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Blastoise UL/Feraligatr Prime (Seniors, Any)

Inigo Montoya

Hatman/Imakuni?/Not Not-TDL
Alright, after my 1-4 run at cities, I've since improved the deck and can normally get a Blastoise and a Feraligatr set up T3. I just wanna make sure everything is good before going to Nebraska States this weekend.

4-3-4 Blastoise (3 UL, 1 PL) (Honestly, the PL one has never helped me. Should I swap it with another UL one?)
2-1-2 Feraligatr Prime
3 Sableye (I've been considering running 4, since not starting with one usually results in a very slow setup. However, a draw into one late game is a Dead Draw, and I normally get one in my opening hand. Any suggestions?)
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

T/S/ST: 21
4 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
3 Bebe's Search
2 Collector
2 Interviewer's
1 Fisherman (For the time I need it. It's saved me several times.)
1 Twins (Also for those Worst Case Scenarios)

12 Water Energy
3 Rescue Energy

For those of you unfamiliar with Blastgatr, you basically use Blastoise UL to snipe for 100 a turn while you attach the energy that is returned to your hand back to the Blastoise with Feraligatr Prime. The great part is, if you get KO'd, 2 of the Blastoise's energy will be in your hand so you can power up the next one even faster.
I always thought Spiritomb AR was better in a stage 2 deck. Can you prove me wrong?

Feraligatr Prime line may want to be 2-2-2 for consistency(drop a Rescue or Water for it).

Oh yeah: you should run Floatzel GL LV.X. Putting in a 1-1(or 2-2) line ensures that you won't need Fisherman(DGX can't ruin its purpose either). You can honestly drop 2 Rare Candy for a 1-1 line, maybe find room for a 2-2 line.

Hope I helped. :)
^ If you listen to this guy and get the floatzel GL X you can cut the rescue energys aswell

The floatzel X, if it's in play (bench or active) whenever a water pokemon is knocked out, all cards attached to it (belts, energy, all evolutions) come back to your hand instead of discard. So if a blastoise gets knocked out you can have it setup next turn again (using BTS or candy for evolving) and enrgys straight back on with gatr :) it's a damn good idea!

If you do I suggest droping all 3 rescues, and add in +1 collector +1 communication and + 1 PONT (droping the 3 rescues)
Consider droping the fishermans for...Crap I am having a mental fart trying to think of it. Lets you grab 5 pokemon or basic energy and shuffle into your deck. Add that in just incase something gets knocked out before you get floatzel setup :)

my 2c's!
Thanks for your input!

The thing is, I just have not been able to find a Floatzel X ANYWHERE. No one seems to have it at my league, and the shop area doesn't have any Floatzel X's for purchase or trade. And I like having Fishermans because it returns the Energy to my hand, while I would have to topdeck the energy with Palmers. Although the added bonus of the Pokemon is nice, it hurts my recovery when I need it. I commonly only go through 2 Blastoise the entire game, 3 if its a long one. And if I need more, thats why I have Rescue. But I definatly will take out Rescues once I find a Floatzel X.

I will be using Catcher from the new BW set to just drag up some large retreat Pokemon and just snipe around it. I can't wait for that :F
Yeah, I haven't used my blastgatr for awhile now. With the addition of B/W cards like you mentioned. And definitly a slower format after rotation I think I will be dusting off the old toise' for another season.

Love blastoise <3
Have you thought about the Spiritomb start idea mentioned above?
Generally a good way to speed up any stage 2 deck, and blastgatr needs two stage 2's to run effectivly
Well, I can already reliably get out a Blastoise and a Gatr by T3, as I've said. I'll probably switch to Spiritomb once Rotation hits, but then I lose the ability to use Candy. I like being able to use Candy, so I might go with Smeargle. But it could go either way.

But the great thing is, the only thing that this deck has trouble with is Gyrados and any SP, and that all gets rotated. This deck is going to be great. OHKO on Donphan Prime and Charizard, 2HKO on pretty much any other main attacker. But all I need to do is drag up a Pokemon with a big retreat cost and then snipe. I can't wait for next season...

And the only thing I really lose is BTS, and possibly Floatzel X if I ever find one, provided that RR is also rotated. And I want RR-on, just so everything works.
Yeah I am hoping for RR on aswell :) I went and got some blue ultra pro sleeves lastnight and re-sleeved my blastgatr hahaha! Forgot how much I like this deck :) But yeah...If we end up loosing RR (floatzel) I would definitly use rescue energys aswell :)
Use Lanturn prime ;)
i come on 12.ft place in FM whit this deck and a lanturn that takes 200 damage.
Use Lanturn...
2-2 is good ;)
No, can you not tell this deck is centered around Blastgatr? I want advice for my deck, not running a new one. And adding it in as a tech would not help. 2-2 and Energy is around 7 or 8 cards. And what matchups would it help against? None. Either help my deck or don't post here at all.