Cave's Pokemon is a Wooper. What's even more strange is that the Wooper I caught on Route 32 died to that Wooper. due to a critical Water Gun. I catch it, leave it un-nicknamed so that you guys still have something to do. The rest of Union Cave goes smoothly. Well, except for Gliscor (caterpie) dieing. But Caterpie is so useless in Gen. 2 that I'm not really fazed by it. Oh yeah, and safariblade (Chikorita) evolved into a Bayleef.
I actually lol'd a little...oh the irony...hold on...I have the sudden urge to go iron shirts now.
On Route 33, the Pokemon I get is a Zubat. I catch it, and call it Shadow-L. I run to Azalea Town, grab Shadow-L from the PC, and save. This was a long episode. Because its a Monday, and I don't have school, I might update later.[/spoiler]
Zubat is der best mayn
Episode 4: Afro: "A penny saved is a penny earned" - SpongeBob
Beginning in Azalea Town, I want to level up Shadow-L a bit in Ilex Forest, where there isn't much to harm him. I'm also looking for an Oddish. Thankfully, the first thing I find is an Oddish. I catch it, and name it PMJ, because Oddish's PokeDex entries says it walks a lot, and Pimpwalkin' isn't too much of a stretch from normal walking. Unfortunately, I forget that Zubat doesn't pose a threat to anything yet. Eventually, I get annoyed with how long its taking to make progress, and box both of them. So now, to Slowpoke Well.
What Bippa didn't realize is that both those pokemon would save his life one day...
Surprisingly, I get a Slowpoke in Slowpoke Well. I catch it, and name it hipoke, since he likes Slowpokes. The Rocket Grunts in the Well are a joke, and nothing interesting happens. I decide to get a little bit more training in Ilex Forest, but Nasty Steve surprises me, and wants a battle. His Gastly annoys Teapot (Growlithe) making it fully paralyzed with Lick. But it goes down in two Bites. Afro (Geodude) handles the other two very well, but it almost died to a critical Ember. Now, its Gym time. The Gym trainers were as easy as the Rocket Grunts; Maybe Bugsy will be too.
Afro almost dies alot...
Well now, Bugsy was the biggest joke I've ever seen. Everything died to Rock Throw, in one hit! In the forest, I do the Farfetch'd quest, and then get Cut, so I can chop down some trees. I run back to the Pokemon Center, grab PMJ and teach it Cut, because I don't want to waste a slot on Bayleef for it.
AHA...see...if you didn't get that Oddish you would still be at the tree...pounding it with your fists.
Route 34 gets me the Rattata I've been looking for since Episode 1. I catch it, and call it Joeypals!!, because Youngster Joey's Rattata is in the top percentage of Ratatta. With a final hurray, we get to Goldenrod City. Nothing exciting happens, so I'll end episode 4 here.
My Rattata was in the lowest percentages...ya...he only single handedly beat the E4...pretty lame
Episode 5: Bippa: Someone say something funny. sillykyle!: no
One thing I forgot to do in the last episode was grab the Daycare Egg. I hope something cool is inside it. During the time it takes to hatch it, I encounter a SHINY JIGGLYPUFF!! But it was on Route 34, and that means I can't use it. So...
* Bippa201 runs from battle.
That egg hatched, after what seems like an eternity. It hatches, and out pops a SHINY SMOOCHUM! Smoochum is named TDL, because TDL likes women. I've only done one thing in this episode, and yet it feels like a long episode. So now, to Route 35.
TDL grows fast against the Trainers, and I step into the grass to see what my present is. Its a Psyduck (inb4 Meaty screams). It catch it, and obviously call it Meaty. So now, I guess we go see Jim again. The gym leaders are harder than the ones at Bugsy's Gym; maybe they studied under Miltank. I run to the PokeMart to grab some items, just in case the battle goes south. And now, we face off against the one who gave me nightmares as a kid; Whitney.
