BW/BW2 black or white?

black or white?

  • black

    Votes: 44 53.7%
  • white

    Votes: 38 46.3%

  • Total voters
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z-man said:
Anyone who answers this without saying "both" or "neither" is a fool. We know there is a key difference between the two games other than the main-guy. We just don't know that difference yet. Way to jump the gun guys ;)

I'm going to get 2 copies of each. One set in Japanese and one in English. I'm such a fanboy ^_^

By your command, BOTH
I will get black in japanese (so I get a head start) White in english and then the third game in english (any Ideas? Iam thinking a gray becuase its like a mixture of black and white)
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Anyone else think its wierd to cross colors of pokemon and cover colors

I'm gonna be blunt. It's STUPID! I guess they just wanted to make the pokemon show up better on the boxart.(?)

Did you see my apology post? I'm sorry for making fun of your username. I think your username is funny and I would never really want you to change it. Sorry for flaming.
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Oh its fine, its fine. The point is you apologized which means you care. Anyway, at least we agree on that. : )

YAY! I'm purged of my sins!

I joined your forum btw
Guys lets get back on topic before the they arrive. :O

I would choose Black because Reshiram is on the box art. Both can be obtainable through the game. But the only thing that hasn't been released is what types of exclusive Pokemon are available in each game.
I would probably get The Japanese Black Version and the English White Version
Me and my older brother were waiting until the announcement of the version mascots. Luckily, we didn't have to argue as I preferred Reshiram over Zekrom, and he vice versa. So when the games come out in Europe, I'll be buying Black, and he'll be buying White.

However, I will be getting White upon release in Japan.
im getting black cause reshiram looks awsome, more people are getting white and the case looks great cant wait
the will like in d and p zekrom is an dragon/electick

will there be a movie where zek and resh fight like and movies before
im getting black because of Reshiram. he is a fire type and i love fire type pokemon.(Exept the fire pig)
I'm going to wait to hear what the "big" difference isbetween the two versions besides the version exclusive pokemon. If there wasn't a difference between the two though I would totally pick black.
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