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Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon -15
  • 4 Squirtle (29 BC)
  • 1 Wartortle (15 PLB)
  • 4 Blastoise (16 PLB)
  • 3 Keldeo EX (promo)
  • 3 Black Kyurem EX (PS)
Trainers -35
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 3 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Cilan
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Tropical Beach
  • 2 Float Stone
Energy -14
  • 11 Water
  • 3 Lightning
Hi guys, new here. I sadly only play TCGO, since there is no one around me to play with in real life. The deck here is 64 cards. I am having trouble cutting out five cards. A lot of lists for this deck don't run scrapper or float stone, but I find these very useful against Garbodor decks, and VirGen - the main decks I have trouble with. I'd also like to know your opinions on energy retrieval vs SER, I like having two of each incase I can't discard. I'm also unsure on the numbers of pokemon, do I need a Wartortle? 3 or 4 Blastoise? I also find myself using Black Kyurem more than Keldeo, hence why I have 3. Do I have too much energy? How about draw support?

I hope you guys can help, and thank you in advance! :)
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX

-1 Blastoise
-1 Black Kyurem-EX
-2 Cilan
-1 Water

I think 3 Blastoise and 2 BK-EX are enough, Cilan really isn't that great, and you have plenty of energy. Also:

-1 Ultra Ball
+1 Energy Search

To find Lightning when you need it.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX

not really. Cilan is really good for early pressure. But then again only if you get him early on. It worked amazingly well with my milotic/blastoise deck. By turn 3 you get blastoise, 2 cilans worth of energy, and a keldeo ex or 2, not including any of the cards you draw naturally.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX

Cilan is really only good T2/3 when you get your 1st Blastoise who takes priority as without him the deck doesn't work, and you will likely be using other draw supporters like Juniper & N these turns. which means that your 1st chance to use Cilan is around turn 4, by which time you will most-likely have energy in your discard so SER & energy retrieval would be a better option to play, since they aren't supporters. Personally I prefer SER.
Also I wouldn't use Wartortle, with 4 Rare Candy he isn't really needed. I know your already tight on space but with 7 cards which require you too discard cards to use an Exeggcute could be real useful, not having to discard as many valuable resources.

+1 SER
+1 Exeggcute

-1 Cilan
-1 Energy retrieval
-1 Wartortle
-1 Keldeo (if you find yourself using Black Kyurem the majority of the time)
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX

A third tropical beach would be good to ensure that you will always win the stadium war if you have one available. Also Wartortle is a great inclusion since you won't have to rely on rare candy all the time.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX

To add to that post above. Say you have a squirtle on the bench, blastoise in your hand, tropical beach active, juniper and an ultraball in hand. But no skyla or rare candy. ultraball for wartortle, use tropical beach. Play blastoise next turn and use juniper after.

Instead of having to decide if you want to chance and wait for the rare candy, or juniper away the blastoise and hope for a better hand. Both plays really hurt if they dont work out.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX

Thanks for the suggestions. I will have a change around and see if it helps, I managed to go 0-9 somehow today on Expert PvP. I think I am not being aggressive enough in trying to find that blastoise, struggling to get it up before T2 most of the time.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo EX/Black Kyurem EX

your list has 64 cards in it. :) so you need to cut 4.