*insert reference to TDL's avy being a blonde woman and Smoochum and Jynx being blonde...*
I lead with Joeypals (Ratatta), who proceeds to get obliterated by Metronome, which pulls out Aeroblast. To make matters worse, its a critical. So yeah, Joeypals died fast. But Clefairy is only at 50% HP now due to Joeypals' Quick Attack. I send out safariblade to kill Clefairy with Razor Leaf, which it does. And now, the moment we've all been waiting for, Miltank, otherwise known as the stupid, fat cow.
Metronome <3...
I switch to Afro, who is immune to Attract, takes 25% from Rollout, and takes 50% from Stomp. Right away, it opens up with a critical hit Stomp, and I start to sweat. I need to heal it, so I use PMJ as fodder so that I can heal Afro. I later discover that Whitney must be blonde, because she never used Milk Drink to heal Miltank. But oh well, it was much easier than I thought it would be.
I am a blonde and I am offended....
I'm also a compulsive liar...that isn't a picture of me btw...I'll let you decide to believe me or not on that statement
This has been a pretty eventful episode, with two shiny encounters, a stupid Metronome attack, and Miltank. Afro's awesome. Episode 6 will be up later today, or tomorrow.
PFT...I could have taken that Miltank...with both wings covered in knives...ya....I could have taken it then...instead of just throwing hard things...
Episode 6: hipoke: THIS IS PART 6
With the sun rising, I head to National Park to find a new member of the team. I'd been wishing for a Nidoran M, and it looks like my wish was granted. I catch it, and name it Tyraniking. The Dig TM is also obtained, but I wish there was more of it. I talk to the Flower Shop girl, and then go find my Route 35 Pokemon.
Nidoran F is better...
Its a Yanma. You know, that Pokemon that only has a 1% chance of appearing. Well, I guess I gotta catch it. Well, I didn't; Razor Leaf was a critical hit. Oh well, Yanma's not that cool until Gen. 4. Now, lets go attack Sudowoodo.
O_O You mean Yanma got lamer when Gen 4 came...I had to remove him from my useless pokemon list ;_;
I feel stupid when I say that Sudowoodo posed a threat to my team... But everything was taking lots of damage from its attacks, and I really could care less about Sudowoodo when I got Afro, so I kill it, and leave. On Route 37, I look for a Stantler, but it was not to be, and I am instead gifted with a Ledian. However, due to its stats that are a sibling of garbage, it dies on my attempt to weaken it.
Sudowoodo is a grass type right...I could have totally killed that thing...
In Ecruteak, I meet Bill. Lets take the hike back to Goldenrod and get us an Eevee. I call Eevee Yoshidude, but I dunno why. Back in Ecruteak, we take a long detour. We're going to Olivine City for to hopefully find a teammate.
Eevee is cool
First of all, my Route 38 Pokemon is a Magnemite, and I want to catch it. I do, and call it sillykyle!, because its quite silly that its overworld sprite is a Voltorb. My Route 39 Pokemon is a Tauros, and I know I want to catch it. However, a critical hit claims the life of Tyraniking, so I need to catch this Tauros. I send out Magnemite, who falls just as fast as Tyraniking did. I'm scrambling, so I just throw a Great Ball at Tauros, and it catches it. I call it dragnexprt, since DE's chat nick is Arceus, and Tauros was immortal, like that Arceus.
Make it your HM slave because of all the torment it brought to you...heh...Arceus an HM slave....HA
Now I go to Olivine Port, because I forgot that Staryu isn't found during the day. I find a Chinchou with the Good Rod, and name it CMPancakes, after CMP. Now, we go back to Ecruteak.
I love Lamp Lanturn
We find Nasty Steve again, only after seeing him in Olivine City a little bit ago. Except this time, he battles us. As usual, Afro takes down the entire team with Magnitude and Rock Throw. Then we fall down a hole. On the bottom floor, I find a Koffing. I catch it, and name it DVfivesept, after Darkvoid57.
>_> Afro has grown to powerful...HURRY SMITE HIM NOW.
