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Blastoise / Keldeo


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone! I don't want to say I am new to this game, yet I don't think I am far enough to call myself an intermediate player. I have been playing Ptcgo for a while now, but I am getting into the real-life community as well. The deck below will be my "ace-deck" It's pretty much my only complete deck IRL, and I think it's an OK deck.

  • 4 Squirtle
  • 3 Blastoise
  • 3 Keldeo EX
  • 1 Kyurem PLF
  • 1 Suicune PLB
  • 1 Mewtwo EX
Total: 13

  • 4 N
  • 3 professor Sycamore
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Shauna
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Ghetsis
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 1 Heavy Ball
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 1 Bicycle
  • 1 Switch
Total: 36

  • 10 water
  • 1 DCE
Total: 11

I think the strategy is pretty straight forward. Just get an early blastoise on the bench, maybe two, accompanied by 1/2 keldeo EX. Suicune of course, is in the deck for it's safeguard abillity and can hit fairly hard. Kyurem can do a decent job with both frost spear and blizzard burn. Mewtwo is there to handle grass Pokémon, since Keldeo EX, blastoise and suicune are weak against it.

To me the deck looks pretty solid, even without tropical beach or Black kyurem EX. (tropical beach is too expensive and BKEX is hard to get in my country..)

I thought of maybe adding a small greninja line, like 1-0-1 or 2-0-2 and swap kyurem or mewtwo, because doing an additional 30 damage can make the difference.

That pretty wraps up my deck and strategy. Again, I think it is OK, but not yet competitive enough.

Another think to keep in mind: I try my best, but sometimes draw blank, and I just don't know what to do. So, any help on both the deck and strategy will be much obliged!

Thanks in advance!

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
I'm not extremely knowledgable like other users on here but I do run a Blastoise/Keldeo deck so here are my thoughts:

Take out Kyurem and forget Greninja, you don't want too many attackers or have them taking away from Keldo. Not sure about the Mewtwo EX, but I don't run one. Suicune is priceless, especially against any EX heavy deck to stall and set your bench up, I would add another. If you're looking for draw support Electrode from PLF is your obvious choice. I personally run 1 Wartortle in my deck with 2 Evosoda's just in case, but that's personal preference I guess.

As far as trainers go I would take out Shauna, Ghetsis and Switch altogether, add another Colress, a Bicycle or two, another Prof Letter and a Cilan or two. I'm uncertain of Muscle Band, Energy Retrieval and SER, hopefully someone else has input on those. The ball selection I'm not too sure on, it seems fine to me for what you have.

Energy is good I think, maybe throw in an extra DCE if you decide to put another Suicune in.

Like I said, I'm not a Master or anything so this is just my two cents that I hope helps a little. I'm also interested in what others have to say about your deck so sub'd for more info!

Thanks for your advice! I think I am going to throw in another suicune. I tried electrode in there, yet I never seem to draw into it haha. Greninja is just to sit on the bench and use its ability water shuriken, which if you discard an energy you can do 30 more.

I am thinking of removing the ghetsis indeed, it seems nice and all, but you have to get very lucky.. Cilan seems like a great move! together with prof. letter.
The energy retrievals are there for when a keldeo gets knocked out and a lot of energy with it. And, when you use ultra ball, you might want to use it with 2 water energy, since you can just retrieve them, so you don't have to discard other resources.

Once again, thanks for the advice!
I had Greninja in my deck so I know him well and that extra damage before you attack is really nice. However, like any other deck it's hard to setup multiple Stage 2's and time consuming when Keldeo is your focus. If you do go with him include at least 1 Stage 1 and a couple Evosodas to help out., and the ER/SER would be very useful indeed.

I run a Master Ball as my Ace Spec to get out whatever it is I need at the time to setup and in conjunction with an Ultra Ball you can have Electrode out for 2 cards. Evosoda would help with this too, I usually Master Ball for Voltorb then next turn Evosoda for Electrode, a lot cheaper than a Beach ;) I would limit your Bicycles with an Electrode, they're essentially the same card.

Super Rod would help too if a Keldeo does get KO'd you can bring him back with 2 energies as well.

There's also the Black Kyurem EX/Max Potion/Keldeo route. But from personally playing it I found BKEX to be time consuming and it took away from Keldeo.

