Ah, just now saw that. Bummer.In the promo there is this tool card attached to Zoroark that looks suspiciously like a floating stone.
Here's to hoping it's a Smooth Rock.
Ah, just now saw that. Bummer.In the promo there is this tool card attached to Zoroark that looks suspiciously like a floating stone.
It has one of the most used abilities in the current meta and has an attack that does 10 more damage than that of colorless MRay, using the opponent's bench instead. For 1 DCE. Even as a stage 1 this is borderline overpowered. Before any of the rarer cards I will be focusing on getting a playset of these.you can't splash it into decks as much/at all.
Pokemon, you need to move past your BW phase.
Stop reprinting BW cards. Just stop it. Have new ideas.
Or just reprint N and the Ace Specs in XY8 and say f it.
This. I could go on about how late BW sets ruined the early XY block, or how Expanded for Regionals is only creating a barrier to entry for new players, but that's not here nor there.Pokemon, you need to move past your BW phase.
Stop reprinting BW cards. Just stop it. Have new ideas.
Or just reprint N and the Ace Specs in XY8 and say f it.
Could you tell us what the tool on Zoroark says?I can read japanese, and it does state something about retreat cost in there.
also, the M mewtwo x has 230hp, and does 150 damage. effect is too small to read though
Because maybe they discovered what they liked? Rare Candy wasn't always in the TCG yet when from it first got printed it has pretty much been in every format since.Pokemon, you need to move past your BW phase.
Stop reprinting BW cards. Just stop it. Have new ideas.
Or just reprint N and the Ace Specs in XY8 and say f it.
Not really , there the same rarity as ex's. And you get anywhere from 3 to 4 ex's a box in japanese so more than likely you will get one per box depending on how many are actually in the set.ah dang it, the break cards are RR!
collecting those is going to be so hard![]()
Could you tell us what the tool on Zoroark says?
Because maybe they discovered what they liked? Rare Candy wasn't always in the TCG yet when from it first got printed it has pretty much been in every format since.
It seems all these break Pokemon are stage 1 Pokemon. Stage 2 Pokes need more support.
I heard Japan is getting a N and Skyla reprint in a promotional box, I forgot who said it.
Could you tell us what the tool on Zoroark says?
It must be,because on the video you see a stone like trainer card attached to the Master of Illusions,Zoroark so it looks like a float stone.It looked like there might be a flout stone reprint.
Chesnaught BREAK has already been confirmed
They're getting a Skyla promo if they pre-order a a box of both Blue Impact and Red Flash.
No N promo to my knowledge.
It has one of the most used abilities in the current meta and has an attack that does 10 more damage than that of colorless MRay, using the opponent's bench instead. For 1 DCE. Even as a stage 1 this is borderline overpowered. Before any of the rarer cards I will be focusing on getting a playset of these.
It's true. You can't just splash a stage 1 like you can with something like Keldeo. When was the last time that happened? People seriously need to cool it with the crying OVERPOWERED!!!! at cards they've only just seen for the first time and have never played with. If this new Zoroark line becomes competitive, it'll be in its own deck, which might be really interesting. Imagine Target Whistle seeing play. Also, Zoroark.Well, if doing roughly the same damage as M Rayquaza for a DCE through certain conditions makes something overpowered, Night March and Vespiquen sure look broke to me.
Regardless, it's a stage 1. The simple fact of the matter is that Zoroark is a lot harder to get than a Keldeo ever was. Plus, if you run a 1-1 line, you might prize one of the parts, and things are going to get a little depressing. Sure, prizing Keldeo is the same thing, but with this you have double the chances to prize a part. That means you have to run it thicker, especially if you want to get it not late-game. Ergo, you have to save a good six or seven cards in your deck to have a consistent Impersonate (2-2 Zoroark + 2/3 Float Stone). Regardless, it's still not as good because you have to Wally it if you want to use it turn 1 unlike Keldeo.
The attack is good -- don't get me wrong -- but not all decks are M Ray. Typically, you're (or "they're", rather) going to have about four Pokemon on your bench at any one given time with the Shaymin and other attackers being built up. That means that the attack will deal roughly 130 damage on average, which is good, but not huge. I am of the opinion that it's good in its own deck, but sorely outclassed by a simple tech of Switch. Heck, running four Switch is much simpler -- and smaller -- than Zoroark.
But that's just my opinion.
On a side note, Bronzong is still a thing now because of Float Stone!![]()
Could you tell us what the tool on Zoroark says?
Because maybe they discovered what they liked? Rare Candy wasn't always in the TCG yet when from it first got printed it has pretty much been in every format since.