As someone who ran a Lanturn Prime deck for a couple years back in those days (and loved it), I would have adored having this Magnezone.
If only TPCi would hold some unlimited tournaments....
a friend of mine i dont know if this is true or not.... but i really want it back in the format good old dayswhat source did you hear that or did you just hear it from us speculating?
How or why would broken time space come back if Giant Plant Forest is a Broken time space but for Grass pokemon. =/I heard broken time space was coming back if so this is going to be very good and the card is goning to cost loads of mony
That's odd, I thought I commented already. Is there a reason why we don't get shown card images anymore? Kinda would like to see the cards even if they are common like Swinub and Gastly.
Well, hot damn, we get electric type blastoise. This is going to either make M ampharos over powered and interesting like a new BK EX/deluge blastoise and/or create a lot more interesting decks like Pikachu EX /magnizone and other amazing things. I am very exited for this card to come out, now all we need is a grass version of this...
The issues about Typhlosion:
-It is a stage two, which means you'll need a few turns and some decent investment to get it out compared to a Basic EX.
-The Attack discards all the 5 cards, instead of shuffling them back into your deck like Mud Flood.
Now, that isn't to say Typhlosion is less better than Swampert EX... However, It kind of reminds me of the notorious Heatmor from Plasma Storm, whose "Fiery Licks" required 3 energy, and discards 4 cards, doing 50 damage for each fire energy. People made crazy luck-centered rogue decks with it that had around 40 or so energies for consistency!
Now, whether the Eruption attack is worth using to a point of building a deck around it, that I wouldn't know... Though it might take more effort to do that than Heatmor, due to the issues of getting stage 2 Pokemon out these days.
typhlosion is a stage two there is no way your getting it out turn 2 or turn 1 with all the locking of items and all and with the current fast passe meta it will die before you get it set up. I would love to see typhlosion get use don't get me wrong I just think there are better cards out there.
Hmm that makes amphora a little more viable. Not sure if its worth the set up. But Possibly turn 2 paralysis
Ah thanks! That's definitely handy to know. A bit of a pain compared to simply scrolling over the image and it would zoom in. Was handy on phones too. Ah well!Each card is a link to the card images, just click the card name =D