Once again this is just my two cents but I hope it helps.
I've been playing Blastiose for a long time now, and I have a fairly good idea of what the deck needs. One of the most important things for this deck is consistency. Once you're set up, you won't really need techs or anything like that, because from there you just take off. I reccomend the following changes:

-1 DCE
-1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Kyurem
-3 Muscle Band
-1 Ghetsis
-1 Bicycle
-1 Enhanced Hammer
-1 Professor's Letter
-1 Switch

Total cards taken out: 11
DCE isn't needed because you already have Blastioise, Mewtwo isn't a great card to use in this deck, because you can rely on your own energy and Keldeo. Kyurem won't get you OHKO's, Muscle Bands don't add enough damage to matter, Ghetsis isn't consistent, I'm about to replace Bicycle, Enhanced hammer won't help you much with only one, and you have no room for more, 1 Professor's Letter will be sufficient, and Switch isn't needed because of Keldeo.

Here are some cards that just need to be in here for consistency:

+1 Skyla
+1 Sycamore
+2 Water
+2 Tool Scrapper
+1 Ace Spec (see below*)

4 Skyla is just great for consistency in here, 4 Sycamore is manditory for draw power, 12 Water is a pretty good amount, and Garbodor is almost an auto-loss if you don't have 2 Tool Scrapper.

*On the Ace Spec point, your choices really are between Computer Search and Dowsing Machine. Computer Search is for speed (which this deck needs), but Dowsing Machine can save you late game. It really depends on what you prefer, and what Pokemon draw support you choose (use Computer Search with Electrode and Dowsing Machine for Delphox). On the topic of Ace Specs, don't use Master Ball. While it is nice to get a free pokemon, you already have Ultra Ball that gets you anything, and Level Ball and Heavy Ball also get you stuff. It takes away versatility that this deck really appreciates having (and the other two also both reduce your hand size so that Electrode/Delphox can do their job better).

4 slots left here, and there's easily 15 cards out there that could fill those spots.

A few cards to consider taking out before we start filling in stuff would be Colress, Suicune, Heavy Ball, a Level Ball and Shauna. I'll give you your options so we can then make a final decision.

If you don't have beach, you'll need a replacement. You want either a 2-2 Electrode line, or a 2-0-2 Delphox line. That's your pick, but without beach it's manditory.

With 4 N, Skyla, and Sycamore, Shauna and Colress are going to be fairly weak supporters. Taking both of them out would give you 3 more spaces, and with Delphox/Electrode, you'll be fine.

Suicune is an up-in-the-air thing, but you can keep it to stall while you get set up. Adding just one BKEX and 2 lightning can do wonders; even if you mainly use Keldeo, having one in your back pocket can save you a lot of matchups.

And so, with these changes suggested, it would be like this:

-2 Shauna
-1 Colress
+2-2 Electrode/Delphox
+2 Lightning

Those are the best suggestions I have, if you'd like more options I'll tell you what else is out there for you to use. Hope this helps!

Thanks for the advice!

I think adding a delphox line is a pretty good idea! Electrode relies on whether you have a small hand or not, so delphox seems like the better choice! I will consider the BKEX together with the electric energy. Yet, It is quite hard to get my hands on even a single one..

You mentioned taking out both heavy ball and a level ball, and recommended not to play master ball. Doesn't this contradict your remark on consistency? In my opinion they are both very much a neccesity in this deck. I would really appreciate some more information about this!:)

Colress has been one of my favourite supporters for a long time. Although, your remark on it's quality compared to sycamore and N is altering my opinion towards the card, haha!

My question to you:

Are there any other options besides BKEX, for another hard hitter (in a pinch perhaps)? And what is your view on the 2 Energy retrieval + 2 SER?

Thanks again!
Sorry for not elaborating on the heavy ball/level ball thing. Those were options you could play around with.

For heavy ball: This should definitely stay if you add the BKEX, it's just nice to be able to grab that or a blastiose. Otherwise, you're better off with a 4th ultra ball. It can still work, but without BKEX, its a bit redundant because you can only get a Stoise'.

For level ball: This is something you could only use one of if you forwent having a Delphox or Electrode line. With Electrode, it's definitely a 2-of, but with Delphox, you could have a 4th ultra ball.

On the supporter front, I was trying to maximize consistency. The best thing you could do to change it is to add a Colress in. He's only a one-of because you never want him in your opening hand, but late game he can be very powerful. It truly is a consistency vs. power probem here, and I would just tell you to test a lot, and use what's most comfortable to you.

If there's absolutely no way you can get BKEX, you could use regular Kyurem EX, the plasma blast one. However, it isn't worth the trouble in my opinion, and at that point I would personally just run straight Keldeo, and use the extra 2-3 spaces to up consistency. If you want to be truly successful with blastiose, BKEX is just way too good to pass up on though, I can't stress this enough. I do understand how tough it can be to get cards sometimes, but in blastiose (without beach), he's easily your most expensive card, and as a 1-of, it should be manageable.

