Yes and probably not, they look a lot like Lv.Xs atm so it'll probably be like that too.Are BREAK cards count as pokemon cards? And can we break evolution the same turn we put the previous stage pokemon in play?
Are BREAK cards count as pokemon cards? And can we break evolution the same turn we put the previous stage pokemon in play?
Well, I can see a bright future for golduck break and even marowak break with Archie and maxie respectively. I was concerned about this because those pokemons will have no weakness, resistance nor retreat cost if put in play by that way :/Yes and probably not, they look a lot like Lv.Xs atm so it'll probably be like that too.
Full art Steven was available as promo in Japan, given to customers who purchased 2 booster boxes of Emerald Break... that's why a full art existsYou sure? Steven was exclusive to the Japanese Mega Rayquaza deck and that got a full art in an English set.
XY8 will likly be the new base set to replace X and Y currently so better brace for losing those decks and get ready to remove all those X and Y cards that dont get reprinted in the set
My main problem is the energy cost. I'm very much use to using Beartic FFI and Forretress FLF as main attackers to hit those 240 Primals when they first came out. They had a very noteworthy advantage of being able to abuse Double Colourless Energy, which is vital to stream.After being intially put off by that first attack, pinsirs heavy slam actually seems quite good and one of the best options for a +retreat cost deck, being a non-EX basic with a decent hp value. Vs mons with even 2 retreat cost and a muscle band youre hitting for 100, which is a solid start. start adding muks and aqua hideouts you can really hit for a lot of damage! 4 muks, aqua hideout and a muscle band on a 4 retreat cost pokemon is 240 damagefrom a basic, non ex mon.
Pinsir's first attack might mesh well with Machamp EX actually. It can power up Steaming Mad while avoiding Ariados's poison.