So, it looks like this is the main theme of the game. One game features a world that works with nature, the other works against it.
As we see in the pictures of the town on page 8 of corocoro, one town has more greenery and plants and flowers within the city area, whereas the other town is has more concrete and stone.
It looks like this will determine what version you choose almost as much as the pokemon. Are you a city person, or more of a country person?
EDIT: Perhaps the version you have will determine the pokemon you find. For example, you might find Shimama (electric zebra), Gear, Desukan (electric tarantula) and Mamepato (pigeon) pokemon in the built-up city world, and you find Minezumi (prairie dog), Wooguru (war eagle) and Moguryu (mole) in the more naturistic world.
Oh well, nice idea though
As we see in the pictures of the town on page 8 of corocoro, one town has more greenery and plants and flowers within the city area, whereas the other town is has more concrete and stone.
It looks like this will determine what version you choose almost as much as the pokemon. Are you a city person, or more of a country person?
EDIT: Perhaps the version you have will determine the pokemon you find. For example, you might find Shimama (electric zebra), Gear, Desukan (electric tarantula) and Mamepato (pigeon) pokemon in the built-up city world, and you find Minezumi (prairie dog), Wooguru (war eagle) and Moguryu (mole) in the more naturistic world.
N will keep challenging you in order to confirm his ideas of justice. He calls Pokemon his "friends," but one of the screenshots shows him saying that he wants to split humans and Pokemon and divide them so that the world is black and white. He has the unique idea to set Pokemon free from people. He's looking for the power to grant these ideals.
Oh well, nice idea though