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Blastgatr deck (Blastoise/Feraligatr) HGSS-on

Lols ok but then jynx is depend on ur opponents hand? Wouldn't it be less consistent? But I still can't decide mantine. Jynx or manaphy hard to choose xD
Hum. If you start, your opponent will not have more than 2 Basics Pokémon. So he or she will be with 5~6 cards in his or her hand. Jynx has 10 more Pv. Manaphy has free retreat cost. It may be 20 damage for one {W}.

Cleffa draw one more card (and it protect itself) !
^Definitively put Kingdra. Instead of Plus Power. If Poke power used correctly, it can be deadly. But I desagree with the remove of PONT. It is a hand refresh card, which should be in every deck. 3 is a good number.

I prefer to play some Fisherman. It is always useful in a deck with Feraligatr. I do not have a lot of experience in water decks so lol.

As for the Zoaroak (I don't know how to write it lol) line, take it out for a Donphan Prime. You will have a little trouble against Electric Pokemons, when they OHKO your Water Pokemon.

I prefere Mantine because of high HP. That is my only reason.

And he does not have a lot of draw power, sorry. It is not because he has some Cleffa that he is invincible. It is die or live on a coin flip. Don't tell me he is going to play another after because it is stupid to give your opponent another free prize. Blastgartr's goal is to snipe everything before they get all set.
wang zitong said:
As for the Zoaroak (I don't know how to write it lol) line, take it out for a Donphan Prime. You will have a little trouble against Electric Pokemons, when they OHKO your Water Pokemon.
Zoroark does 120 damage to Zekrom, Kingdra Prime does 10 more. Zoroark OHKO Zekrom. Zoroark Put 3 Energy cards in Lost Zone versus Magnézone Prime (with Feraligatr). Zoroark doesn't 10 damage to the bench. Zoroark is just... Amazing !
... Your choice ! Manaphy draws less, but free retreat and may attack. Cleffa can't attack, but protect itself and draws more. Jynx might draw more or less, but it has got more HP.
Mantine >_<. Between Manaphy, Jynx and Cleffa, I would keep Cleffa. Free Retreat Cost, and Protect itself from damages, draw 1 more than Manaphy,... But be careful to Kingdra Prime !
^Kingdra Prime is not needed IMO.

Zoroark IS important. Why? Because in the Zekrom matchup, it's your only hope. BTW, you may want to make the line of Zoroark 2-2 for consistency. Maybe drop a PONT and a Pluspower for it?
If you wan to kill something with 110 HP with only one attack, yes. If you want to kill a baby Pokemon without attacking (because of its Poké-Body), yes. If you want to kill a Vespiqueen as fast as possible because you can't attack all others Pokémon, excluding active, yes. If you don't agree with all what I said, say it now.
^It now. :p

Idk, it's up to the person who has the deck. Kindgra is anoher Stage 2 to set-up. Setting up two stage 2's is difficult. Setting up three is just a pain.
Not with Rare Candy and Mantine. Just set-up Kingdra Prime if you need it. Otherwise, leave its family in your Deck. When you see that you REALLY need it, so play it.
guys I've made some changes on my deck, plz check and see if i can still make any other changes? And is Juniper ok in this deck?