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BlastZel [Blastoise & Floatzel]


Aspiring Trainer
Hi! I'm back!

I didn't had any good ideas for a new deck (and I was trying to make my Zekrom deck better). Anyway, I decided to make a BlastZel deck, just for fun.

4-2-4 Blastoise UL
2-2 Floatzel UL
2-2 Zoroark BW (with BW Zorua)
3 Mantine GS
Total: 21

3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Junk Arm
3 PlusPower
2 Pokemon Catcher
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Twins
Total: 23

3 {C}{C}
2 {D} (sp)
9 {W}
Total: 16


Start with Mantine and build as fast as possible 1 Blastoise and 1 Floatzel (then build another Blastoise). The idea is to attach 2 energies in one turn with Floatzel pokepower, move them with Blastoise's wash out pokepower and do 100 damage to any pokemon. Zoroark is to kill Zekrom (if it doesn't have eviolite.)

That's the idea. The deck works fine, but I know it can work better.

Any suggestion/critic would be appreciated!
I think adding some plus power or rockey helmet would be a great addition to this deck. so IMO its ur prefferance but i think with pluss power you would need to run some junkarm and your water energy count is a little high so i think you might be able to knock that down to 9 for+4 rocky helmets. I helped my cousin make his blastzel deck and i did find that IMO mantine is the over all best starter. and if you want somthing to help heal i guess you could try a 1-0-1 serperior line. Or you could line switch your pokemon and use a max potion. Hope i helped and good luck =D
Try this..


4-2-4 Blastoise
3-3 Floatzel (Easily catchered, trust me from experience lol)
-3 Mantine
+3 Cleffa (Used as a stall, and a hand refresher..)

I'd rather go Zoroark as my tech since it can use a DCE and you don't have to throw in Fighting Energy.

- 2-2 Donphan
+ 2-2 Zoroark

Total: 23

Trainers and such:

-3 Cheren for +3 Interviewers questions. You need the energy asap, especially those DCE.
-1 Rare Candy
-3 Switch for +3 Junk arm . You wouldn't really need to retreat, and if you did, what would you switch for?
+3 Pokemon catchers. (Can be used to bring up your opponent's high retreat, or unenergized pokemon to stall, and snipe their bench.)

New total: 20


-4 Fighting for the 3 Catchers, and..
+1 DCE = 4
13 Water

New Total: 17

Let me know what you think of this.. I used to run Blastzel and it annoyed a lot of people lol. You could also consider Leavanny from NV to remove weakness, but it's also catcher bait..
The Zoroark idea is more than interesting! I dunno about the Cleffa change, but I'll consider it. Also, isn't a good idea use 4 special dark for OHKO Zekroms?

Thanks a lot!
Whelp. My only question is this. How well does it get set up? With such a lack of meat (trainers and supporters) it looks like it will be quite slow.
Ahiro said:
The Zoroark idea is more than interesting! I dunno about the Cleffa change, but I'll consider it. Also, isn't a good idea use 4 special dark for OHKO Zekroms?

Thanks a lot!

Zekroms probably won't get OHKO'd anyway.. Zoroark will do the 120 +10 with the SPD. If Zekrom has an Eviolite it woudn't really matter unless you have 2 attached, AND a plus power..

If you're thinking of going with sepcial darks, you might consider unown dark too.
@spacemarine2142 it goes pretty fast thanks to Mantine, rare candies and collectors. I also thought that would be slow, but I managed to build a Blastoise on T2.

@Puckstopper you're right. I almost forgot that Zekrom users will start using Eviolite (and I need at least 3 of them...).
Updated decklist!

The Zoroark line fits very well in the deck, better than donphan. I'm still thinking about the I/S/S line, i dont find it very... consistent?
Ahiro said:
@spacemarine2142 it goes pretty fast thanks to Mantine, rare candies and collectors. I also thought that would be slow, but I managed to build a Blastoise on T2.

@Puckstopper you're right. I almost forgot that Zekrom users will start using Eviolite (and I need at least 3 of them...).

From what u say it sounds pretty good :D if it works for you as well as you say then it seems pretty solid :D gl.
Ahiro said:
Updated decklist!

The Zoroark line fits very well in the deck, better than donphan. I'm still thinking about the I/S/S line, i don't find it very... consistent?

What are you having trouble with? Dead draws? Not enough energy when needed? Bad hands?
Bad hands, at least when I tried it, I'll test it again

EDIT: also dead draws
Running that many Cleffa's is just stupid considering how much play Kyurem is getting. Cleffa isn't even needed in the deck due to how much thinning you are doing with Mantine, Interviewer's, Communications and Collectors.

And you only need to run 1-2 Sp. Dark. I know why you are running 4 but it really kills the consistency of the deck when you're trying to get water energy into play asap.

Also, you will likely fall behind in prizes with Mantine as your ideal starter so you might want to find room for 1-3 twins.
As a fellow Blastzel user i RECOMMEND running a 1-1 or 2-2 KGL over Zoroark because this deck has a horrible matchup vs ZPST no matter what techs you run.KGL helps with everything except Zekrom by weakening up your opponents bench and getting rid of useful cards from their deck.So if you choose to make this change then

-2 special dark
- 2-2 Zoroark
-3 plus-power (isn't needed anymore)
+1 DCE
+1 Professor oak's new theory(for max consistency)
+1-1 Floatzel(these guys get killed to easily to be a 2-2 line)
+1 Pokemon catcher (its a snipe decks best friend).
@Barux thats a great idea, but I'm not a very good friend of the legend cards... the idea is to build as fast as possible, and you cannot play KGL if you dont have both halves in your hand. Anyway, it is a nice idea, ill try it out

Ahiro said:
@Barux thats a great idea, but I'm not a very good friend of the legend cards... the idea is to build as fast as possible, and you cannot play KGL if you don't have both halves in your hand. Anyway, it is a nice idea, ill try it out


Barux is my cousin that i helped make the deck =P believe me that KGL is a MONSTER!!! he has milled me out and has taken out my whole bench with that thing..... KGL is not a thing to be messed with... Zoroark is also realy good choice. I know a blastzel deck is more for speed but believe me KGL is on of the better choices for blastzel