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Blasting The Well(Blastoise/Floatzel)Masters Any Tournament I can get in next


Starting my journey once again
Blasting the Well (Blastiose/Floatzel)
3-3-3 Blastiose
3 Floatzel GL
1 Floatzel GL Lv.X
1 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Luxury Ball
1 Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar
3 Night Mainenance
4 Poke Radar
2 Dusk Ball
2 Warp Point
2 Palmer's Contribution
2 Roseanna's Research
2 Volkner's Philosophy
2 Bebe's Search
1 Cynthia's Feelings
1 Underground Expedition
20 Water

Ok so what I do with this deck is pretty much hope to start with a basic(lol),then as soon I can start blasting out Pokemon from my in any and every way I can. Get atleast one Blastiose up and running, then use dig well as much as I can. Then if any Pokemon get dumped from the deck use my Night Mainenances and Palmers to put them back. If I dump any Supporters use the Floatzel GL's to put them in my hand. Then use the powerfull Aqua Press to start knocking out Pokemon. Till Blastiose is knocked out, then use the Floatzel GL Lv.X to return the energy back to the deck. Replay the Blastiose with the aid of BTS and start again.
Ok so this is pretty much the deck i used last year to win my local Citys. Shortly after that I dropped from the game, went and did other things with my time. But as of the last few weeks I found myself really and I do mean really wanting to play the game. Mind you I have not picked up any new cards or really even tested with version of the deck. I guess I just really want to know if you guys think this deck would have a chance and what would be some things that I should watch out for when I do play in a tournament
Thank you for time
roseanne's research has been rotated and so has night mainenance. also i would suggest a 2-2 line of floatzel GL lv.X. (if you have or or can get a second one) and if you do get another floatzel i would mabye increase the poketurns to 3. and possibly add in dawn stadium for the dead space. (because with out the dawn stadium from what i counted added with my suggestions only adds up to 59 cards.) if you cant find another floatzel GL lv.X as well as the other things i mentioned i really dont know what you could put in place of the rotated cards.
Well for the Roseannas I hear they came out with a new Supporter that search's for 3 Basic Pokemon, but I dont have any yet and I am not sure what set it comes from. Otherwise thank you for your comment.
The one that lets you search for 3 basics is Pokemon Collector from HS. Alternatives for night maintaince could be Palmer's or Flower Shop Lady
Yeah I have two Palmer's in the deck right now, trying to hunt down more. I looked at Flower Shop Girl and was wondering if you had to have 3 Pokemon and 3 Energys to use it
for flower shop girl you only have to have atleast 1 pokemon or atleast 1 basic energy in your discard pile.
Really, sweet thanks for the heads up. Because I thought normally cards like that had to say "up to" for it to be less then the number stated.