Wi-Fi Trades Blaziken735's My Player Thread, FREE Phiones and some Lv. 100's!

First, WAY SORRY that I havn't been on for a while, the homework was kinda piling up and my being a Red Sox fan I HAD to watch the Sox vs. Yankees show-down. Boracay_Jason, It would be less confusing if I knew your time zone, please tell me, mine is Eastern Standard Time O.K.?

finneon123 How about any one of your starters (except Chimchar) any pokemon on my HAVES list?
I won't be able to make the trade until I make the one with Boracay_Jason because I don't want to get confused, alright?:shy::D:(:cool::rolleyes:;):):p:cool: like the smilies?
um, what do you have for legendaries? i need:

others are okay, but i've got a friend that has them and he's going to trade them to me for cloning, so i would like one of these. (really, any will do. these i just want the most.) and how about Turtwig as it learns Earthquake when it evolves into Torterra? the turtwig is lv. 1 and anything it knows was bred onto it. in other words, it is untouched. or if you'd like, i can get any of the starters from the first three regions except Cyndaquil and Mudkip.
Boracay_Jason, I can make the trade at 7:00 my time tommorow Friday the 21st, or I can wait until the weekendand make it at 12:00 my time (Eastern Standard Time). Tell me which day is good for you, then your in-game name and Friend Code, Mine are down on my signature O.K.?
Sorry Finneon123, I don't have ANY of those, all I can offer is a Rayquaza (not hacked) I NEED TO LEARN HOW TO DO THE CLONING CHEAT ON D/P, IT'S BUGGING ME THAT I CAN'T!!:(:(
btw, i just got all of those legendaries, so any legendary except:

d/p legendaries excluding: Shaymian, Arceus, Regigas
all legendaries from 1st 3 regions excluding: Jirachi, Mew, Lugia, Deoxys, Celebi, Latias

i need everything else
Finneon123????? What???:rolleyes:
Oh yeah, sorry if this bugs you, but um Boracay_Jason I think your sig might be to big, ask one of the mods.
okay, here's what i need from the first three regions and d/p:

Kanto: everything BUT Mew and Zapdos
Jhoto: everything BUT Lugia, Latias, and Celebi
Heonn: everything BUT Deoxys and Jirachi
Sinnoh: Shaymian and Regigas

and to help with the cloning, what i did was randomly shut my ds off between 7 and 8 spins and that worked best for me.
My signature is not too big..My Trainer Pass is the exact size...

BTW:Sorry I wasn't here yesterday,I was on a Fall Out boy concert THEY ROCK!!

Is the Pokemon I want EV Trained?
You wanted the Metagross lv. 100 right Boracay_Jason? I don't know what EV training is. . . . . sorry. . . . .:(
pearled-kiony, yes I still need an Espeon. Boracay_Jason the Metagross's nature is Mild

P.S. what does it matter what nature the pokemon is?:)
I can breed you these:
Any starter or their evolutions
I can Evo Eevee into:
Vaporeon (Thinks out loud: Need to clone my water stone..or get one from FR)
Leafeon (Comes in Japanese or English)