My energy Retrival line is a 2-3 split (ER-SER), but that's mostly because I use BKEX. If you use BKEX, 3 SER is manditory really, and Keldeo loves it too. Even if you go Straight Keldeo, I'd raise the SER count by one, at least.

Electrode vs. Delphox is a bit of a toughie. Electrode is so much easier to set up, and I cannot stress this enough. Both are searchable by level ball, and it's a stage 1, so no rare candy. But, 6 is a whole lot better than just 4, however, needing to get that stage 2 (only searchable with ultra ball), and a rare candy. The trade-off though is just more cards, and you should have a few candy floating around anyway. Try both, definitely, Delphox just ends up presenting some consistency issues in the set-up, which is the most crucial part of this deck. Assuming you use Deluge late game, and you discard using SER/Dowsing or Comp Search/Ultra Ball, you will end up with a small enough hand to use magnetic draw, and with 2 electrode, you can get at least 3-4 more cards most turns. You will also very, very rarely get both Delphox up. It really is preference though. I prefer the Electrode, (my blastiose build is just hyper-consistent), but Delphox does have it's merits.

As far as ace specs go, master ball looks nice at first, but there's a lot of things to consider:

-You will want the versitility of Comp Search or the survivability of Dowsing

-Discarding cards usually isn't that bad, a lot of the time you'll have energy that you can recover, exess supporters, left over Blastiose/Squirtle/Rare Candy, and all kinds of things that you will be able to discard. You just have to watch out for discarding your energy retrivals.

-Sometimes, you will want to discard, especially if you're using Electrode or Delphox; with the extra discards, you can really work through your deck.

That's why I don't suggest using Master Ball. In all honesty, it's all-around not a great card. If you go with Delphox, dowsing would probably help you set one up later, because of the resources you'll be able to grab back, but comp search could get it out earlier. With electrode, comp search all the way; you need speed as much as you can with him.

I hope this helps, and tell me what changes you think about/end up making.
For now, I am going to test out both the 2-2 Electrode and the 2-2 delphox line. See what works out best! I will try and get my hands on a BKEX, since it is just extremely strong and as you said, only one can be enough.

Furthermore I am going to include all the changes you suggested, so:

-1 DCE
-1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Kyurem
-3 Muscle Band
-1 Ghetsis
-1 Bicycle
-1 Enhanced Hammer
-1 Professor's Letter
-1 Switch


+1 Skyla
+1 Sycamore
+2 Water
+2 Tool Scrapper
+1 Comp search or Dowsing machine. I am going to try out both as well.

I am just going to move around the deck and test play a lot to see what works best! Thanks a lot for your advice, I will get back here once I made the final list. Might take a little while haha.
Look, i've seen this thing play and I still have nightmares... a non B-KEX variant is something I laughed at first, but then he spammed a Kyurem Ex PLB (the one with a base 30 outrage and 150 2 water discard moves) then coupled with virbank and lasser well, it's the reason i moved from Keldeo to Virizion as counter status.

I don't see yet your updated list above, but I strongly sugest to keep Mewtwo ex, and drop one keldeo, and some stuff like one-of cards that simply don't blend in... and add 2 Kyurem Ex, and 3-4 lasser and 2 Virbank :)
Sirmaiik said:
Look, i've seen this thing play and I still have nightmares... a non B-KEX variant is something I laughed at first, but then he spammed a Kyurem Ex PLB (the one with a base 30 outrage and 150 2 water discard moves) then coupled with virbank and lasser well, it's the reason i moved from Keldeo to Virizion as counter status.

I don't see yet your updated list above, but I strongly sugest to keep Mewtwo ex, and drop one keldeo, and some stuff like one-of cards that simply don't blend in... and add 2 Kyurem Ex, and 3-4 lasser and 2 Virbank :)

While LaserBank can add to your damage output, I find it to be way too inconsistent for this deck, if one simply had to use the PLB Kyurem EX, it's best used with muscle bands. They take less space too.

Here are also a few things you may want to test
-1 Max potion
-2 Pokemon center
-1-2 Float stone

Max potion can save you a Pokemon and buy you a turn, Pokemon center is really just there as a counter-stadium so that frozen city doesn't destroy you, and float stone lets you retreat for free. I would suggest Pokemon center above the others; these are all good options, your space in here is just really limited.