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Blissey Tank


Aspiring Trainer
I've been experimenting with a fun deck on TCGO. Basically, it uses blissey's power to heal your pokemon while they reak havock.

Here's the current list.

Pokemon (17)

4/4 Chansey/Blissey
3 Bouffalant
2 emolga (hopefully getting a third one)
2 zapdos (resists fighting and can snipe)
1 Tornadus (resists fighting, can transfer energy)
1 Trubbish (to retrive cards from the graveyard if needed)

Trainers (28)

1 computer search
2 heavy ball (gets out blissey)
1 random reciever
4 switch (an absolute necessity in this deck, especially with catcher)
1 tool scrapper (tech)

2 cheren
3 n
4 juniper
2 skyla

2 asperita gym (since a lot of the pokemon in this deck are colorless).
3 experience share (conserves energy, something this deck really needs)
3 eviolite (just got a 4th one).

energy (15)
11 lightning

When I get better cards, I'm gonna add regigigas and tornadus ex (and of course catcher), but I'm pretty sure the basic idea behind the deck can work with any big hitter. The big problem is that it lacks reliable energy acceleration. Since a lot of the pokemon have already expensive attacks and high retreat, the deck is suffers against the hammer and catcher heavy metagame. I'm hoping to fix that though.
I like the different deck idea. I tried running Blissey with Gothitelle to avoid the Catcher problem, but Gothitelle couldn't hold up to attacks. I'm not sure what cards you do have, but I'd go a different direction than what you're doing:

4/4 Blissey
3 Registeel EX
3 Darkrai EX
2 Cobalion (Iron Breaker)

5 Metal
5 Darkness

Energy Switch
Dark Patch
Potion / Max Potion (playtest and decide which you like better. Potion should be sufficient)
Heavy Ball
Poke' Communication (LOVE this card)

Sorry I got lazy spelling out the trainers. Make sure your draw power is good to go. But this way Registeel can tank, snipe, and also take advantage of Heavy Ball.

Potion/Max Potion are for when you don't get lucky with Blissey. These combined with Eviolite and Protect Charge forces your opponent to OHKO. So watch out for Rayquazza, Ho-Oh, and Reshiram.

Energy Switch/Dark Patch can help you Triple Laser 1st turn w/ DCE. Darkrai helps to solve your retreating issues. You'll still want Switch though.

The biggest issue I see is dealing iwth Landorus/Terrakion. They're hitting for weakness and you're not OHKOing anybody.

I hope this helps...
I like the darkrai/registeel idea. I don't have either of them right now, but when I do get them, they should be good. While I'm not the biggest fan of darkrai, it would solve the problem of retreating and energy acceleration.

As of now, I made a few changes. I added an emolga and bouffalant, took out reciever and trubbish. Took out ex share to add an eviolite and energy retrieval. And i swapped a juniper for another cheren.

The deck actually does what it does well. If I get a good start, It can take several turns for them to take out one pokemon. I've even had a few people rage quit out of frustration (granted that was on novice). But with no catcher or heavy attackers, it takes me just as long to take prizes. Especially if they have darkrai/sableeye/hammers. (speaking of sable eye, he'd be good in this deck too).

As of now, it's just a matter of getting better cards.
i've been running blissey variants since before battle roads.
i can honestly say that darkrai runs best with blissey.
i have been running darkrai/tornadusEX/bouffalant/blissey for a while now and it seems
to be the more fluent deck i can come up with that runs blissey.
with aspertia gym out now, it makes blissey even better.
and a lot of times i find myself using blissey late game for 90 to ko a leftover ex.

darkrai is just really self sufficient with dark patch as well as being able to free retreat when they catcher a blissey.
dark patches & energy switches are a must. GL!
Another possibility is ho-oh EX. Since my current build uses mostly colorless pokemon, I can splash energy of different colors. Use the ultra ball/cilan combo to get energy/ho-oh in the discard pile, rebirth, and use energy switch to move it around. (sable eye can be teched to recover the energy switch if it comes to that).

Cresselia ex would also be good since it has it healing ability of it's own, making it even tougher to kill.
Hey, would you mind mentioning which versions of Chansey, Bouffalant, and Trubbish you're running? There's several of each, so I don't want peeps to get mixed up as to which one you're running. Thanks!
I no longer run the Trubbish, but the one I did run was the NV one that retrieved cards from the graveyard. The bouffalant was the one from dragons exalted. It can absord 20 damage (40 with eviolite) and do 120 to exes. And the chansey I run is the one with sing/double edge from dark explorers (which is actually not a bad card on it's own works well with eviolite and blissey too).