I'll call this an episode and end it here. I'm gonna go grind now.
Episode 7: <Afro> Meryl Sheep...
This will be a short part, mostly the Gym against Morty. Because of how wonderfully awesome TDL is, Confusion KOs all of the Haunters and Gastlys the trainers threw at me.
I hate Morty's gym...
As for Morty, I lead with Afro, because Gastly can't threaten Geodude (I mean Graveller, due to Afro evolving) due to Shadow Ball being Physical. Before the battle starts, I have to say that I love how much Morty's overworld sprite looks like Solid Snake. Let's see how this battle turns out.
How can you forget that Afro was a Graveler?!...I mean I guess they are just both
hard things rocks...ya they are pretty hard to tell apart I guess...
I love how Morty randomly decides to Curse, and it makes the battle easier. Afro takes down Gasty with Magnitude, as well as Gengar due to Morty's poor AI (Why he didn't Hypnosis, I'll never figure that out). Haunter puts Afro to sleep, and I switch out into dragnexprt to take the Shadow Ball. dragnexprt (Tauros) can't do anything to Haunter, so I Tail Whip. It mimics Tail Whip, and I switch out to TDL (Smoochum) as Haunter Tail Whips. TDL sweeps with Confusion, outrunning both Haunters, and they both die in one hit. Easy gym badge.
HEY Morty is "special" don't make fun of his bad descisions...*giggle*
hahaha Morty is so stupid YA don't make fun of him...
The next task is to take down the Kimono Girls so that I get Surf; which CMPancakes really needs. Because Crystal's level curve is ridiculously low, everything is one shotted, and the Eeveelutions are all free exp. The next destination is the Olivine Ligthhouse, and the trainers inside it are almost as much of a joke as the Kimono Girls. This game gets easy too fast.

Anyways, I get charged with the task of getting some medicine from Cianwood City, so lets go. Lets grab our surfboard, I mean our Chinchou, and get surfing.
Actually this is one of my biggest problems with G/S/C/HG/SS...why did they keep the levels so low? It makes no sense. When I hit the 7th gym and my pokemon are already higher level than the pokemon in the have a HUGE problem. There is no real threat when your big honcho Rocket leader is 10 levels below's just sad.
Route 40's Pokemon is a Tentacool. It takes no effort to catch it, and I call it RockRecker, since because of its Water-type, it wrecks Rock-types. Ohoho, bad pun. Against the other wild Tentacools, they're easy exp for TDL, who then evolves into a Jynx. Route 41 gives me a Tentacruel. However, it died faster than the Tentacool, ironically.
BADUM CHHHHHHHHHHHHH least you made the baby laugh with that joke...
Cianwood gym trainers are harder than the other ones; maybe this game isn't getting easy yet. I almost lose CMPancakes, but it manages to stay alive. During the next part, we'll take down Chuck, and probably Jasmine.
/me thinks it's sweet that you saved CMPancakes life...then catutie remembers that you taught him Surf >_>
Episode 8: Afro: I like toitles :I
I begin the episode by grinding CMPancakes (Chinchou) for two levels until it evolves, because based on its performance in the last part, I think it needs Lanturn's 125 base HP. That happens, I'm excited, now let's go defeat Chuck. He throws a rock at a statue, and the rock breaks. I go "meh", and the battle scene opens up.
I love lamp Lanturn
I lead with TDL (Jynx), because it would be stupid not too. Primeape almost dies in one hit, but it Leers TDL rather than attack, so nothing bad happens. Poliwrath comes out, I switch to safariblade (Bayleef), who loves Dynamicpunch's 50% accuracy. It Razor Leafs, and it gets a crit. Poliwrath uses Mind Reader, and this is over next turn with another Razor Leaf. I was amazed at how simple this was.
Jynx is Ice....
