• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Blastoise Keldeo for Cities


Wishes Mega Umbreon would exist
Hey guys I havent had very much success with Landorus, so I decided that Im gonna start using Keldeo. So heres my list:
Pokemon (14)
4-1-3 Blastoise
3- Keldeo EX
2- Mewtwo EX
1- Kyurem
T/S/S (33)
4- N
4- Juniper
2- Skyla
3- Bianca
4- Catcher
3- Super Scoop Up
1- Super Rod
4- Ultra Ball
1- Level Ball
3- Rare Candy
3- Energy Retreival
1- Computer Search
Energy (13)
10- Water
3- Double Colorless
Strategy- You want to use Keldeos attack to overwhelm your opponent and use Mewtwo for Mewtwos.
-1 Squirtle (3-1-3 is fine)
-1 Rare Candy (only need three)

+2 Super Scoop Up or Max Potion. (SSU is better IMO but if you don't like the flippyness, Max Potion)
hammer time! said:
-1 squirtle

+ 1 keldeo ex/mewtwo ex/kyurem

I dont feel the need of a 3rd Mewtwo or a 4th Keldeo, but Kyurem sounds like a nice tech Im gonna take out Bouffant for it.

Emopanda133 said:
-1 Squirtle (3-1-3 is fine)
-1 Rare Candy (only need three)

+2 Super Scoop Up or Max Potion. (SSU is better IMO but if you don't like the flippyness, Max Potion)

Ok thank you very much I will test out both and see which one fits my playstyle
-1 Wartortle
+1 Rare Candy

Reasoning- There is never a time when you'll rather have wartortle on the bench than squirtle, simply because Wartortle has no Shell Shield.

-1 Kyurem
+1 Keldeo BC 47

What with Quad Sigilyph existing, and just sigilyph in general, having the equivalent of Terrakion in your deck is far more helpful than spread.

-1 DCE
+1 Water Energy

After T2, you never really want DCEs in your hand, so 2 should be enough.

And tropical beach is important, yeah.
Infinity said:
If you don't run Tropical Beach, you will lose. It's 100% mandatory.

I don't have a tropical beach and if I did I would put it in here

Puff-Sun said:
-1 Wartortle
+1 Rare Candy

Reasoning- There is never a time when you'll rather have wartortle on the bench than squirtle, simply because Wartortle has no Shell Shield.

-1 Kyurem
+1 Keldeo BC 47

What with Quad Sigilyph existing, and just sigilyph in general, having the equivalent of Terrakion in your deck is far more helpful than spread.

-1 DCE
+1 Water Energy

After T2, you never really want DCEs in your hand, so 2 should be enough.

And tropical beach is important, yeah.

Thank you very much for the suggestions.
Infinity said:
If you don't run Tropical Beach, you will lose. It's 100% mandatory.

This isn't true at all, while Beach is very helpful the deck is still very strong without it.