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Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX

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Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Novice/Newbie

Hi! This is my first post at pokebeach forums (i registered oday xD)
Anyway, this is my blastoise/kelde/Kyurem deck that i own irl.
I consider myself to be quite inexperienced in this game (Although I've played yugioh for about 4 years lol) but fortunately, a friend of mine helped me get most of the cards listed (excluding the beaches which i managed to trade for 2x yveltal ex <3)

This is actually my second blastoise/keldeo deck that i've owned. When i started playing the pokemon tcg for about 1 year ago I managed to get most of these cards (excluding the black kyurem ex and 1 tropical beach) But for some apparent reason, I decided to sell all my stuff to T&T in order to buy some expensive yugioh cards... -_-#

So, i guess most of you know how this decks work already and some advice would be greatly appreciated:)

As of now, my biggest problem is the garbodor matchup, (Garbotoxin...) could some of you maybe suggest a tech cards to counter this deck? (or virgen)

I don't know a whole lot about the current meta, and i got most of my information from my friend xD. But generally, the most common decks at my locals is Darkrai/garbodor, rayboar, virgen and blastoise.

My current goal is to make it to the top cut in the swedish regionals this year xD but it will probably not be easy, since i must play in the master division....

Pokemon: 13
  • 3 Keldeo EX
  • 3 Black kyurem EX (the black ballista one)
  • 3 Bastoise
  • 4 Squirtle
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 33
  • 4 Rare candy
  • 4 Ultra ball
  • 2 Professor’s letter
  • 2 Tropical Beach
  • 2 Float stone
  • 3 Muscle band
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 4 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Pokemon catcher
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
Energy: 14
  • 3 Lightning Energy
  • 10 Water Energy
Pardon for any misspells, english is not my native language... :(

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Blastoise/Keldo/Black kyurem ex deck

Good to see a player return to the game!
I have a few ideas.

-3 Muscle Band
+1 Tool Scrapper
+2 Skyla
You'll never ever need Muscle Band. Black Kyurem EX is always hitting for 200 damage which is enough to kill anything.
Playing 2 Tool Scrapper will greatly help your Garbodor matchup, and you need the Skyla to get the Tropical Beach/Rare Candy/anything else.

-2 Water
-1 Ultra Ball
+2 Colress
+1 Heavy Ball
You have a very high energy count, you'll never need that many! 3 Lightning and 9 Water is the absolute maximum in my opinion, and if you wanted you could probably even cut that down to 2 [L] and 9 [W]. You'll never have a problem getting your [L] energy out with Professor's Letter. Colress is because right now you only have 8 draw Supporters, which simply isn't enough. Most decks play 12-15 Supporters, and you need to guarantee you have a refreshed hand every single turn. Heavy Ball also searches out both Blastoise and Black Kyurem EX, your two main components to the deck, so it's ideal to be able to search them out for free.

Hope this could help!
RE: Blastoise/Keldo/Black kyurem ex deck

ok... before kecleon comes in to fix the list:

-1 Keldeo Ex
-1 Black Kyurem Ex

this deck does marvels with those 2 cards, but you don't need that many, also, you run no non-ex attacker (blastoise can do the job, but dude!, never vanguard you engine, it's an invitation 2 cut your throat wide open :p). Some time ago the advise was to use Kyurem PLF (120 is just too good for a 130 stage one, and coupled with Stoned Keldeo is a loop play) BUT, on the other hand you have Suicune, decent attack and shield ability, only drawback is his weekness (leafeon/trophius). Usually you just choose depending on what is played most (in my league Virigen don't see that much play, instead is very ex-heavy, so i went for suicune) So... either one or the other, you need 2

+ 2 Suicune/Kyurem PLF

I was going to ask "why muscle" then i saw charizards HP. As of today, i haven't seen any mega deck on competitive, but i dunno how things will be past May. The idea here is Never-ever to strike with keldeo and go for the big boy. But Muscle him and OHKO all but mega charizard X (not dragon weak)

But, if you happen to cut them, you can add +1 Tool Scrapper and + 2 Skyla (since you run Beach, skyla is for late game SER or scrapper)

Away from that, your list can and will Kick it.... just one minor switch, have you considered the supporter catcher instead?
RE: Blastoise/Keldo/Black kyurem ex deck

Thank you all for your nice feedback :D It's appreciated:3
Which non-ex would you recommend for this deck?(as an attacker besides Suicune) And is level ball worth to consider playing since it can search squirtle? I used to run it in my old blastoise/keldeo deck.

@Sirimaiik do you mean Lysandre? I have considered it since it can help keldeo/kyurem to knock out annoying cards such as garbodor. However, the main problem with it in my opinion is that it uses up your supporter for the turn where you could play juniper, N, Colress etc, but I'll try it and see if it works out well for me:)
RE: Blastoise/Keldo/Black kyurem ex deck

Lysandre will be used only late game, just as a back up plan, but playtest on that card still is needed...

As for the non ex... besides suicine there is Kyurem PLF (30-30 and 120) but you will likely not use his damage spreading move... other option can be outrage kyurem from LTR, it can lower the gap for a ohko on a mega with BK
RE: Blastoise/Keldo/Black kyurem ex deck

One thing that you can consider doing that a lot of players are doing is adding in 1 Black Kyurem non-EX BCR. It has an attack that hits for 100 for 2 Water, 1 Lightning, 1 Colorless with the discard of 2 energy. It helps with mirror matches and is a pretty solid non-EX attacker.

-1 Professor's Letter (2 seems like 1 too many)
+1 Black Kyurem BCR

May I also suggest running Dowsing Machine rather than computer search? Pretty much everything in this deck is already searchable through Level Ball, Ultra Ball, Skyla, and Professor's Letter so Computer Search may be a bit of overkill. Dowsing machine allows to win the Stadium War, get a supporter in hand if you don't already have one, or allow you to get that last Superior Energy Retrieval in hand that you need to Black Ballista for a game-winning knockout.

Hope this helps,
RE: Blastoise/Keldo/Black kyurem ex deck

LoneWolf2113 said:
One thing that you can consider doing that a lot of players are doing is adding in 1 Black Kyurem non-EX BCR. It has an attack that hits for 100 for 2 Water, 1 Lightning, 1 Colorless with the discard of 2 energy. It helps with mirror matches and is a pretty solid non-EX attacker.

-1 Professor's Letter (2 seems like 1 too many)
+1 Black Kyurem BCR

May I also suggest running Dowsing Machine rather than computer search? Pretty much everything in this deck is already searchable through Level Ball, Ultra Ball, Skyla, and Professor's Letter so Computer Search may be a bit of overkill. Dowsing machine allows to win the Stadium War, get a supporter in hand if you don't already have one, or allow you to get that last Superior Energy Retrieval in hand that you need to Black Ballista for a game-winning knockout.

Hope this helps,
This BK??

[Huge Black Kyurem image intensifies]

*Snip* ~Kecleon
RE: Blastoise / Keldeo / Black Kyurem EX

Again! Again this horrid cycle repeats! It is as though I am in a perpetual loop, and these Threadgr rise from their once silent graves once more to raze the living and pillage their bountiful crop of life! O! O! O the necromancers and thee black magic! O their machination! I shan't be daunted by their foul intentions, and not of oft realized events! With my Kido, I shall prevent this pilfered undead from killing any more of those whom once tended to this Threadgr! Halt, thine foul beast! Rest in thine eternal peace!

Bakudo number one!


*Thread becomes locked*
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