Back in Olivine, I ascend the lighthouse for a final time, and hand Jasmine the medicine. Now with her back in her gym, lets take her out as well. I lead with Afro (Graveller), because the two Magnemites have no way of threatening Afro other than with Sonicboom. I also find out that Afro is faster than the Magnemites. The Magnemites are "taken down on the word GO", and Steelix comes out. Teapot handles Steelix very well, and Jasmine's AI sets up Sunny Day, so Steelix dies faster now. Easy gym battle, which is a shame because Jasmine is my favorite Johto gym leader.
Bippa has a crush on we can see here...
During the Jasmine battle, something important happened (well, its a funny kind of important)
So yeah, Afro now knows Harden. Aww yeah.
No...that is extremely important. Now Afro can throw hard things AND be hard himself....
My Route 42 Pokemon is a Golbat, and I call it DarkSonicJ because it likes the night, when its dark outside. Route 42 is also the perfect time to say that Gen. 2's level curve is awful. We just versed a gym where the highest level Pokemon was at Lv. 35, and I just creamed a Lv. 16 Dugtrio >.<. Why? Anyways, to the Lake of Rage!
Maybe the Lake of rage will cause
/me shades
My first encounter on Route 43 is a Venomoth. I call it Assassin, due to Venomoth being rather good in underused play, and The Assassin plays in the underused tier. Now, lets head back up to the lake, where we get ourselves a Shiny Gyarados. I lead with dragnexprt (Tauros) to weaken the Gyarados. After two Headbutts and a Tackle, I'm ready to throw stuff at it. However, dragnexprt is 2HKOed by Dragon Rage, and that's exactly what Gyarados decides to spam. Great, another dead teammate. Ultimately, I run out of PokeBalls, and kill it for the delicious exp.
It's were too good for that Gyarados anyway...
So now I guess I need to find a replacement for dragnexpert, and level them up about 10 times. So this makes a good time to stop.
Where is your god pokemon now?! In heaven?! Wait that makes no sense....
Episode 9: Afro: Maybe I should play Japanese Silver :3
So you're probably wondering what dragnexprt's replacement was. Well, I picked Assassin (Venomoth) as the replacement until something better comes around. So after leveling it up a bit, I head into the Rocket Base thing.
The Base of Rockets...I'm sure it will be quite a challenge. Oh...the Team Rocket Base? Well that is a whole different story...ya they suck.
While taking down the Rocket Grunts, safariblade evolves a final time. I'm almost double the level of the Rocket Grunts, which isn't too hard to do given that they all hover around Level 17. They're all a bunch of jokes, and the level curve makes a fool of them.
Yep....easy stuff right thur.
So we get the passwords, and defeat the Electrodes. Super easy with Afro (Graveler) taking 10 damage from Self Destruct. Easiest dungeon ever. Now lets go break some Ice. CMPancakes (Lanturn) will be useful, hitting all Ice-types except for Jynx for super effective damage using Spark and Surf.
Woah woah woah...when did we start playing PMD here? Dungeon?
Also...the ice has already been broken sir...
The gym trainers were easier than the puzzle, but thats not too hard to believe. CMPancakes (Lanturn) defeats Seel, Dewgong and Piloswine in one hit, and I get my badge. Go me! Something weird is up with the radio, so lets go to Radio Tower and pick up the Radio card and see what is up.
Let me just adjust the antenna....yep there you more problems with the radio.
The Rockets in Radio Tower are harder than the ones in their Mahogany Base, but I still have about 10 levels on top of them, so they still fall quickly. Heck, even the fake president and his team of 5 Koffings and a Weezing die in 6 Confusions from TDL. Now, to the basement!
I love the president...5 Koffings?! Seriously...this guy is addicted...
he needs an intervention...
We get another battle with Nasty Steve, and it should be easy. Newcomer Sneasel proves to be the biggest challenge, almost killing Teapot. But it dies in 3 Embers (Y U NO LRN NEW FIRE ATTACK UNTIL LEVEL 34!!

). The rest of the basement dies just as easily as the Radio Tower did, so with the new Card Key, lets finish this dungeon.
