Wi-Fi Trades Black_jirachis Player thread Got Arceus


Aspiring Trainer
Welcome to Black_jirachi's player thread!


My Friend Code: 0688 2028 4387
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/whatever: PM me
Contact Time: Between 4 PM and 10 PM GMT +1 Also, availible almost 24/7 now during summer holidays


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
  • Arceus----Event Hack---Got from a friend
  • Shiny DarkRai LvL 100----Event Hack---Got from a friend
  • Shiny Shaymin LvL 100---Event Hack---Got from a friend
  • All starters(Eggs or hatched)
  • Deoxys LvL 100
  • All legendaries except the ones I need( Will have to clone if you request)
  • Manaphy, can clone
  • Phione

POKEMON I WANT=======================

  • Below are not that important.I will get them myself eventually
  • MamoSwine
  • Tangrowth
  • YanMega
  • Gliscor

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================
  • Fire stone
  • Thunderstone
  • 2 Masterball

Pending trades:

MCD his Celebi for My Deoxys
Can i trade you a totodile for magby w/magtizer
What you want for your Deoxys(can you clone that too)
I can give you any shinoh legend accept the event legends for that acures
post with a time to do it and the pokemon you want
my FC is 0559 3497 3568
somey2622 said:
do you have a jirach can u clone one for me -remember me :>
If you can give me something good for it, then yes

Heiogen said:
Can i trade you a totodile for magby w/magtizer
What you want for your Deoxys(can you clone that too)
If you want the Totodile(Kinda unclear post ;)) then yes, I would love to take your Magby

What you give for a Deoxys?

dalgia said:
I can give you any shinoh legend accept the event legends for that acures
post with a time to do it and the pokemon you want
my FC is 0559 3497 3568
Won't do. Sorry.
Except if you have Shiny Palkia
I give you electivire and mabgy with magtizer for deozys
forget the todile =]
somey2622 said:
I give you a 1 master balls lvl 42 StarRaptor with Rydon w/ protector

Heiogen said:
I give you electivire and mabgy with magtizer for deozys
forget the todile =]
That is okay :)
I'll have to clone the Deoxys though. I'll reply back when I have sucessfully cloned it

MCD said:
Can you trade a Deoxys or Manaphy for my Celebi?
I can do the Deoxys. But as you sure can see, i will have to clone it first ;)
um ok but it goign to take a while to find mabgy i tell u if you when i got
Oh wait black jirachi i havnt foudn it yet still looking hold on
but can i just give you elertive and master ball or no
its in my trainer card lol can i just give you like 4 masterballs and eletrivre
0688 1743 0411

I can do:
Electrivire and one of the following: Dusknoir,PorygonZ,MamoSwine,Togekiss,Togetic

Both holding a Master ball ;)
i give you a duskull with reaper cloth and get 2 masterballs
lol plzzzzzz