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Blastoise UL/Feraligatr prime deck

Shadow Charizard

Aspiring Trainer
Pokèmon: 20
3-2-3 Blastoise UL
2-1-2 Feraligatr prime HGSS
1 Azelf LA
4 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA

T/S/S: 30
3 Rare Candy
2 Pokèmon reversal ( I think i take out this line)
3 Switch
2 Expert Belt
1 Cynthia's Guidance
3 IQ
3 Emcee's Chatter
3 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
10 {W} Energy


I start with Spritomb and hpefully a Squirtle and a Totodile on the bench. I use Spiritomb's Darkness Grace to evolve Squirtle to Blastoise. If Spiritomb not dies of an opponent attack I evolve Totodile to Feraligatr, If not i take him later with BTS. I use Feraligatr's Rain Dance to give Blastoise more energy faster. Then, I try to get as many KO's as possible ( Expert Belt to get more chane for KO's).

Please comment and say what you think! ;)


Any comments?
Heh, I'm building the same deck. I joined this forum just to reply to this thread...

First, ya need more water energy.
Take out 2 Spiritombs, replace them with water energy.
Replace 2-3 switch with warp point.
Replace 2 pokemon reversal for 2 pokemon communication.
Take out 1 Emcee's chatter for a delibird HGSS for draw power.
Take out 2 more Emcee's Chatter for water energies.
Take out 2 Bebe's Search for Buck's Training and Judge

That should help!
T/S/S: 30
3 Rare Candy
2 Pokèmon reversal ( I think i take out this line)
3 Switch
2 Expert Belt
1 Cynthia's Guidance
3 IQ
3 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector

- 3 Emcee's Chatter (I personally find this card quite pointless and PONT +Uxie's with seeker will be your draw power aswell)
-2 pokemon reversal
-1 PETM (Darkness grace should cover your evolutions, could even take the full line out)

I would take this out, And in it's place add
+2 Seeker to help heal some blastoise (with BTS, and feraligators body it also lets you turn it back around the same turn you seeker it)
+2 - 2 Floatzel GL X

I run blastgatr aswell, I might post my full list when I get home. But Floatzel GL X is a godsend in this water deck. When any water pokemon (bar itself) is knocked out. That pokemon and all cards attached (energy, E-Belts) all come back to your hand. With BTS (or rare candy if BTS isn't in play) you get blastoise back out next turn and with feraligator all the energy is attached so you can turn your blastoise around in 1 turn

Also consider possibly adding judge ? It's great disruption, and once you are setup it dosent matter. You can judge at start of your turn, upset there hand and you attack, get both energys back and re-attach

This is for my playing style anyway, and is by no means the "Best way" to have your blastgatr deck setup
FawfulGengar: I'm going to keep all the Spiritombs becuase whit only two of them it's no chance to start whit them. I don't think Delibird is good in this deck becuase you have to got far in the game, and then you must use Switch and use the attack an MABYE draw around 5 cards. after you done that your opponent takes a KO on Delibird... It's much better to use Uxie in this deck. If i'm going to put in Jugde I had taken out PONT insted of Bebe's Search. Col'a: I think too it's pointless whit Emcee's Chatter and PONT I just added them becuase I not found in any other when i whrote it down. I didn't think about Seeker when i whrote this deck. Good point there. Floatzel GL X is also something i havent thinked about, so you got many good points there. :)
If you do run Floatzel, run a 1-1 line of it. And also, you NEED a Blastoise PL. Dig Well can be so helpful it's not even funny. That's a semi-form of drawpower. And bump Gatr up to 2-2-2. You can also drop Cynthia's and Reversal. Reversal isn't much help since Blastoise UL can snipe any Pokemon on the field, as can Blastoise PL. Then you can add a Pokemon Collector and a Luxury Ball(almost every deck right now needs it). Hope I helped. :)
-2 Expert Belt (You attack with Blastoise UL)
-3 Switch (They're bad)
-2 Pokemon Reversal (Not so useful)
-3 Interviewer's Questions (See Switch)
-3 Professor Elm's Training Method (See Switch)
-3 Emcee's Chatter (See Interviewer's Questions)
-3 Rare Candy (You run Spiritomb)
+2 Pokemon Collector
+1 Professor Oak's New Theory
+3 Cyrus' Conspiracy
+1 Wartortle
+1 Croconaw
-2 Water Energy
+3 Warp Energy
+3 Seeker
+1 - 1 - 1 Blastoise PL
+1 - 1 Floatzel GL LV. X
I disagree with Pokemunkulys. I don't like Blastoise PL becuase if you don't find any water energy, you must discard all three cards you looked at. I will not take that risk. I found out yesterday that i was going to put in a 2 - 2 line with Lanturn prime. Actually Lanturn Prime is pretty good to use with Feraligatr prime becuase it's pokèpower Underwater Dive and Switch (If Lanturn isn't active) and with 6 energy in play, Powerful Spark takes 100 damage! So i made a new decklist.