Well, everything goes fine until I reach the Executive with the Level 36 Golbat, who makes short work of Assassin (Venomoth). So now I've got to find another Pokemon to fill that slot. Great >.<. TDL (Jynx) and all if its awesomeness avenges Assassin (Venomoth)'s death. The female executive dies to TDL (Jynx) for the second time in this episode, so all thats left is the final executive, the guy with a Houndour, Koffing and Houndoom. I lead with CMPancakes (Lanturn). Surf either one hits or two hits his whole team, and although CMPancakes (Lanturn) takes a bit of damage, it isn't put into danger. So we defeated Team Rocket. Go us!
Team Rocket is not cool....
Back in Mahogany Town, I'll end this Episode here. Next time on Bippa's Crystal Nuzlocke, we'll be going through Ice Path, as well as show Clair the awesomeness that is TDL.
Episode 10: Tyraniking: why can't I ever make a title?
We begin this episode by going to explore the grasses of Route 44, where we find a Lickitung. I catch it, and call it Slickmario, because slick contains "lick". The trainers die fast, and we enter Ice Path.
Her her der der Lickitung couldn't learn lick in gen 1 games her her der der
/me punches self in face
Sorry about that
The Pokemon we find in Ice Path is a Swinub. I catch it, and call it BrokenIce. I get Waterfall, and then start doing some ice sliding and strength puzzles. Dungeon is relatively simple, and I'm glad to be in Blackthorn City. Before challenging Clair, I do some training in Dark Cave and Route 45.
NONONONO you spelled his name wrong D:< BrOkenICE O_O
The Dark Cave Pokemon is Ursaring. I name it Zade, because it evolves from Teddiursa, and Teddiursa and Pikachu are both cute. Perhaps Ursaring can be my final party member. My Route 45 Pokemon is, ironically, Donphan. It is caught as well, and a I name it Zero. Donphan is a huge TCG deck, and Zero is really into the TCG. While training Zade (Ursaring), an opposing Graveler explodes, and Zade's life is quickly over. :[
Those dang they are using Gravelers too?!
To make matters worse, I fall down the edge, and I lack a flier on my team. So I use this to my advantage to find something on Route 27. Well, I found if there was grass before Tohjo falls. Now, back to Blackthorn. I decide to forget about training, and just go beat the Gym. The trainers are about on par with my party, so I'm expecting a challenge from Clair. I lead with TDL (Jynx), who should quickly be able to dispose of the Dragonairs. TDL (Jynx) does, and I leave safariblade (Meganium) to take care of Kingdra, because Hyper Beam is a huge threat to TDL (Jynx). Hardest Gym yet, but thats not saying much. Now for the Dragon test. We pass, we get Dragonbreath, and we get a call from the Prof. He has something for us.
Isn't Hyper Beam a threat to all pokemon....
Master Ball Get. In Tohjo Falls, I get a Goldeen, which is good because I need something to use Waterfall. I call Goldeen JaySee, because I can. On the way down the waterfall, I find a Shiny Slowpoke, and do to what happened with the Jigglypuff and you guys, I catch it and call it "Dead". Or well, I would. But the Box is full, and I can't catch it (I hate GSC box systems so hard right now). I take this time to go to Cherrygrove, and manually change my boxes.
Y u get so many shinys dood
My Route 27 Pokemon is a Dodrio. I want to catch it, as it can be that sixth party member. I catch it after taking like 10 Great Balls and 3 Ultra Balls to do so. JaySee does die in the process, but as an HM slave, I don't feel the loss to heavy. Dodrio is called bacon, because with three brains, it must be good at coming up with some brutal brain teasers. Episode ends here, I have school tomorrow. Bye. [/spoiler]
Episode 11: oyeah1988: your title could be a link to a vid.
I can't believe we're almost at the Elite Four; its been so much fun playing this game. Its nice to know that its not even halfway over though, with Kanto coming up shortly. So let have some fun. For the first part of this episode, I grind my team to level 40. So consider this episode to be the calm before the storm.
