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Blastgatr deck (Blastoise/Feraligatr) HGSS-on

take out 3-2-3 Blastoise
put in 2-2 suicune entei legend.
add 4 mantine

blastoise just takes too much time to set up, you can fish out the legend pieces with mantine since both pieces of entei suicune legend count as water pokemon. the manaphy is good for hand refresh and can find the rare candies easier. entei and suicune have more hp as well. entei and suicune can OHKO healix, and scizor due to its fire typing. definitely keep the pokemon communications to get the legend pieces too. with mantine, manaphy and those you should be able to set up entei and suicune MUCH faster than blastoise while making more room in the deck. I say keep manaphy and mantine so you wont have to risk having no basic pokemon and giving your opponent a card.
lols prob is suicune legend only allows me to attack the benched not the defending @.@ and when it dies, it gives ppl 2 prize cards @.@
Okay take out 2-2-2 Fraligator and put in 2-2 floatzel un and put in 1 shuckle promo and put in one copy catt.

Floatzel is much easyer to set up and it works just as well as fraligator does. You can attach all your water energys to shuckle then move them to blastoice with wash out and copy catt will help you with drawing.
Can't use Shuckle, since you can only attach extra water energies to water type Pokemon. Because Shuckle is Grass, it cannot receive any benefits like that. Also, I run 3-3 Floatzel and its much more consistent.
Shuckle is a Fighting Type Pokémon. I would run 3/2/3 Blastoise, 3/3 Floatzel, 2/2 Zoroark.
it doesnt matter, suicune entei legend IS WAAAAAAAY FASTER, KEY WORD, FASTER than blastoise. hes a stage 2, takes too long, and takes up more deckspace, just add like 2-3 fire energies for the entei attack. plus it can one hit ko ANY STEEL POKEMON. dude, its just overall better
^True, but with Blastiose you can use Floatzel, and it is easier to set-up a Stage 2 and a Stage 1 than a Legend and a Stage 2. You could run a 1-1 tech, but I don't think it is necessary.

Have you tested against Magnezone yet? I'm just curious, since it doesn't sound like a very good matchup.
Versus Magnezone, I think you have got a favorable matchup with zoroark : attach DCE to Zoroark, some Water to your Flotzel(s), and Lost Burn Magnezone.