Ruling Blaziken FB and unown G



I use luring Flame. The opponent´s active pokemon has unown g attached and there is a pokemon without unown g attached in the bench. would the pokemon still be dragged active and burned or would they not be dragged up at all?
No Pokemon would be dragged up. Since the active Pokemon has an Unown G, it prevents the effect of attack (the switch.)
Gliscor said:
No Pokemon would be dragged up. Since the active Pokemon has an Unown G, it prevents the effect of attack (the switch.)

Are you sure?
The effect of unknown G states that only the pokemon it is equipped to is unaffected. Luring flame is affecting that benched pokemon. (the one without G)

Im not sure.
No, the pokemon will NOT be switched out. Its the same if say an active like Gengar has unown G attached, and an enemy Flygon tries to use inviting trap. Nothing will happen, Gengar stays active. Switching is an effect of an attack, as is discarding+status conditions+damage counters.
The only thing that can happen to a pokemon w/ unknown G is DAMAGE. Switching is NOT DAMAGE. Only vapour kick does DAMAGE.
Since the switch effect targets the defendind pokemon too,it would prevent it from happening,its the same way you cant target a benched g'ed pokemon.
Simply put, the Switching effect IMPLIES that you are switching the Active Pokémon out. Since Unoqn G prevents that from happening, and the opponent doesn't have a double Active Pokémon slot, the entire process is canceled.
No, Unown G only stops effects on the Pokemon it's attached to. Baleful Wind only affects your opponent's hand.