BW/BW2 black or white?

black or white?

  • black

    Votes: 44 53.7%
  • white

    Votes: 38 46.3%

  • Total voters
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Right now, it looks like I am getting white. I want it because Zekrom is in it. However, I will probably have more of a preferance when we here more about them.
I was knew from the start (before legendaries were revealed) which I would choose. White ofcourse!
I hope both legendaries are catchable on both games!
Most likely White for Zekrom. At first it was skeptical because I always got the first versions, Firered, Heartgold, Ruby, Diamond. I like Reshiram and I love the color Black but it feels like Zekrom is calling to me. It still feels a little bit weird for me to get the second version but I'll warming up to the idea. Although there is still a slim chance that I'll go for Black. Only the future will tell.
I'll try to get White, but Black may be a possibility. If my brother gets to choose his game first, he'll definetly choose white, so I'll have to get black. Which is fine. It'll really depend on the version exclusives, and what differences there are between the two games.
I'm getting Black because more people are leaning toward white ,but i'll get which ever has the smallest fan pool.
Black first, then white later.
Or maybe both at the same time.
Depends on how much I want to spend on the cards/other things.
I am 95% sure I am getting white because of Zekrom because I don't care about a dragon/light type, but I do like dragon/fire so until we know the offical types I go to the White side of the game.
Chimchar15 said:
Most likely White for Zekrom. At first it was skeptical because I always got the first versions, Firered, Heartgold, Ruby, Diamond. I like Reshiram and I love the color Black but it feels like Zekrom is calling to me. It still feels a little bit weird for me to get the second version but I'll warming up to the idea. Although there is still a slim chance that I'll go for Black. Only the future will tell.
The first game for each series I have gotten has always been the second title, outside of Crystal. Hasn't been a conscious decision, just how it's worked out: Sapphire, LeafGreen, Pearl, SoulSilver.
I think I had already planned on going with White, but Zekrom has clinched it.I'll get Black after a while, but White will be first!
I can't wait! POKABU! I CHOOSE YOU!
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