Hmmmm...I'm glad you made burgers out of Afro...did he grind well? I would imagine his meat would taste like dirt...oh wait..
Most of the optional quests, like the Ruins of Alph, are also completed in this episode. I'm not going to go into detail about them. Now with the sun up, lets explore Route 26. Why did I wait for the sun to come up? There's a Pokemon I want to get on Route 26 that could be a useful substitute for something currently in my party.
Yes...he wanted a replacement for Afro ;_; How dare you...
My Route 26 Pokemon is a Ponyta; the substitute I was looking for. I call Ponyta Steadfast, because he was online at the time I was typing this, and because well, I can. After a bit of leveling in the grass, it evolves into Rapidash, and we go into Victory Road now.
I hope that you have
/me shades
Success on Victory Road :I
My Victory Road Pokemon is an Onix. I catch it and call it Hatman, because the rock on its head looks like a hat. Victory Road is a super easy dungeon, without any real challenge too it. We find Nasty Steve at the end for our final Johto battle. With some smart switching, he goes down very quickly, and nothing is a problem.
Just could have had 2 Afro's....
This episode is done here. I know that this episode isn't as [member]meaty[/member] as the other ones. But like I said, the calm before the storm. So I'll see you later, when we challenge the Elite Four.
Episode 12: Bippa: [My Comic] be of a Geodude with an Afro, and a manly Jynx killing everything
This is it. The final frontier. The Indigo Plateau. The Final
countdown Five trainers of the game. Lets do this.
I fixed your strike through for ya ;D
Verses Will, I lead with TDL (Jynx) who can easily eliminate 60% of his team with Ice Punch. First Xatu dies to a critical hit Ice Punch. He switches to Jynx, who causes endless pain with Lovely Kiss. >:[ He then goes to Slowbro; I send out safariblade (Meganium), and kill it with Razor Leaf. Exeggutor and Xatu Jr. die to an Ice Punch each. Game over.
O_O Listening to The Final Countdown and reading this makes it SO MUCH more amazing....
Against Koga, I lead with TDL (Jynx), who can eliminate everything except Forretress. Ariados dies in one Confusion, and he switches to Forretress. Forretress dies in two Embers (I can't wait to get a Houndour). TDL (Jynx) then eliminates the rest of the team.
Bum bum bum buuuuuh
/me plays air drums
* Bippa201 presses
Easy Button.
/me plays air guitar....hard
Verses Bruno, I lead with Bacon (Dodrio). Hitmontop goes down without trying, and Onix comes out. One Razor Leaf from safariblade (Meganium) finishes it off, and Bacon (Dodrio) can sweep the rest of the game. I ask myself why I haven't beaten this game before...
Against Karen, I lead with Bacon (Dodrio) due to having no other good option. Umbreon dies in three Tri Attacks, and she then sends out Gengar, who dies in one Drill Peck. She responds with Vileplume, who also dies in one Drill Peck. Against Murkrow, Lanturn (CMPancakes) kills it with Spark, and Houndoom dies in two Surfs. Hardest yet.
Finally, we have Lance. I lead with CMPancakes (Lanturn) because Gyarados no liek Spark. Gyarados dies in two Sparks. He goes to Dragonite, and I send out TDL (Jynx). Dragonite dies in one hit. A combination of Afro (Graveler) and Bacon (Dodrio) manage to defeat Charizard. He sends out Dragonite again, and TDL (Jynx) comes back out to play. Aerodactyl dies to three Rollouts from Afro (Graveler), and the final Dragonite is hammered by an Ice Punch. Its over.
:I...the song is over...where were we now?
* Bippa201 has beaten this game for the first time. YES!
D: I missed it....SOMEONE DO A RECAP FOR ME.
We go into the Hall of Fame, the Credits roll (We see dancing babies and dittos), and this part is done. But this playthrough isn't; we've still got half the game left to explore. See you later.
Well...kind of...the second half goes by SUPER fast D: