Wi-Fi Trades Blaziken735's My Player Thread, FREE Phiones and some Lv. 100's!


Smash Bros. King
Welcome to Blaziken735's Player Thread
My in-game name:Ash
My Friend Code:1203 6507 4935
My e-mail:[email protected]
I don't trade with people that don't live in the U.S. Reply to this thread to negotiate a trade. I love battling! If you want to battle me, post on this thread and we can set up a time and date for the battle. I will be trading Phiones for free, but you must make a different trade with me, so ex. Blaziken for Swampert then I will trade you a Phione for whatever pokemon you want. Thanks!

POKEMON FOR TRADE (f=female, m=male, g=genderless)
  • Phione g Lv. 1 (unlimited) Free with another trade.
  • Anorith m Lv. 20 (4)
  • Omanyte m Lv. 20 (2)
  • Cacnea m Lv. 23
  • Chansey f Lv. 18
  • Mime Jr. f Lv. 16
  • Rhydon m Lv. 54
  • Hippowdon m Lv. 54
  • Rayquaza g Lv. 77 (cloned)
  • Metagross g Lv. 100 (cloned)
  • Metagross g Lv. 67 (cloned)
I have tons of Pokemon that are not on my FOR TRADE list that I would be willing to trade these are just some of my Pokemon if you want to know if I have a Pokemon that you would like, then please ask me. if you want to know the moves of my pokemon, please ask me as well.

  • Porygon
  • Eevee
  • Umbreon
  • Espeon
  • Jolteon
  • Flareon
  • Vaporeon
  • Glaceon
  • Leafeon
  • Munchlax
  • Snorlax
  • Combee
  • Vespiqueen
  • Heracross
  • Elekid
  • Magby
  • Bagon
  • Any starter or their evolutions
  • Any legendary

if you have a pokemon that is not on my WANT list that you are willing to trade for one of my pokemon please tell me and I might trade thanks! I will trade good pokemon for these.

Please ask for a specific item, I have lots of evolution items, stones, plates, shards, heart scales, and lots more
Master Ball, Leaf Stone, Magmarizer, Electrizer will trade BIG for a Master Ball.

Please tell me how to clone in D/P, if I get it right I will have at least 7 Legendaries, including a Manaphy and a Mew. If you want a specific pokemon, tell me and I’ll see what I can do.

RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

Do u have a magmortar?
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

No I don't, do you know if you can catch a magby in D/P?
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

You can, if you insert LeafGreen into your DS. It'll appear at Stark Mountain (outside) and route 227. It's easier to find in Pearl.
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

Anytime :D
Also, it might be holding a Magmarizer. Bring along a pokemon with Compundeyes(increases chances of item-holding) and make your lead pokemon one with Frisk (Tells when foe has a hold item and what it is)
You'll find one quick.
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

i will give you a Munchlax for a Phione
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

Do you have any shiny pokemon?
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

Okay, LucarioKing, when do you want to trade and what is your friend code?
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

To Billy, no I do not have any shiny pokemon, Sorry
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

Do you have any ev trained pokemon?
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

look at my player theard for my fc, i have a link to my player theard below
tell me when your on wifi
wat is your fc
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

I can't do it right now my gameboy is in my dad's car, he's not here and I'm going to my grandmother's house later, how about 4:00 Sunday september 2 (today) that is in eastern standerd time a.k.a i'm in connecticut, you? If I can't make 4:00 I'll post on this thread and tell you when, okay? My frien code is posted under MY INFORMATION on this thread.
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

i checked and your fc is not there, and i live in oklahoma
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

Sorry I thought my fc was there I'll put there when I get my DS back. You know what 4:00 in Connecticut would be in Oklahoma, right? If you don't know I suggest you figure it out so we can make this trade, okay?
RE: Blaziken735's My Player Thread, I have lots of Phiones!

If you are not there by 4:10 today (Eastern Standard time) (unless I told you I can't make it)
Then I will assume that you don't want to trade and I will get off wi-fi
If you can't make it, tell me I will be there at 4:00 unless I can't make it I will inform you if that is the case thanks! So, do you know what time it will be in O.K. at 4:00 here in Connecticut?
LucarioKing I can't make it at 4:00. How about 6:00 PM Monday September 3rd (Eastern Standerd Time)? Can you make it? Please reply.