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Blastoise + Floatzel = Floatzoise?


Aspiring Trainer
So i've been testing around, Reshiphlosion is huge in my area and Zekrom is not. So this is what i've decided to run for the time being, I also think the deck gets better with the water dragon and catcher next set. let me know what you think.

4-2-4 Blastoise (unleashed)
3-3 Floatzel (unleashed)
3- Mantine ( heart gold soul silver)
1- Cleffa (call of legends)
total= 20

4- Pokemon Communication
3- Pokemon Collector
3- Professor Oak's New Theory
3- Rare Candy
3- Switch
2- Professor Juniper
2- Professor Elm's Training Method
2- Interviewer's Questions
2- Junk Arm
total= 24

4- Double Colorless Energy
12- Water Energy
total= 16

So the strategy is pretty straightforward. you wanna have Floatzel and Blastoise up as fast as possible. I only am using one cleffa right now so many baby killers out there right now, and Mantine is pretty consistent to help get set up very quickly. Typically interviewers questions is not the best but in this deck energy in the hand is important. ideally you want to have 2 floatzel and 2 blastoise set up and picking what to snipe every turn as your best option on what to kill. This deck is beast against Reshiphlosion. If im gonna play in a field with more Zekrom around I would insert a 1-1 or 2-2 Donphan Prime tech. any help will be considered I appreciate the help and have enjoyed reading this site for a few weeks now.
I think your list looks pretty solid, thought i see a problem-if you havnt won the game yet and all of your blastoise are dead what are you going to do? i would maby throw in either a 2-2 gyarados (HGSS or COL) or maby even 2-2 lanturn prime (UL)- i like the gyarados because you can discard energys attached to the defending pokemon_ but lanturn is also good because it can counter reshiram,yanmega, and donphan. Try out some of my ideas and maby you will like one--Hope i helped a bit -PeAcE!!!
Another attacker is probably needed. I'm really waiting until Kyurem comes out, i think it will be beast. and until then maybe tech a flowershop lady? puts energy and pokemon back into my deck. Just a thought don't wanna buy/trade for stuff i wont really use for the long run and making room for 2 spots is less painful than 4. any other suggestions?
what about a plus power? worth it? helps 1 shot yanmega and help floatzel worst case one shot reshiram.