Pokèmon: 21

3-2-3 Blastoise UL
2-2-2 Feraligatr (Prime) HGSS
2-2 Lanturn (Prime) UL
1-1 Floatzel GL Lv.X
1 Azelf LA
2 Uxie LA


3 Rare candy
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belt

3 Bebe's Search
2 IQ
2 Engineer's Adjustments
1 Cynthia's Guidance


Energy: 13

8 Water energy
2 Ligthning energy

Strategy: I start whit Squirtle or Chinchou. I put out BTS to evolve them. If i got eraligatr out, I start to use Rain Dance for adding energy to Blastoise. Then, I snipe all Azelf's and Uxie's in play and then the other pokes to my opponent.

How is it now? Please comment and say what you think! ;)
Blastoise PL can also use Aqua Press, doing very high damage, and its second attack to finish off High HP Pokemon on the bench, or one high and one low, or even set up a Blastoise UL snipe. In addition, using Blastoise UL's Wash out, along with Blastoise PL and Lanturn Prime, you can pump out some pretty impressive simple damage in addition to your sniping for 100. FYI, you should not be attaching more than 3 Energy to Lanturn Prime, as it is KO'd too easily and it takes damage from all energy you have in play. A similar principle applies to Blastoise PL, except that it applies to your opponent's Water Energy (Albeit rare) as well.

-2 Expert Belt (Still a sniping deck)
-1 Blastoise UL
+1 Blastoise PL (Aqua Press is good too)
-2 Interviewer's Questions (Dig well)
-2 Engineer's Adjustments (No Delcatty PL)
+1 SSU (More consistent)
+3 Pokemon Collector
-3 Double Colorless Energy
+2 Warp Energy (Wash Out)
-1 Cynthia's Guidance (Need more room)
+2 Research Record (Dig Well)
+2 Seeker (Wash Out + Warp Energy)
Pokemunkulys: Good points there. But i don't really need to attach all thoose energies to Lanturn. It dosen't matter who they are attached to, so i can add them to blastoise! Also, good points about Blastoise PL. I think I'm going to use it. :) I disagree with the other things becuase IQ and Expert Belt is something i need to get it go faster and take more damage. Also, Seeker is simply better to use instead of SSU in this case, becuase with Seeker it's no coin flip.
Yeah, I ran blastgatr as my first deck, was so happy when I got the floatzel GL X line, it really really pisses people off when the take out blastoise. Then next turn its back, with all energys hahahaha :D

Type in Blastoise Feraligator deck in youtube, A guy has added a video of his Blastoise / Feraligatr / Lanturn Prime deck on there. I made it for awhile and liked it but decided to drop the lanturn for floatzel. But if you are wanting to run the three togther you might get some more tips from that video to!
Shadow Charizard, I specifically said that you shouldn't be attaching more than 3 energies to Lanturn, for precisely that reason. They can be put on Blastoises and/or Feraligatrs, and this applies to Blastoise PL as well. Also, I recommended that you add Seekers, not remove them, as I agree, they are in fact better than Super Scoop Ups, but you should still not include an odd number of Super Scoop Ups. 4 is better than 3. Finally, the goal of this game is to take 6 prizes. If you opponent does so, then you lose. Would you rather have one 130 HP Pokemon killed for two prizes or two 110 HP Pokemon killed for the same number? 220 is bigger than 130, at least I think so. Also, you aren't healing Lanturn Prime in any way, neither is the 20 damage there going to be significant in such a snipally Capable deck as this. Finally, maybe you should include Crobat G or Kingdra Prime, for using Blastoise PL's Second attack to OHKO pixies (Sometimes two in a turn!).
Pokemunkulys is right about taking out the expert belts, when you can snipe it dosent really mean crap. You can run them if you want! After all this is your deck and should be set for how you like to play. But also consider it without the belts! Most stuff on the bench will be lower then 100. Pick off there uxies and azelfs and basics and stage 1's to annoy them :) also there is no resistance to benched pokemon (as you probably know) so you dont need an extra damage bump there either
I wasnt member of pokebeach before now!

ME and Shadow Charizard have worked along time with this deck :D

the expertbelts dont help so much...
a genius idea Pokemunkulys!
a little problem are the retreat cost ...
but SSU helps that or i most start with squirtle at the beginning every mach ;)