Collecting Black Triangle on Cards?


Aspiring Trainer
so I'm new and I made a account here becaus I have a box of the original Pokemon packs I accidentally opened up a case but they have these triaged on them and I looked original Pokemon packs and they don't show up and I'm wondering if this is a miss print or something I opened up a pack and I got a charizard which I new was worth a lot so i was really happy but it has a black triangle on it to so how much should I sell these for on ebay
Moved from the TCG Help to the Collector's Showcase, as the OP is asking whether a card they pulled is a misprint. ~bbninjas

I'm not really sure what you're talking about regarding the triangle, so I suggest you take a photo of the card/s in question and post them here. You can use the "Upload a File" button next to the "Post Reply" button under the reply box to post an image. That way, we can also check the card for anything else that would tell us if the card is fake, or just a misprint.
Do you have a picture of the actual cards with black triangles on them? Or did you mean the packs had black triangles on them? 'Cause I can't see any black triangles on the packs. :p
Whelp, I see it now! :p

So I just did a bit of research, and apparently this is a rarer factory error where some factories covered up the "first edition" symbol on the pack with a black triangle. As for pricing, there isn't really a concrete number, as it depends on the buyer. You could fetch as little as $11, or up to a hundred if you're lucky.
I also know a bit about these packs, and they are what bbninjas said they are. But, after opening one, you can sell the literal plastic seal thing for $11 and around 3 packs for $180, so about $60 each, but some would buy them for $500.